Grant #
Project Name
Speaker/Other information
198875/88$65,000Biotechnology Division, DSIRGenetic manipulation of white clover for pest resistanceExtension granted - Grant # 334/89
198834/88$80,000Biotechnology Division, DSIRMonoclonal antibody assay kits for residue (herbicide) analysis in export food productsExtension granted - Grant # 935/91
198826/88$80,000Biotechnology Division, DSIRDevelopment of improved endophytes for pasture grasses
198870/88$70,000Crop Research, DSIRGenetic engineering of commercial crop plants for virus and insect resistance and quality improvement
1988139/88$20,000Department of Entomology, Lincoln UniversityBioassay methods for detecting acaricide resistance in spider mites
1988140/88$80,000Department of Soil Science: Lincoln UniversitySoil cycling and losses in relation to the development of soil tests and fertiliser recommendationsExtension granted - Grant # 389/89
198874/88$80,000Entomology Division, DSIRDevelopment of Bacillus thuringiensis as a biological pesticide
1988142/88$50,000Farm Management Group, Lincoln UniversityAnalysis of traditional farming systems in New Zealand
1988113/88$70,000Fertiliser & Lime Research Centre, Massey UniversityImproving the efficiency of sulphur fertiliser in New Zealand pastoral agriculture.
198839/88$70,000DSIR, GrasslandsMelatonin induced cashmere production in goats
198847/88$50,000MAFEffects of Cyclone Bola on Kiwifruit properties in Gisborne
1988Feb-88$50,000MAF Tech NorthDevelopment of hormone pruner for kiwifruit and other horticultural crops (TIPIT)
1988Oct-88$82,000MAF Tech NorthThe measurement of re-active phosphate rock (RPR) dissolution rates as a function of particle size
198896/88$53,000MAF Tech SouthApplication of DNA fingerprinting techniques to genetic analysis of farm animalsExtension granted - Grant # 387/89
198899/88$52,875MAF Tech, LincolnSelection of an improved strain of Serratia entomophila for insect pest controlExtension granted - Grant # 388/89
198854/88$60,000MAF Tech, WallacevilleGene expression in the super-fertile booroola merino sheep
1988102/88$12,000Massey UniversityGreenhouse cooling methods and their effects on crop productivityExtension granted - Grant # 385/89
1988104/88$4,000Massey UniversityA study of lustre mutations in sheep
1988108/88$66,000Massey UniversityExtending the storage life and maintaining quality of horticultural products by modifying gas exchange
1988200/88$200,000NZ Dairy BoardPhysiologically funcitonal foods from milkExtension granted - Grant # 310/89
198895/88$80,000DSIR, Plant Protection DivisionIncorporation of virus resistance into crop plant cultivars
1988143/88$50,000Plant Science Department: Lincoln UniversityDevelopment of new crops through biotechnology
1988117/88$50,000Separation Science Unit, Massey UniversityRecovery of valuable biological from waste materials in the meat processing industry
1989390/89$94,060Animal Health Board/Massey UniversityLongitudinal study of endemic tuberculosis in a mixed population of Austraslian brush-tailed possums and cattle
1989391/89$10,000Animal Health Board/Massey UniversityEpidemiological analysis of the pattern of occurrence of Tb reactors in areas where possums act as Tb reservoirs, and comparison with areas free of possum Tb.
1989393/89$250,000Lincoln UniversityElucidation and minimisation of the risks to New Zealand’s export beef market access resulting from pesticide residue contamination
1989381/89$60,000Animal Health Advisory CommitteeEvaluation of the gamma interferon test for tuberculosis in cattleExtension granted - Grant # 102/88
1989386/89$70,000DSIRGenetic engineering of commercial crop lants for virus and insect resistance and quality improvementExtension granted - Grant # 70/88
1989334/89$65,000DSIRGenetic maniputlation of while clover for pest resistance
1989335/89$80,000DSIRDevelopment of Bacillus thuriengiensis as a biological pesticide
1989371/89$80,000DSIRIncreased beef prodcution through improved ryegrass and endophites
1989374/89$70,000DSIRMelatonin induced cashmere prodcution in goats
1989329/89$113,450DSIRBetter beef flavour from alternative pastures
1989341/89$89,000DSIREvaluation of a range of forage species as supplementary feed for beef production
1989389/89$80,000Lincoln UniversitySoil Sulphur cycling and losses in relation to the development of soil tests and fertiliser recommendationsExtension granted - Grant # 140/88
1989367/89$50,000Lincoln UniversityAnalysis of traditional farming systems in NZ
1989361/89$195,000Lincoln UniversityExpansion of NZ beef production through grazing beef cattle with other species and through the production of calves from heifers currently destined for slaughter
1989387/89$53,000MAFApplication of DNA fingerprinting techniques to genetic analysis of farm animalsExtension granted - Grant # 96/88
1989388/89$52,875MAFSelction of an improved strain of Serratia entomophilia for insect pest controlExtension granted - Grant # 99/88
1989344/89$108,000MAFGrain fed beef for the Japanese market
1989348/89$38,000MAFEfficiet beef finishing
1989350/89$44,480MAFBeef feedlotting - low cost ration formulation
1989357/89$83,946MAFInformation transfer - Beef (Computer based development of the slaughterhouse informaiton resource)
1989385/89$12,000Massey UniversityGreenhouse Cooling methods and their effects on crop productivityRefer Grant # 102/88
1989321/89$22,800Massey UniversityDevelopment of a recombinant vaccine specific for Johnes disease
1989310/89$200,000NZ Dairy BoardPhysiologically funcitonal foods from milk
1989335/89$68,520NZ Meat Producers BoardDevelopment of a strategic plan for the NZ Beef Industy
1990392/90$2,000,000Massey UniversityBovine tuberculosis: diagnosis and control
1991934/91$32,000Lincoln UniversityMarketing New Zealand meat products profitably
1991887/91$180,000AERU, Lincoln UniversityChanging international sheep meat markets
1991914/91$24,500Animal Health Board/MAFQual WallacevilleViral disease of possums: search for a viral pathogen suitable for biological control
1991903/91$40,000DSIR, Crop ResearchQuality assurance for essential oil production in New Zealand
1991904/91$100,000DSIR, Plant ProtectionPest control technology transfer to the apple industry
1991902/89$210,000DSIR, Plant Protection DivisionIntegrated disease and pest management for greenhouse crops: information transfer
1991907/91$30,000Forest Research InstituteHigh resolution airborne video for agriculture and forestry
1991921/91$47,000Forest Research Institute/Animal Health BoardSelf-feeding stations for maintenance control of possums on farmland
1991933/91$37,500Horticulture Development & Marketing AssociationResearch and market evaluation of a unique kiwifruit drink
1991889/91$97,650Lincoln UniversityExpert systems for grazing
1991925/91$62,000MAF /Animal Health Board/Forest Research InstituteAlternative toxin to 1080 for possums
1991920/91$57,500MAF Policy/Animal Health Board/Massey UniversityDevelopment of a decision support system for the control of bovine tuberculosis
1991915/91$18,500MAF Quality Management, WallacevilleCompound 1080 residues in meat
1991916/91$11,500MAF Quality Management/Animal Health BoardFarmer self-help bait stations (possum control)
1991931/91$100,000MAF TechnologyRabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD)
1991918/91$34,030MAF Technology, RuakuraPoison and bait in possums – Sodium Cyanide
1991881/91$75,000MAF Technology, Ruakura/ New Zealand Technology Development LtdProcessed herb and herb extract industry
1991917/91$171,250MAF Technology, WallacevillePathogenesis of Tb in cattle and possums
1991932/91$16,000MAF Technology, WhatawhataDifficult to de-hair Cashmere goat fleece
1991900/91$150,000MAF Technology/Landcare ResearchDecision support systems
1991930/91$43,800MAF/Animal Health BoardSexual maturation and dispersal of juvenile male possums
1991927/91$42,000MAF/Animal Health Board/ DSIR Chemistry DivisionIdentification of lures (for possum) and their action
1991923/91$20,000MAF/Animal Health Board/ Forest Research InstituteBehavioural interactions of possums and cattle
1991922/91$14,500MAF/Animal Health Board/Forest Research InstitutePopulation dynamics of possums under the influence of MAF’s “Maintenance Control” System at HohotakaExtension granted - Grant # 948/91
1991924/91$30,800MAF/Animal Health Board/Forest Research InstitutePresentation of toxic bait in bait stations for possums
1991926/91$93,700MAF/Animal Health Board/Forest Research InstituteImproving the effectiveness of cyanide for possum control by novel bait presentation
1991928/91$8,500MAF/Animal health Board/Forest Research InstituteAerial survey of feral pigs in Central Otago
1991929/91$5,000MAF/Animal Health Board/Forest Research InstituteAn evaluation of the response of penned possums to biodynamic methods of control
1991908/91$45,500MAFQual RuakuraGamma interferon – sensitivity/specificity trial
1991909/91$9,750MAFQual RuakuraMPB – 70 Specificity/ sensitivity trial
1991910/91$11,000MAFQual RuakuraCCT/IFN tests comparative trial
1991911/91$32,700MAFQual WallacevilleDevelopment of PCR test to identify M. BovisExtension granted - Grant # 945/91
1991912/91$42,000MAFQual WallacevilleDevelopment of RFLP system to differentiate M.bovis isolatesExtension granted - Grant # 946/91
1991913/91$38,700MAFQual WallacevilleEpidemiological investigations using restriction endonuclease analysis
1991890/91$100,000Massey UniversityDevelopments in the Japanese fast food markets – implications for beef exports and Developing long-term strategies for NZ beef in JapanExtension granted - Grant # 891/91
1991893/91$44,450Massey UniversityDevelopment and evaluation of an expert system for dairy farmers
1991894/91$180,000Massey UniversityAdaptive research for the New Zealand beef industry
1991919/91$29,000Massey UniversityStrategic geographical modelling of the epidemiology and control of bovine Tb in possums
1991895/91$22,500New Zealand Vegetable & Potato Growers’ Federation IncAgrichemical users’ code of practice.
