OnSide Intelligence

Organisation: OnSide Ltd
Grant Number: A19006
Grant Amount: $30,000
Grant Type: Agribusiness Innovation Grant

Biosecurity is one of the greatest challenges facing New Zealand’s primary sector. Increased global trade, tourism and the impact of climate change mean that the operating environment is constantly changing. Every incursion brings with it significant compounding cost, the impact of which reaches beyond the affected sector to the wider economy, and to New Zealand’s reputation globally. As a geographically isolated nation, New Zealand is uniquely placed to establish a reputation for biosecurity excellence. Being ‘biosecure’ could add billions of dollars to the value of our exports.

There are approximately 300,000 rural properties in New Zealand which are linked by an estimated 100,000,000 annual connections (movements from property to property). The connections lead to the construction of a giant interconnected network, and while this connectedness has improved business efficiency – disease too, has a more effective mechanism through which to spread.

Onside Intelligence leverages an understanding of the rural network, along with bleeding-edge science to provide capability that is essential to effective disease containment and eradication. These capabilities include:

  • Optimal monitoring – Identify properties to constantly monitor for potential incursions
  • Optimal response – React to the detection of disease, directing resources to optimise containment
  • Infection prediction – Predict properties most likely to be infected during an outbreak
  • Source detection – Trace back to where an incursion most likely began

Using network science to direct response, the amount of testing required is typically 80% less than tracing techniques which dramatically reduces cost and increases speed. Onside is currently working with partners to test the technology on real incursions.

“AGMARDT has provided the support needed to prioritise complex R&D and accelerate the scaling of our technology to a commercial level. This has allowed the OnSide team to push the boundaries and work with some of the world’s leading network scientists. We appreciate the support” Ryan Higgs, CEO, Onside Limited