Netherlands NZ Agrifood Leaders Tour

Organisation: Plant & Food Research
Grant Number: A19020
Grant Amount: $17,500
Grant Type: Agribusiness Innovation Grant

This project allowed a diverse group of NZ agri-food sector leaders to connect directly with leaders in the Dutch agri-food innovation ecosystem. Through meeting with entrepreneurs, businesses, regulators, researchers, incubators and social influencers the delegation learned how the Dutch ecosystem is responding to common challenges and opportunities around innovation, sustainability and circularity – and how these approaches may inform New Zealand’s approach to these issues.

The delegation was comprised of twenty-one individuals representing key industry sectors, support agencies, research, education and regulation. Delegates were primarily at CEO or Board level and were personally invited based on their specific areas of interest, recognised commitment to sustainability and innovation as well as their pan-industry networks and influence.

Over five intensive days, the group made 15 separate appointments across the Dutch ecosystem. Between visits, the delegation spent substantial time in discussion and reflection regarding how their own businesses were growing, innovating and facing challenges. There was also in depth korero amongst the group on their perspectives of strengths and opportunities for NZ Inc. in agri-food innovation.

Through this project, delegates gained extensive insight into and understanding of how the Dutch innovation ecosystem is recognising and addressing issues such as circularity, green protein, SDGs, pre-competitive R&D collaboration. All members of the travelling group have expressed the view that they have been able to directly apply their learnings to current business initiatives/strategy.

“AGMARDT support was critical in enabling the delegation to curate several specific engagements where deep, personal discussions were possible and where genuine reciprocity of learning was possible for both hosts and guests.” Roger Bourne, General Manager – Customer and Brand, Plant & Food Research