1991899/91$50,000NZ Summerfruit Export CouncilNew market development
1991896/91$20,000NZ Vegetable & Potato Growers Federation IncMarketing strategies strategies for the 90’s overseas study
19921004/92$15,000AgResearch LimitedCadmium uptake by grazing animals
19921014/92$50,000AgResearch LimitedAssaying mycotoxins
19921121/92$225,000AgResearch LimitedChemical-free control of cockle
19921190/92$258,700AgResearch, LincolnControl of internal parasites in sheep by the use of beef cattle and alternative pasture species
19921304/92$620,000Agrichemicals Education TrustAgrichemicals education
1992947/91$109,093Animal Health BoardDevelopment of a decision support system for the control of bovine TbExtension granted - Grant # 71/90
19921291/92$80,000Auckland Beeryfruit Growers Association (Inc)To extend the storage (marketing) life of strawberries by 50% without using chemical methods
1992941/91$5,000Berryfruit Export NZ LtdBoysenberry selection of DSIR Riwaka
19921184/92$30,000Blackcurrants New Zealand LtdBlackcurrant product development
19921109/92$27,000Crop & Food Research LtdFresh and processed novel root crops for export
19921112/92$18,500Crop & Food Research LtdDevelopment of dehydrated and preserves tomato export industry
19921380/92$20,000Crop & Food Research LtdMarketing of essential oils
19921048/92$40,000Crop & Food Research LtdRoux with onions
19921037/92$7,500Crop Marketing NZ LtdSprouting radish cultivar evaluation
19921038/92$40,000Cropmark NZ LtdMalting barley cultivar evaluation
19921023/92$25,000Dr A J AllisonEvaluation of East Friesian sheep
19921105/92$12,500DSIR, Crop ProtectionEndophytes of kiwifruit and apple
1992936/91$25,875DSIR, GrasslandsRemoving ryegrass staggers through endophyte management
19921211/92$21,878DSIR, GrasslandsP and N in subtropical grasses
19921107/92$35,000DSIR, Plant ProtectionCultivation of the edible mushroom Dictyophora, a potential new export product
19921090/92$100,000DSIR, Plant Protection/Crop & Food ResearchImplementation of reduced spray programme for vegetable crops
1992935/91$196,750DSIR, Fruit and Trees/Hort+ResearchNovel organophosphate hapten synthesis for immunoassay development
1992937/91$50,000DSIR, GrasslandsTo raise the rate of pasture renewal in New Zealand from 2% to 5% per year by 1995
19921392/92$14,500Exactics Process Innovations LtdSheep washing feasibility study
19921395/92$10,000Federated Farmers of New ZealandGrant to enable Mr Owen Jennings to participate in the 1992 Asian Investment Mission
1992944/91$50,000Federated Farmers of New ZealandPacific Basin Leadership Scholarships
19921025/92$53,500Forest Research InstitutePreservative treatment of fence posts
19921330/92$120,000Forest Research InstituteReducing pesticide residues in tree fruit by formulation of sprays
19921331/92$46,125Forest Research InstituteGrowing conditions for black walnut
19921332/92$15,000Forest Research InstituteDurable hardwoods
19921092/92$39,000Hort+ResearchTamarillo mosaic virus
19921101/92$35,340Hort+ResearchPostharvest heat treatment of summerfruit to control mites
19921171/92$150,000Hort+ResearchResponse of fruit crops to high temperature treatments
19921196/92$11,750Lewis & Wright LtdTydeid mites on persimmons – ecology and control
1992943/91$209,883Lincoln University/AgResearchPesticide residue contamination – risk to exports
1992949/91$155,555MAF /Animal Health Board/ Forest Research InstituteAlternative toxins to 1080Extension granted - Grant # 925/91
1992945/91$22,223MAF Policy/Animal Health BoardDevelopment of a PCR test to identify Mycobacterium bovis in tuberculous lesionsExtension granted - Grant # 911/91
1992946/91$46,223MAF Quality Management/Animal Health BoardDevelopment of a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) system to differentiate Mycobacterium bovis isolates
19921320/92$19,400MAF Technology RuakuraAn investigation of the market requirements and production methods of three traditional Japanese vegetables
19921394/92$200,000MAF WallacevilleSmall animal containment facility for studying genetically modified mycobacteria and agents for biological control of possums
1992950/91$69,333MAF/ Animal Health Board/Landcare ResearchSexual maturation and dispersal of juvenile male possumsExtension granted - Grant # 930/91
1992948/91$32,000MAF/Animal Health Board/ Forest Research InstituteAssessment of possum control in an area of endemic bovine tuberculosis (Hohotaka)Extension granted - Grant # 922/91
19921317/92$17,000MAFTechnology RuakuraNew export cut flowers based on market demand
1992392/90$34,375Massey UniversityBovine tuberculosis: diagnosis and control
19921243/92$35,000Massey University NZ Nursery Research CentreEnvironment-friendly production systems for flowering pohutukawa and related species
19921148/92$50,000Massey University, Faculty of Agricultural and Horticultural SciencesMeadowfoam initial evaluation (a potential new oil crop)
1992939/91$50,000Massey University, Plant SciencesXVII International Grasslands Congress
19921060/92$40,000Meat Industry Research Institute of New Zealand (MIRINZ)Developing pre-rigor salted mince as a New Zealand export product
19921061/92$117,000Meat Industry Research Institute of New Zealand (MIRINZ)Modifying sheep fat flavour and texture with supercritical fluids and enzymes
19921322/92$250,000MRDC/AgResearchDevelopment of bovine sexed sperm
19921074/92$65,000New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER)Improve New Zealand’s added value performance
19921186/92$10,000NZ Berryfruit Growers FederationSrawberry production and marketing
19921142/92$100,000NZ Fruit Growers Federation (Citrus sector)To establish a source of superior virus free citrus budwood of the varieties commonly grown for export
19921314/92$27,000Pyne Gould Guiness LtdMarket research for field peas in Asia
1992940/91$5,000Stevens Mulligan & Associates LtdTo identify orchard cultural factors and/or post harvest factors contributing towards storage losses for NZ kiwifruit
19921393/92$116,050University of AucklandInternational competitiveness of New Zealand land based industries
19921275/92$75,000University of Auckland, Department of ChemistryBiodegradable food grade surfactants
19921193/92$225,000University of Auckland, School of Biological SciencesAGMARDT study awards
19931838/93$60,000AgResearch LimitedSelection strategies for improving lamb quality.
19931849/93$130,000AgResearch LimitedLowering methane production of New Zealand livestock
19931468/93$20,000Avocado Export CouncilBiological control of anthracnose in avocados
19931515/93$20,000Capital Discovery PlaceCapital Discovery Place
19931467/93$70,000Double K Electronics LtdAutomation for dairy farmersLoan turned into Grant
19931874/93$45,000Federated Farmers of New ZealandEstablishment of “Fertmark” and promotion of the scheme.Grant was a loan - Loan #1874/93
19931875/93$95,000Federated Farmers of New ZealandEstablishment of “Fertmark” and promotion of the scheme.Loan turned into Grant - Grant #1874/93
19931408/93$50,000Federated Farmers of New ZealandRural leaders study scholarships
19931802/93$19,000Forest Research InstituteSupport for publication of two FRI bulletins in the 124 series of bulletins.
