The Aotearoa Circle – National Food Roadmap

The Aotearoa Circle is a unique partnership of private and public-sector leaders, unified and committed to the pursuit of sustainable prosperity and reversing the decline of New Zealand’s natural resources. This project was among outcomes of the Fenwick Forum, which focused on ensuring a balanced post-pandemic recovery that considers New Zealand’s natural capital. This forum identified the need for a national foodmap.

What’s the initiative?
AGMARDT has funded Phases One and Two of the programme to develop a national food roadmap to support development of a resilient, inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous food system for New Zealand.

What does The Aotearoa Circle aim to achieve and what impact will it have on the sector?
The vision is about sustainable prosperity. It has an economic goal but one that ensures our natural resources are not exploited at the expense of short-term returns.

What is the progress to date?
Phase one established the leadership group and list of advisory group members. Significant engagement was undertaken to develop a Te Ao Māori framework, resulting in the Mana Kai Initiative as the foundation of Phase Two. This saw development of the roadmap, which outlines initiatives. Dialogue was undertaken across more than 25 sectors and communities to confirm the vision and goal for food in New Zealand and identify key issues, barriers and opportunities.

What are the future aspirations/next steps?
The Phase Three programme will be to implement actions and initiatives, with involvement from key government agencies.

“AGMARDT funding has been critical to being able to undertake the groundwork essential to achieving the programme’s goals.”
Vicki Watson, CEO of The Aotearoa Circle