Hive Management Research through field data acquisition
Organisation: MyApiary Limited
Grant Number: A17016
Grant Amount: $100,000
Harvesting honey is age-old tradition with methods and practices similar today to those of over 100 years ago. MyApiary’s purpose is to harness the power of technology and customise solutions that will help bring about a step change in the apiculture sector.
The research project supported by AGMARDT has developed out a prototype hive monitoring system (MyApiary HiveMonitorTM) that is incorporated into existing commercial hive hardware.
With weight, temperature and humidity monitoring equipment installed into a plastic bottom board, metrics are being gathered and processed to understand what impact this information will have on commercial beekeeping decisions. The final objective of the project is to develop a commercially viable monitoring solution that can be easily adopted within the New Zealand apiculture sector – delivering a leading-edge management decision making tool for beekeeping businesses.
“Having partners involved in this project who can see the potential and understand the end game is critical. AGMARDT have journeyed with us from early in the formation of this project and their support has made a huge impact on where we are today.” Carl Vink