19931405/93$28,900G E Murphy and AssociatesInformation transfer farm forest woodlots
19931475/93$76,300Hohepa Homes Trust BoardBiodynamically grown herbs
19931742/93$130,000Hort+ResearchHeat treatment to control pests on summerfruitExtension granted - Grant # 1743/93
19931737/93$100,000Hort+ResearchInnovative technology transfer systems
19931755/93$8,000Hort+ResearchTranslation of papers on Asian pears
19931760/93$40,000Hort+ResearchPost-harvest research collaboration with Australia.
19931761/93$28,500Hort+ResearchBiological control of fireblight
19931763/93$80,000Hort+ResearchRole of calcium in plant cells
19931472/93$35,000Ian NealeTraining course in the handling of deer
19931790/93$10,000Landcare Research New ZealandWall chart of armoured scale insect pests
19931793/93$35,000Landcare Research New ZealandRapid identification of plant pathogenic bacteria
19931872/93$28,000LEA-MAF Technical CommitteePneumonia vaccine trial
19931676/93$16,000Lewis & Wright LtdEstablishment of a predator mite in Gisborne
19931418/93$115,000Lincoln University Department of Plant ScienceBiological control of sclerotial plant pathogens in New Zealand
19931606/93$200,000Massey UniversityMolecular genetics and biological control of Botrytis cinereaExtension granted - Grant # 1605/93
19931583/93$86,500Massey UniversityRenewable energy systems for farms
19931592/93$162,000Massey UniversityDevelopment of a co-ordinated extension programme for pastoral farming
19931599/93$240,000Massey UniversityChair in animal welfare science for five years (held by Professor Neville Gregory [1994 till 1998] then Professor David Mellor [1998/9]).
1993392/90$120,744Massey UniversityBovine tuberculosis: diagnosis and control
19931534/93$163,200Massey University, Food Technology Research CentreMeat recovery from bones
19931602/93$70,000Massey University, NZ Nursery Research CentreTechnology transfer in the cut flower industry
19931730/92$3,000Ministry of Research Science and TechnologySupport for conference on “Biological Control of Possums”
19931871/93$60,000National Film Unit Avalon StudiosContribution towards the two hour telecast Agribusiness ’93.
19931873/93$1,500National Science Strategy Committee for Possum and Bovine Tb ControlSupport for travel by Australian scientists to attend a vaccination workshop held in New Zealand.
19931869/93$80,000New Zealand Institute for Social Research and DevelopmentAnimal welfare issues
19931526/93$10,000NZ Buttercup Squash Council IncTechnology transfer in the squash industry
19931513/93$30,000NZ Calla Council IncCalla Grower’s Handbook
19931432/93$104,700NZ Dairy BoardSensory centre of excellence; feasibility study
19931453/93$15,000NZ Feijoa Growers Association IncBook on feijoa growing
19931660/93$50,000NZ Fruitgrowers FederationA technology transfer system for the horticultural industry
19931443/93$80,000Taranaki Land Based Development TrustTaranaki rural information access
19931713/93$4,650Te Taurahere O Rimutaka IncFloricultural development.
19931494/93$67,150Telford Rural PolytechnicOpen learning project
19931617/93$40,000The Correspondence SchoolTeaching programme for the 7th form agriculture and horticulture
19931509/93$5,000The New Zealand Agricultural Co-operative Association IncEdgar Parnell Seminars
19931714/93$3,700Wainuiomata MaraeEstablishment of flax nursery
19931415/93$25,000Woolstore International LtdManufacture and market added value wool products on a global scaleLoan turned into Grant
19942055$10,000New Zealand Vegetable & Potato Growers’ Federation IncIntegrated pest management for greenhouse crops.
19941901$25,000New Zealand Wool Furnishings LtdAdded value wool for export
19942194/93$25,000“On Farm” Certification GroupQuality assurance across primary industries
19942261PhD Scholarship$51,000A S ShawMassey University
19942272/93PhD Scholarship$51,000Adrian WalcroftWaikato University
19942150$20,000AgResearch LimitedWhole-farm modelling of sustainable land use options
19942139$135,000AgResearch, GrasslandsPremium pasture programme
19942131$20,000AgResearch LimitedWinterfeed options for lamb
19942037$20,000Agriculture New Zealand Colin BrownDevelopment of a commercially viable farm business management competition
19942417/93Masterate Scholarship$7,000Alison EvansLincoln University
19942327/93Masterate Scholarship$7,000Alison HowarthUniversity of Auckland
19942321/93Masterate Scholarship$7,000Allister MoorheadLincoln University
19942238/93PhD Scholarship$51,000Andrew McKenzieUniversity of Auckland
19942240/94PhD Scholarship$51,000Andrew McLachlanLincoln University
19942334/93Masterate Scholarship$7,000Angela BeatonUniversity of Waikato
19941953/93$12,500Aspara Pacific LtdFlask to field - a nurseryman’s guide (to growing asparagus)
19942332/93Masterate Scholarship$7,000Bethany HodgettsUniversity of Waikato
19942415/93Masterate Scholarship$7,000Brendan HaighUniversity of Waikato
19942308/93Masterate Scholarship$7,000Brent WollastonUniversity of Auckland
19942007/93$26,000Caughey O’Boyle LtdTechnology transfer and industry clustering
19942216/93PhD Scholarship$51,000Craig EustaceMassey University
19942203/93PhD Scholarship$51,000Daniel BlanchonUniversity of Auckland
19942171/93$25,000Dr A J Allison, Silverstream LtdMarket assessment for sheep milk products
19942111$10,000Dr Gerald ScalesUse of exotic sire breeds for the NZ lamb industry
19942233/93PhD Scholarship$13,000Elizabeth La FranchiePhD support for one year, University of Waikato
19942098$60,000Farm Quality Group LtdStudy of the on-farm cost of drench resistance in growing lambs
19941904$50,000Federated Farmers of New ZealandPacific Basin Rural Leadership Scholarships Year 3
19942106$27,500Federated Farmers of New ZealandHawke’s Bay Pilot Farms Project on on-farm quality assurance
19942503$19,500Federated Farmers of New ZealandFeasibility of vehicle to coordinate quality systems between sectors of agricultural industry
19942504$50,000Federated Farmers of New ZealandReview of insitutional arrangements for the meat and wool industries
19942195/93$15,000Fortex Group LtdSheep washing project – second stage.
19942255/93PhD Scholarship$51,000Gary PickeringLincoln University
19942251/93PhD Scholarship$51,000Gina NicholasUniversity of Waikato
19942319/93Masterate Scholarship$7,000Greg DrydenMassey University
19941746/93$17,500Hort+ResearchSummerfruit booklet
19941938/93$9,000Hort+ResearchKiwifruit pollination manual
19941940/93$10,000Hort+ResearchPublication of two viticulture bulletins
19941936/93$80,000Hort+ResearchDisease management system for grapes
19941944/93$90,000Hort+ResearchComparison of offshore product testing with testing in New Zealand
19942505$50,000Kotuku ProductionsAGRI-TECH 2020
19942030/93$7,000Landcare Research New ZealandEndophytes of kiwifruit and apples
19941987/93$50,000Lincoln TechnologyNew means of technology transfer
19941876/93$240,000Lincoln UniversityEstablishment of AGMARDT Chair in International Trade Policy (three year funding)
19942183/93$30,000MAF PolicyWairoa sustainable agriculture and landuse demonstration project (McRae Trust farm)
19942337/93Masterate Scholarship$7,000Marie SchafferLincoln University
19941922/93$9,600Massey UniversityTransfer of sub-soiling techniques in Northland
19941958/93$42,500Massey UniversityAnalysis of food consumption patterns in Java
19942169/93$20,000Massey University, Monogastric Research CentreGrotech – An integrated package of grower pig management
19942325/93Masterate Scholarship$7,000Melanie GattUniversity of Auckland
19942328/93Masterate Scholarship$7,000Meredith LongleyUniversity of Otago
19942172/93$25,000Milcon Developments (NZ) LtdMilcon on-farm milk concentratorLoan turned into Grant
19942502$25,000Milcon Developments (NZ) LtdMilcon on-farm milk concentrator
19942500$195,881Ministry of Agriculture & FishieriesKiwifruit Industry Review
19942501$50,000Ministry of Agriculture & FishieriesAgricultural Congress
19942196/93$2,000Ministry of Research, Science and Technology (Possum and Bovine Tuberculosis Control National Science Strategy Committee)Workshop on “Ecology and Epidemiology of Bovine Tuberculosis”
19941877/93$100,000Mr Brian ChamberlinInternational Policy Council on Agriculture and Trade - sponsorship (for five years)
19942301/93Masterate Scholarship$7,000Murray ClaytonMassey University
19942306/93Masterate Scholarship$7,000Ned NortonUniversity of Canterbury
19942075$14,000New Zealand Forest Research InstituteSpecialty timber species – extension needs for New Zealand farmers
19942187/93$30,000NZ Contractors FederationPasture renewal contractors course
19942110$24,000NZ Fruitgrowers FederationCitrus orcharding manual
19942192/93$60,000NZ Game Industry BoardDeer handling training programme
19942193/93$100,000NZ Game Industry BoardQuality systems accreditation for the on farm quality assurance programme
19942059$10,000NZ Society for Horticultural ScienceSponsorship of “Symposium on rootstocks for fruit crops”
19942164$12,000NZ Society of Farm ManagementQuality management for farmers
19942158$25,000NZ Tamarillo Export Council LtdMarketing initiatives for NZ tamarillos
19942054$6,500NZ Vegetable & Potato Growers Federation IncSouth American vegetable delegation
19942314/93Masterate Scholarship$7,000Priscilla McAllumLincoln University
19942215/93PhD Scholarship$51,000Rachel ElliotUniversity of Otago
19942339/93Masterate Scholarship$7,000Richard StoreyUniversity of Auckland
19942224/93PhD Scholarship$51,000Simone HoskinMassey University
19942329/93Masterate Scholarship$7,000Tania McGowanMassey University
19942506$10,000University of OtagoMeeting on Mycobacterium Bovis
19942093$15,000University of OtagoAnalysis of key factors inhibiting market research in agricultural and Horticultural industries
19959421$50,000AgResearch LimitedComputerisation of DNA fingerprints of Mycobacterium bovis
1995-$39,600Agriculture NZPasture and forage crop variety handbook
19959407$30,000Agriculture NZAdding value to lamb pelt exports - improving quality on-farm
19959452Doctorate$51,000Almut ArnethWater use efficiency of a dryland Pinus radiata plantation
19959453Doctorate$51,000Angela BeatonInvestigations into the control of milk fat synthesis
19959408$50,000Asian NZ Meat Co LtdThe market for NZ mince and meat patties in Japan
19959412$25,000Awhitu Peninsula Landcare GroupAwhitu Peninsula Landcare Deveopment Plan
19959405$10,000Clutha Agricultural Development BoardBenefiting from sustainable agriculture in the Clutha
19959410$80,000Container Support Systems LtdEvaluation of shipping container technology on extending shelf life of vegetables destined for Asia Pacific markets
19959461Doctorate$51,000Craig MorelyThe ecology and management of ferrets relevant to the control of bovine tuberculosis
19959403$39,375Farm Foresty AssociationIntegrated Pest Mangement for greenhouse crops
19959404$5,500Foundation for Arable Research (FAR)FAR - overseas experts travel costs
19959462Doctorate$51,000Guy WarmanThe circadian biolgoy and prospects for control of the sheep blowfly
19951935/93$90,000Hort+ResearchOrchard 2000 software for orchardists
19959401$5,000HortResearchIFOAM Conference - overeas expert's travel costs
19959419$150,000HortResearchAutomatic possum traps
19959402$2,000IFOAM Organising CommitteeNZ Ag Heritage Fieldays - funding support
19959473Masterate$7,000Joe WinIsolation of b-galactosidase cDNA from ripening kiwifruit
19959451Doctorate$51,000Jude AddenbrookeSoil resouces of North Okarito Forest, South Westland, for sustained yield indigenous forest management
19959458Doctorate$51,000Kate MaguireWater loss in fruits
19959470Masterate$7,000Katrina Reillya-amylase in apples
1995-$15,000Kerry Ryan & AssociatesFloriculture publication
19959415$50,000Kotuku ProductionsAGRI-TECH 2000 TV programme
19959420$50,000Kotuku ProductionsAGRI-TECH 2000 TV programme
1995-$47,000Lincoln UniversityNZ beef production textbook
19959463Masterate$7,000Marion AshtonErgonomics in the New Zealand farm dairy
19959471Masterate$7,000mark SilbyA study of antifungal and growth enhancing genes in the bacterium Pseudomonas aureofaciens strain PA147-2
19959417$1,347,113Massey UniversityBovine tuberculosis research
19959409$70,000Meat Industry Research Institute of NZ (Inc)Offal products for Korea
19959465Masterate$7,000Melanie DavidsonSpringtails as biomarkers of sustainability in pastures of the Canterbury Plain
19959455Doctorate$51,000Melanie GattNew dahlia cultivars for the domestic and export market
19959422Masterate Scholarship$4,000Meredith LongleyGenetic modification of the grass-brug pathogen Bacillus popilliae
19959423$9,913Ministry of Agriculture & Fishieries1994 Agriculture Congress
19959467Masterate$7,000Nichola HarcourtEvaluation of the potential of the Tasmanian Brown Lacewing, Micromus Tasmaniae, as a biological agent of aphids in greenhouses
19959413$50,000NZ Buttercup Squash Council IncNZ buttercup squash stretching beyong the Japanese yen
19959416$50,000NZ Calla Council IncMarket development programme for NZ calla flowers
19959418$40,000NZ Institute of Economic ResearchFMD eradication and the Pacific Rim beef trade; impact on the NZ beef industry
1995-$12,000NZ Vegetable & Potato Growers Federation IncAustralian fesh tomato market - export research
19959459Doctorate$51,000Paul MartinsenA near infra-red spectrometric camera
19959414$25,000Persimmon Industry Council LtdExtending growth opportunities for NZ persimmons through the development of new markets
19959468Masterate$7,000Philip HarrisMeasurement of physiological parameters on free-ranging animals
19959424$6,500Possum/Bovine Tb Control National Science Strategy CommitteeWorkshop on Baits, Toxins and Control Technology
19959406$14,000Publishing Solutions LtdSpecial Tb issue of the NZ Veterinary Journal
19959469Masterate$7,000Rainer HofmannThe effects of Ultraviolet-B radiation on white clover
19959472Masterate$7,000Richard UmbersA model to forecast New Zealand radiata pine log prices in the Japanese market
19959456Doctorate$51,000Robn LeePost harvest storage diseases of horticultural crops using Glomerella cingulata as a model system
19959457Doctorate$51,000Sarah JackThe infection process of the fruit-rot fungus Glomerella cingulata
19959454Doctorate$51,000Susan CarnachanChanges in the structure and composition of the cell walls of radiata pine
19959460Doctorate$51,000Susan McCoardSeasonal influences on muscle fibre development and later growth potential
19959411$40,000Transphere Systems LtdMarket research horticultural export potential using a revolutionary new transport technology
19959466Masterate$7,000Wendy GriffithsGrazing choice and grazing efficiency in dairy cows
19969501$3,000National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research LtdNZ Climate Forecasting Meeting - Sponsorship of overseas expert travel costs
19969502$40,000Ministry of AgricultureTeaching resource on sustainable agriculture
19969503$30,000Massey UniversityChair in Animal Science - adding funding
19969504$1,000S&S PublicationsPublication of resource material - Starters and Strategies
19969505$30,000Massey UniversityMolecular genetics and biological control of Botrytis cinerea
19969506$25,000Kotuku ProductionsAgri-Tech 2000 - television programme
19969507$129,868Auckland Veterinary Diagnostics/Genesis research & Development CorporationNew method for Tb diagnosis
19969508$16,200The NZ Society of Farm Management (Inc)Dissemination of research through "Rural Business"
19969509$30,000Forest Foods LtdUtilisation of plant wastes for the production of specialty mushrooms
19969510$37,125NZ Flower Exporters Associationnew cut flower catalogue
19969511$36,563Icebreaker NZ LtdMerino fabric development
19969512$10,000NZ Game Industry BoardAccess and market opportunities for velvet products in USA
19969513$112,950University of OtagoAn ELISA antibody test for diagnosing tuberculosis in cattle
19969514$150,000Container Support Systems LtdCommercialisation of high humidity shipping container technology for extending shelf life of high quality vegetables
19969515$76,550Tairawhiti Pharmaceuticals LtdDetermination of safe and effective use rates for manuka oil
19969516$9,400Bio CitrusCommercialisation of natural insecticides for citrus
19969517Massey UniversityBook on energy efficiency in primary production
19969518Crop & Food Research LtdBook on edible fungi for New Zealand
19969519$5,625Clutha Agricultural Development BoardClutha District Rural Information Manual
19969520$150,000AgResearch LimitedIn vitro culture of possum parasites
19969521$46,600University of OtagoFood and beverage export performance
19969522$17,000NZ Pork Industry BoardStudy into export potential of New Zealand pork
19969523$150,000AgResearch LimitedPathogenesis of Tb in ferrets
19969524$12,000NZ Technology Development LtdCommercialisation of new silverleaf fungicide gel
19969525$33,750Avocado Export Council LimitedNZ avocados - marketing beyond Australia
19969526$20,000Blackcurrants NZ LimitedBlackcurrants: market diversification
19969527$56,250NZ Horticulture Export Authority (NZ HEA)NZ Horticulture Exports: interactive market research on crop flows
19969528$13,700Nashi Asian Pear Product GroupNZ Nashi Asian pear exports: making the most of market opportunities
19969529$10,000NZ Tamarillo Export Council LtdOpportunities for processed tamarillos
19969530$85,000Tomato Marketing ConsortiumCollective tomato export initiative
19969531$4,000Lincoln TechnologyA shelf-life loss calculator
19969532$5,000NZ Calla Council IncUpdate/rewrite Calla Handbook
19969533$57,350Mockett's Irrigation ServicesMockett iron and manganese filtration unit
19969534$52,875Agriculture New ZealandA marketing research initiative for exporting New Zealand tomatoes to Japan
19969535$9,300NZ Game Industry BoardDeer industry research databse/index
19969536$5,625HortResearchPrinciples of plant science: a collection of simple experiments
19969537$67,500Richmond LimitedMarketing blood cell hydrolysate, a fine biochemical
19969538$75,000Permsimmon Industry CouncilResidue free persimmons
19969539$50,000Crops for Southland IncCrops for Southland
19969540$15,000Lincoln UniversityThe economics of bovine tuberculosis control
19969541$100,000HortResearchIntegration of poplar agroforestry into farming practice
19969542$40,000MIRINZMaet-based snacks for Asian markets
19969543$25,087University of WaikatoFinding NZ honeys with outstanding antibacterial and antifungal activity
19969544$20,000Crop & Food Research LtdSoromame (Japanese broad beans) exporting
19969545$5,875AgResearch LimitedHieracium Management Bulletin
19969546$100,000Merino New Zealand IncThe Merino Plan - a unique identity for NZ merino internationally
19969547$60,000MIRINZEating quality of "Young Lean Beef"
19969548$5,875Centre for International No-Tillage Research and EngineeringPopular media book on low-risk no-tillage
19969549$20,000Ministry of AgricultureTalking Technolgoy Conference sponsorship
19969550$8,000NZ Sheep CouncilParasite Notes Workshop
19969551$40,000Landcare ResearchImproved possum control through effective international possum product marketing
19969552$168,750Landcare ResearchImproving animal welfare in possum control
19969553$1,040S&S PublicationsStarters and Strategies article on wool
19969554$5,875NZ Tree Crops AssociationTwo nut tree books
19969555$10,000Hort Research LtdPostharvest '96 sponsorship
19969556$5,000Nutrition Steering CommitteeNutrition relating to the dairy industry
19969557$1,500R Elliot11th Australian Nitrogen Fixation Conference travel sponsorship
19969570PhD Scholarship$51,000Sarah FowlerFinding genes that cotnrol flowering
19969571PhD Scholarship$51,000Jenny HallOxygen delignification of wood pulp catalysed by metal complexes
19969572PhD Scholarship$51,000Philip HarrisEvoked response as a measure of stress in free-ranging animals
19969573PhD Scholarship$51,000Lynette HartleyTwo approaches to producing poison baits unattractive to native birds
19969574PhD Scholarship$51,000Rainer HofmannEffects of ultraviolet-B radiation on white clover
19969575PhD Scholarship$51,000Catriona JenkinsonMammogenesis in early life
19969576$45,000Richard McDowellOverseas Study Grant
19969577PhD Scholarship$51,000Mark SilbyBiological control of Phytophthora diseases in crops
19969578PhD Scholarship$51,000Tony can der WeerdenA study investigating the influence of arable farm management practices on the ability of the soil microbial propulation to produce nitrous oxide and oxidise methane
19969579PhD Scholarship$51,000Todd WhiteThe ecology of subtropical grasses in New Zealand temperate pastures
19969580PhD Scholarship$51,000Phillipa NicholasQuantifying biodiversity in hill country pastures
200020019$33,750Agribusiness New ZealandAgribusiness and Food Congress – November 2000
200020024$9,680Canterbury Onion Growers Millennium GroupOnion oil – marketing and production possibilities
200020030$70,000Canterbury Soil Monitoring GroupTransferring the Soil Quality Management System (SQMS) to arable farmers
200020018$5,540Central Region Flower Growers IncCommercial Flower Growers National Conference 2000
200020017$40,000Fairlie Fast Lamb GroupDevelopment of a branded lamb alliance with a meat works.
200020028$101,657Hawke’s Bay Potato Research GroupIPM (Integrated Pest Management) for potato tuber moth in Hawke’s Bay
200020021$25,312Nelson Group 8 Horticulture LtdKey requirements to success with intensive orchard systems in New Zealand.
200020026$2,775New Zealand Society of Farm Management (Inc)New Zealand Society of Farm Management Conference 2000 sponsorship
200020027$80,300Northland Kikuyu Action GroupSummer and autumn kikuyu control to improve growth in spring
200020025$13,000NZ Nashi/Asian Pear Red Ribbon GroupNew high-health production system for New Zealand Nashi/Asian Pears
200020022$35,000Pukekohe Brassica Growers GroupDiamondback moth pheromone trapping and pest scouting
200020029$40,000Rosemary Investigatory GroupRosmarinus essential oil and antioxidant production.
200020023$7,030South Taranaki Animal Health Services LtdFacial Eczema – Laboratory testing to predict outcome in dairy cows
200020020$168,750Waikato Automatic Farmer GroupManagement systems to fully automate milking on New Zealand dairy farms.
200320380Doctoral Scholarship$91,000University of AucklandCatia Delmiglio
200420482Doctoral Scholarship$91,000Massey UniversityTamara Dietsch
200420483Doctoral Scholarship$91,000University of AucklandTet Verne Lee
200520580Doctoral Scholarship$91,000Lincoln UniversityJanine Alfeld
200520585Doctoral Scholarship$91,000Massey UniversityDavid Sheerin
200520584Doctoral Scholarship$91,000University of AucklandAidan Keily
200520582Doctoral Scholarship$91,000University of OtagoChristopher Farr
200520583Doctoral Scholarship$91,000Rebecca Gale
200620611Conference Grant$16,875Advancing Sheep and Beef SocietyAdvancing Sheep and Beef Agribusiness ConferenceSponsorship
200620606Agribusiness Innovation Grant$450,000Agribusiness Research and Education Network (AREN)NZ Agribusiness: structure, conduct and performance (AREN)
200620604Visiting Fellowship Grant$16,875Alistair Betts Memorial Trust for Agribusiness ExcellenceDr Alan Jackson & Dr Ong Po SengTopic: Master Class Seminar Series on agribusiness marketing
200620612Conference Grant$6,500ASDS Organising CommitteeThe 4th Australasian Soil-borne Diseases symposium (ASDS)Speaker: Dr Funck Jensen
200620608Conference Grant$5,625Australasian Plant Breeding Conference Organising Committee13th Australasian Plant Breeding ConferenceSpeakers: Dr Stephen Tanksley or Dr Susan McCouch
200620605Agribusiness Innovation Grant$128,300Bulb Exporters of New Zealand)Virus free export lily bulbs
200620607Conference Grant$2,250Fertiliser & Lime Research CentreAnnual workshop: Implementing sustainable nutrient management strategies in agricultureSpeaker: Professor Ewald Schnug
200620618Agribusiness Innovation Grant$87,750Heartland Consumer Apple Quality Group)Apple production to match consumer value in United States supermarkets
200620615Agribusiness Innovation Grant$120,000Johnes’ Research GroupJohnes Disease – carcase diagnosis within deer slaughter premises
200620613Conference Grant$7,375Large Herds Conference Organising Committee2006 Large herds ConferenceSpeaker: Dr Martha Roberts
200620684Doctoral Scholarship$91,000Lincoln UniversityPeter TaitTopic: Assessing the Role of Environmental Externalities in Canterbury Agriculture
200620680Doctoral Scholarship$94,000Lincoln UniversitySam CarrickTopic: The influence of sample volume on the measurement and modelling of soil water and solute transport
200620691Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$152,500Lincoln UniversityDr Kate Orwin (Transfer to Jessica Ray)Topic: Soil microbial dynamics and function under urine patches in pasture systems
200620681Doctoral Scholarship$94,000Massey UniversityCarolyn HedleyTopic: Improvement of phosphorus availability in pasture by soil inoculation with P solubilising microbes
200620685Doctoral Scholarship$94,000Massey UniversityDanitsja van der LindenTopic: Transfer of late blight resistance genes to potato
200620617Conference Grant$3,000National Mastitis Advisory CommitteeSeasonal Approach to Managing Mastitis (SAMM) Milk Quality ConferenceSpeaker: Professor Stephen Oliver
200620621Conference Grant$4,500New Zealand Merino Company LimitedNew Zealand Merino Conference: Past, Present and Future – the New Zealand Merino
200620620Conference Grant$5,080New Zealand Truffle Association IncNew Zealand Truffle Association Annual ConferenceSpeaker: Andrea Gogan
200620602Agribusiness Innovation Grant$50,000Northern Wairoa Vegetable Growers’ Association)Improving kumera yeid and quality by modifying soil nitrogen levels
200620610Agribusiness Innovation Grant$120,000Perkins Mobile Shear LimitedDevelopment of mobile and fixed upright shearing platforms
200620614Agribusiness Innovation Grant$160,934Professor Tony Bywater)Managing variability in high-performance dryland sheep systems
200620622Visiting Fellowship Grant$8,125Professor John Casti - AustriaTopic: Decline and fall of globalisation and the workshops were on managing agribusiness complexity in a highly uncertain world
200620619Conference Grant$3,960University of AucklandR-Fest: Workshops on S, R and Bio-conductor and the ASC/NZSA 2006: Statistical Connections
Speaker: Professor Robert Gentleman
200620682Doctoral Scholarship$91,000University of AucklandRoss JohnsonTopic: Advancing gene targeting towards precision breeding in plants
200620690Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$316,750University of OtagoRebecca LaurieTopic: Comparative genetics of flowering in legumes
200620616Agribusiness Innovation Grant$120,000Yacon Growers’ GroupImproving the yield and quality of yacon for export
200620603Conference Grant$440,750Young Farmer of the Year ContestYoung Farmer of the Year Contest
200720729Agribusiness Innovation Grant$60,000“Farming Today”Producing 20 episodes of the Farming Today television series
200720703Conference GrantAdvancing Sheep and Beef SocietyAdvancing Sheep and Beef Society Annual ConferenceSponsorship
200720790Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$152,500AgResearch LimitedDr Carolyn ManderTopic: Improvement of phosphorus availability in pasture by soil inoculation with P solubilising microbes
200720705Conference Grant$6,492Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society2007 Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society ConferenceSpeakers: Drs Giovanni Anaia and David Vanzetti
200720791Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$152,500Crop & Food Research LtdDr Sathiyamoorthy MeiyalaghanTopic: Transfer of late blight resistance genes to potato
200720733Leadership Development Grants$1,200,000FAME Joint Venture (Lincoln, Massey & Otago Universities)FAME 3 & 4 (4yrs 2008-2012)
200720732Leadership Development Grants$84,375FAME ScholarshipsDebbie Hewitt, Ken Hames, Dean Astill (jointly with Delica Ltd), Te Horipo Karaitiana (jointly with Wairarapa Moana Inc)
200720708Conference Grant$2,250Fertiliser & Lime Research CentreFertiliser and Lime Research Centre
Speaker: Dr Robert Sojka
200720707Agribusiness Innovation Grant$2,106Gwyneth Verkerk, Dexcel and NEWTEK AgriInvestigating dairy cow response to stimulation by the NEWTEK pacifier device
200720718Agribusiness Innovation Grant$14,000Hawke’s Bay Mealy Bug GroupIdentifying the cause of hydrophobic soils in the Hawke's Bay
200720704Agribusiness Innovation Grant$15,000High Fecundity High Ewe Loss GroupDefining links between pasture constituents and ewe flock performance
200720792Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$152,500Hort Research LtdDr Tehseen AslamTopic: Impact of soil organic matter loss on the filtering and buffering capacity of New Zealand soils
200720719Conference Grant$8,000Horticulture NZHorticulture NZ ConferenceSpeaker: Raymond Cesca
200720730Agribusiness Innovation Grant$3,000James WilliamsContribution towards MBA study “Challenging the Status Quo of the Meat Industry”
200720724Agribusiness Innovation Grant$120,380Kream LtdTrialling fruit and vegetable powders and concentrates from waste streams
200720701Conference Grant$8,500Lincoln University13th World Corriedale ConferenceSpeaker: Dr Franz Fischler
200720793Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$76,250Lincoln UniversityDr Jessica Ray (Transfer from Kate Orwin)Topic: Soil microbial dynamics and function under urine patches in pasture systems
200720722Visiting Fellowship Grant$13,000Lincoln UniversityProfessor Ton Baars - GermanyTopic: Farmer-led experimentation and experiential learning in the context of organic agriculture - Our Organic Future – Cottage or Corporate
200720781Doctoral Scholarship$91,000Massey UniversityNicole WoutersenTopic: Index of soil quality using invertebrates for New Zealand pastoral soils
200720782Doctoral Scholarship$91,000Massey UniversityJanice AsingTopic: Molecular aspects of nitrogen transformation in grazed pastures
200720783Doctoral Scholarship$91,000Massey University & AgResearch LimitedNatalie ParlaneTopic: Bionanoparticles for delivery of biocontrol agents to possums and vaccines against bovine tuberculosis
200720712Leadership Development Grants$46,750National Bank Young Farmer Contest2007 Contest Year
200720721Leadership Development Grants$51,062Network for Women in DairyingInstitute of Directors courses
200720716Agribusiness Innovation Grant$34,744New Zealand Export Growers of OrchidsImproving the quality of cymbidium flowers for export
200720713Agribusiness Innovation Grant$54,563New Zealand KiwiBerry Growers IncKiwiberry crop protection and market access
200720717Agribusiness Innovation Grant$58,812New Zealand Merino CompanyOptimising wool production preparation and classing to maximise wool clip value
200720715Agribusiness Innovation Grant$42,525New Zealand Nerine Growers IncEstablishing innovative breeding techniques for the introduction of novel nerines to industry
200720727Agribusiness Innovation Grant$24,750New Zealand Walnut Industry GroupBenchmarking the walnut industry for higher profitability
200720710Leadership Development Grants$3,937New Zealand Young FarmersInstitute of Directors courses
200720709Leadership Development Grants$110,000NZ Royal Society of ScienceNZ Leadership Pathway
200720734Leadership Development Grants$34,000NZ Young FarmersLeadership Training - 2007/2008
200720725Agribusiness Innovation Grant$6,960Olives IndustryAssisting the drawing-up of a commodity levy order
200720723Conference Grant$8,437Olives New Zealand IncOlives New Zealand Annual Conference
200720702Agribusiness Innovation Grant$25,000Organic Dairy Producers GroupOrganic dairy educational courses
200720726Conference Grant$6,187Organics Aotearoa New ZealandOrganics Aotearoa New Zealand Conference
200720706Agribusiness Innovation Grant$92,250Poukawa Research FoundationReducing lamb losses in the NZ sheep industry by artificial rearing of at-risk lambs
200720735Agribusiness Innovation Grant$300,000Soil Science InitiativeInvestigating ways of building and storing more carbon, etc.
200720711Agribusiness Innovation Grant$12,181Tolaga Bay Walnut CompanyMaximising an exotic food opportunity on the East Coast:
200720780Doctoral Scholarship$94,000University of AucklandAndy LawTopic: Characterisation of the odorant binding site of a Drosophila melanogaster odorant receptor
200720784Doctoral Scholarship$91,000University of OtagoMark RobinsonTopic: Investigating the immune response of red deer to Johne’s disease
200720714Agribusiness Innovation Grant$54,000Wahine Whanau WhenuaGrowing Puha for commercial purposes
200720728Agribusiness Innovation Grant$17,108Waihi Farm Unit Research GroupInvestigating low dry-matter in Waihi Hayward kiwifruit orchards
200720731Leadership Development Grants$105,000Waipaoa Station Farm Cadet Training TrustContribution for three years to bridge a gap in funding
200720720Leadership Development Grants$30,000Young Horticulturist of the Year ContestYoung Horticulturist of the Year Contest
2008880Doctoral Scholarship$91,000AgResearch LimitedKirsty HammondTopic: Changes in chemical composition of fresh forage based diets on methane production in ruminants
2008890Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$176,000AgResearch LimitedQianhe LiuTopic: Regulation of carbon and nitrogen metabolism in ryegrass by endophytic and mycorrhizal fungi
2008809Conference Grant$14,000Agribusiness Society2008 Agribusiness ConferenceSpeakers: Jeff Hebble and Geert Jaasen
2008813Conference Grant$2,800Alpaca Association of New Zealand IncAlpaca Association New Zealand’s ConferenceSpeaker: Marty McGee Bennett
2008808Conference Grant$2,250ANZCCART - The Royal Society of New ZealandAustralian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and TeachingSpeaker: Dr Erich von Dietz
2008810Conference Grant$4,100ANZCO Food LtdNew Zealand Institute of Food Science & Technology’s ConferenceSpeaker: Dr Mohammed Koohmarie
2008817Conference Grant$3,500Blackcurrants NZ LtdInternational Blackcurrant Conference 2008Speaker: Marina Heinonen
2008852Leadership Development Grants$27,120Federated Farmers of New ZealandLeadership Programme
2008893Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$176,000Hort Research LtdSimone NardozzaTopic: Maximising the flavour of New Zealand’s export fruit: The genetics and biochemistry of starch accumulation by kiwifruit
2008892Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$176,000Landcare Research New Zealand & Lincoln UniversityBevan WeirTopic: Bar-coding Colletotrichum: a DNA identification tool for a “difficult” fungus of biosecurity importance
2008812Conference Grant$3,390LandWISE IncLandWISE Advance Farming System ConferenceSpeaker: John McPhee
2008807Conference Grant$2,623Lincoln UniversityAssociation for Women in the Sciences ConferenceSpeaker: Dr Cordelia Fine
2008801Conference Grant$5,000Lincoln UniversityAssociation for Women in the SciencesSpeaker: Dr Jillian Evans
200820680Doctoral Scholarship$3,000Lincoln UniversitySam CarrickExtension granted
2008894Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$176,000Lincoln UniversityCraig AndersonTopic: Bio-char: potential benefits and interactions with soil microbial communities and nutrient dynamics
2008860Professorial Research Fellow$2,000Marie TaylorTopic: Tasmania Pasture Management Stories
2008820Agribusiness Innovation Grant$4,000Market Access Solutionz LtdIdentification of agrichemical issues in the horticultural/arable industries
2008891Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$176,000Massey UnicversityRebecca McDougalTopic: Biocontrol: A new approach to manage Dothistroma needle blight in pines
2008803Conference Grant$2,250Massey UniversityCarbon and Nutrient Management in Agriculture WorkshopSpeaker: Professor Ken Cassman
2008830Conference Grant$11,250Massey UniversitySoils 2008 ConferenceSpeaker: Professor Richard Bardgett
200820681Doctoral Scholarship$3,000Massey UniversityCarolyn HedleyExtension granted
200820685Doctoral Scholarship$3,000Massey UniversityDanitsja van der LindenExtension granted
2008870Visiting Fellowship Grant$10,000Michigan State UniveristyProfessor Tom Reardon - USATopic: Opportunities for New Zealand exporters in emerging markets
2008804Conference Grant$4,500New Zealand Institute of Agricultural & Horticultural ScienceNZIAHS Forum 2007Sponsorship
2008806Conference Grant$2,500NZ Beef Shorthorn AssociationDurham Beef Shorthorn Field DaySpeakers: Bob Freer & Hans Graser
2008822Agribusiness Innovation Grant$24,472NZ Citrus IncControl of citrus moth
2008854Leadership Development Grants$1,000NZ Guild of Agricultural Journalists & CommunicatorsSponsorship of the 2008 AGMARDT Agribusiness Award
2008819Conference Grant$7,600NZ Guild of Agricultural Journalists & CommunicatorsNZGAJC Celebrating 50 Years ConferenceSpeaker: Nancy Morgan
2008855Leadership Development Grants$1,000NZ Institute of Agricultural & Horticultural Science IncSponsorship of the 2008 AGMARDT
Technology Transfer Award
2008816Conference Grant$5,000NZ Institute of Agricultural & Horticultural Science IncAGMARDT Political ForumSpeakers: Hon Paul Hutchison, Hon Pete Hodgson, Russell Norman, Doug Woolerton & Robin Gunston.
2008811Conference Grant$3,460NZ Institute of Primary Industry Management IncNZ Institute of Primary Industry Management ConferenceSpeaker: Professor Hamish Gow
2008818Conference Grant$2,491Olives New Zealand IncOlives New Zealand National Conference.Speakers: Prof Stan Kailis and Leandro Ravetti
2008814Conference Grant$5,000Pipfruit New Zealand IncNZ Institute of Pipfruit New Zealand’s ConferenceSpeaker: Dr Des O’Rourke
2008823Agribusiness Innovation Grant$2,000Rod McDonaldForage proteins - possible role in mitigating climate change
2008821Agribusiness Innovation Grant$24,870Ruataniwha Plains Mixed Cropping FarmersAdapting strip tillage for pastoral farmers
2008851Leadership Development Grants$46,375The National Bank Young Farmer Contest2008 Contest Year
2008825Agribusiness Innovation Grant$32,456The Merino NZ Company LtdEnhanced understanding of merino fibre length and strength
2008881Doctoral Scholarship$91,000Univeristy of AucklandEmma TackenTopic: After the ERF’s: The transcriptional cascade leading to softening in apples
200820780Doctoral Scholarship$3,000University of AucklandAndy LawExtension granted
2008883Doctoral Scholarship$91,000University of AucklandAnusooya RaviTopic: Properties of dough made from flour enhanced with fruit fibres and polyphenols
200820690Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$88,000University of OtagoRebecca LaurieExtension granted
2008805Conference Grant$9,072Vailima Orchards LtdEuropean Apple Production TechnologySpeakers: Markus Bradlwarter & Michael Bradlwarter
2008824Agribusiness Innovation Grant$18,976Waihi Farm Unit ResearchInvestigate causes of low dry matter in Waihi Hayward kiwifruit orchards
2008826Agribusiness Innovation Grant$164,244Waituhi Kuratau TrustHealthier sheep milk with probiotics
2008815Conference Grant$2,000Wastebusters Trust CanterburyNZ Zero Waste and Carbon Neutral ConferenceSpeakers: Gerry Gillespie & Simone Dilkara
2008853Leadership Development Grants$33,750Young Horticulturist of the Year ContestThe Young Horticulturist of the Year
2008802Conference Grant$7,000Greenhouse Gasses from Animal Agriculture ConferenceSpeaker: Hugo van der Meer
2008850Leadership Development Grants$30,000Primary Industries 2020 Summit
200920790Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$88,000AgResearch LimitedDr Carolyn Mander3rd Year Extension
2009991Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$176,000AgResearch LimitedKara SwansonTopic: Epigenetic regulation of milk protein aS1 casein in the dairy cow
2009990Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$176,000AgResearch LimitedMarissa RolandTopic: Manipulating lipid accumulation and packaging in forages
20091071Visiting Fellowship Grant$11,180AgResearch LimitedJohn ThornleyTopic: Soil C (organic matter) and the need for a wider-spread confidence in our capacity to reverse its decline, sustaian or enhance it
2009933Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Agvance Marketing LimitedThe impact of molybdenum intake on the efficacy of organic & inorganic copper supplements
2009914Conference Grant$4,000Animal Health Board5th International Bovine TB ConferenceSpeaker: Dr Aneesh Kumar
2009972Visiting Fellowship Grant$13,950Animal Health CentreDr John Morton - AustraliaTopic: Developing and implementing of the InCalf assessment research project
2009908Conference Grant$16,875ASB Agribusiness Conference2009 ASB Agribusiness ConferenceSpeaker: Dennis Avery
2009926Agribusiness Innovation Grant$49,434Buller Community Development Company LtdNodulised stack dust as a lime and potassium source for grapes
2009922Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Clover Root Weevil Biocontrol Team (AgResearch)Irish wasp dissemination
200920791Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$88,000Crop & Food Research LtdDr Sathiyamoorthy Meiyalaghan3rd Year Extension
2009952Leadership Development Grants$56,250FAME ScholarshipsFAME Scholarship (Bayly, Glover, Howey, Van Rijen)
2009923Agribusiness Innovation Grant$120,000Farmers Concerned about Sustainable Parasite Management GroupSustainable parasite management - Evaluation of best practice
2009953Leadership Development Grants$59,325Federated Farmers of New ZealandFederated Farmers of NZ Leadership Programme
2009905Conference Grant$3,375Fertiliser & Lime Research CentreFertilizer & Lime Research Centre’s 2009 WorkshopSpeaker: Professor Keith Goulding
2009906Conference Grant$7,000Foundation for Arable Research (FAR)Foundation for Arable Research’s Maize Conference 2009Speaker: Professor Robert Nielson
2009931Agribusiness Innovation Grant$90,000Fresh Vegetable Product Group, Horticulture New ZealandRapid diagnosis of insecticide resistance in aphids
2009907Conference Grant$3,855Integrity SoilsNew Zealand Soil Carbon ConferenceSpeaker: Professor Blair McClinton
2009913Conference Grant$2,580Irrigation New Zealand Inc‘Making Irrigation Pay’ workshopsSponsorship
2009903Conference Grant$6,654Irrigation New Zealand Inc2008 Irrigation New Zealand’s ConferenceSpeakers: Steve Mills & Dale Miller
2009981Doctoral Scholarship$91,000Lincoln UniversityAmber ParkerTopic: Determination of agro-climatic models to predict the precocity of grapevine phenology
2009993Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$176,000Lincoln UniversityDr Jessica Dohmen-VereijssenTopic: Investigation into weevil pasture pest and parasitoid ecophysiology for improved management
2009960Professorial Research Fellow$253,125Massey UniversityProfessor Tony ParsonAGMARDT part funded Chair in Carbon Cycling in Pastoral Farming Systems over five years
2009934Agribusiness Innovation Grant$8,375Mid North Island Beef Producers GroupStudy USDA beef twinning programme during calving
2009971Visiting Fellowship Grant$12,320National Mastitis Advisory CommitteeDr Theo Lam and Dr Rod Dyson - Netherlands& AustraliaTopic: Planning processes for the new mastitis control and milk quality improvement extension package
2009924Agribusiness Innovation Grant$32,154New Zealand Calla Council IncQuality Assurance of NZ Calla Tubers
2009925Agribusiness Innovation Grant$80,000New Zealand Dryland Forests InitiativeBreeding select eucalypts for naturally durable timbers
2009901Conference Grant$2,250New Zealand Institute of Agricultural & Horticultural ScienceNZIAHS Biofuels Forum
2009911Conference Grant$2,860New Zealand Tree Crop AssociationNew Zealand Tree Crops Association’s 2010 Tree Crops ConferenceSpeaker: Professor Jeff Olsen
2009992Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$176,000NZ Forest Research Institute LtdDr Christina WeinbergTopic: Exploration of the molecular mechanisms of wood dimensional stability in pine
2009994Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$176,000NZ Institute of Plant & Food LimitedDr Sanjeev Vencu RaikarTopic: Rhizoctonia diseases of potato in New Zealand
2009996Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$176,000NZ Institute of Plant & Food LimitedDr John CarterTopic: Soil water repellency – economic and environmental consequences of an emerging issue of soil degradation
2009970Visiting Fellowship Grant$28,575NZ Institute of Plant & Food LimitedProfessor Gareth Edward-Jones - WalesTopic: Working and discussing issues related to greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and horticulture sectors with growers and scientists
2009928Agribusiness Innovation Grant$80,000NZ Merino Sixteen to Eighteen Micron Wool Innovation GroupInnovation in 16-18 Micron Wool
2009930Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000NZ Society of Animal Production IncMineral Requirements and Managing Deficiencies in Grazing Ruminants
2009910Conference Grant$4,612Organics Aotearoa New ZealandOrganics Aotearoa New Zealand’s National Organic ConferenceSpeaker: Professor David Montgomery
2009921Agribusiness Innovation Grant$50,000PERKINZ LimitedDevelopment of cradle-based upright shearing platform (Research grant)
2009929Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000The Lincoln University – Coopworth Society ‘Fussy Sheep’ ConsortiumIdentification and multiplication of Sheep with weak dietary preferences
2009950Leadership Development Grants$46,250The National Bank Young Farmer ContestNational Bank Young Farmer Contest - 2009 Contest Year
2009954Leadership Development Grants$44,800The New Zealand Federation of Young FarmersYoung Farmers Leadership Programme
2009909Conference Grant$3,417The New Zealand Merino CompanyThe New Zealand Merino Company’s Woolstock ConferenceSpeaker: Mark Bryden
2009912Conference Grant$1,518The Nursery & Garden Industry Association of New Zealand IncNursery & Garden Industry Associations 2009 Annual ConferenceSpeaker: John Stanley
2009920Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000The Veterinary CentreAn assessment of the copper status of grazing cows
2009902Conference Grant$4,898University of Auckland4th New Zealand Molecular Mapping Workshop and for the Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics ConferenceSpeaker: Professor Bruce Weir
2009995Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$176,000University of AucklandDr Tet Verne LeeTopic: Decoding secondary metabolite biosynthesis by ryegrass endophytes
2009980Doctoral Scholarship$91,000University of OtagoRowan HerridgeTopic: Molecular genetic approaches for understanding and manipulating seed development
2009932Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Waihi College Farm Unit ResearchInvestigate levels of carbon in soils under different land use systems
2009927Agribusiness Innovation Grant$28,913Winchmore Soil Profile Carbon GroupImpact of long-term irrigation and fertilizer on pasture and soil carbon
2009951Leadership Development Grants$27,000Young Horticulturist of the Year ContestThe Young Horticulturist of the Year 2009
2009904Conference Grant$3,9502008 Seeds for Future SymposiumSpeaker: Dr Hugh Pritchard
20101070Visiting Fellowship Grant$11,180AgResearch LimitedProfessor John Thornley - United KingdomTopic: Soil C (organic matter) and the need for a wider-spread confidence in our capacity to reverse its decline, sustain or enhance it
20101031Agribusiness Innovation Grant$8,000Ashley Dene Centenary Committee100-year history of Ashley Dene and the future of dryland farming in New Zealand
20101002Conference Grant$1,300ComBio 2009 ConferenceReproduction and Genomics Session - ComBio ConferenceSpeaker: Professor John Aitken
20101023Agribusiness Innovation Grant$50,625D’Ath Emerson and AssociatesFuture Farming Book
20101071Visiting Fellowship Grant$2,855DairyNZDr Gina Pighetti - USATopic: Genetic makers associated with increased resistance to mastitis in dairy cattle
20101028Agribusiness Innovation Grant$5,020Earth Food IncFunding Christine Jones meetings with NZ Soil Scientists
20101030Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Edible Wool – Proof of Concept Interest GroupHigh Quality Dietary Wool Protein Feasibility Study
20101010Conference Grant$5,000Farmers Markets NZNew Zealand Plant Protection Society’s SymposiumSpeaker: Bernidine Prince & Gareth Jones
20101024Agribusiness Innovation Grant$3,000Federated Farmers of New ZealandTravel support for Bruce Wills to attend the Sheepmeat Forum in Brussels, Belgium in October 2009
20101055Leadership Development Grants$4,500Federated Farmers of New ZealandFederated Farmers’ Dairy Executive to attend the International Dairy Federation’s World Dairy Summit being held in Auckland during November 2010
20101005Conference Grant$3,375Fertiliser & Lime Research Centre23rd Annual WorkshopSpeaker: Viacheslaz Adamchuk
20101007Conference Grant$5,750Foundation for Arable Research (FAR)Foundation of Arable Research International Conference 2010Speaker: Professor Paul Miller
2010893Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$88,000HortResearchSimone Nardozza3rd Year Extension
20101006Conference Grant$6,490Irrigation New Zealand IncIrrigation New Zealand’s 2010 Conference.Speakers: Tom Rooney & Edward Chvatal
2010892Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$88,000Landcare Research New Zealand & Lincoln UniversityBevan Weir3rd Year Extension
20101004Conference Grant$5,200Landcare Research New ZealandManaging Climate Change (MC2) ConferenceSpeaker: Richard Conant
20101009Conference Grant$5,000LandWISE IncLandWISE 2010 ConferenceSpeakers: Professor David Lamb, Dr Eileen Perry & Dr Roger Mandel
20101011Conference Grant$3,905Lincoln Uni Bioprotection Research CentreSpeaker: Professor Drion Boucias
20101022Agribusiness Innovation Grant$29,050Manawatu Sand Country Variable Rate Irrigation ConsortiumVariable rate Irrigation for Improved Water Use
2010891Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$88,000Massey UniversityRebecca McDougal3rd Year Extension
20101001Conference Grant$5,500Meat Industry AssociationAnnual Meat Industry Association of New Zealand ConferenceSpeaker: Richard Brown
20101029Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Merino Wool Growers & Users – Footrot Interest GroupSustainable Footrot Treatment
20101021Agribusiness Innovation Grant$14,820New Zealand KiwiBerry Growers IncControl of Fly Speack & Sooty Blotch in Kiwiberry Crops
20101050Leadership Development Grants$3,102NZ Guild of Agricultural Journalists & Communicators2010 AGMARDT Agribusiness Award
20101072Visiting Fellowship Grant$12,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdChristopher Bergh - USATopic: Develop underpinning science required for an application to import Heringia calcarata (Diptera: Syrphidae) for the biological control of woolly apple aphid
20101020Agribusiness Innovation Grant$41,634NZ PorkE4 Pork – An excellent eating experience every time
20101025Agribusiness Innovation Grant$7,500NZX RuralTravel support for Marie McNicholas to attend the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark in December 2009
20101003Conference Grant$856Olives New Zealand Inc2009 Olives New Zealand Annual ConferenceSpeaker: Paul Miller
20101027Agribusiness Innovation Grant$18,000Omega Farms – Organic Farming Group & University of OtagoWine-Wasted Worms (W3); Lees parasite control & meat quality
20101008Conference Grant$6,000Plant & Food Research LtdNew Zealand Truffle Association ConferenceSpeaker: Professor Alessandra Zambonelli
20101053Leadership Development Grants$10,570Richard GreenAttend RAC Institute of Agriculture Management Leadership Development Course
2010951Leadership Development Grants$8,000Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture Education TrustThe Young Horticulturist of the Year 2009Extension granted
20101051Leadership Development Grants$9,314Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture Education TrustYoung Horticulturist of the Year Competition Strategic Scoping Exercise
20101054Leadership Development Grants$100,000Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture Education TrustThe Young Horticulturist of the Year 2010
20101026Agribusiness Innovation Grant$95,931Sheep AI GroupDeveloping successful cervical AI in sheep
20101052Leadership Development Grants$191,000The National Bank Young Farmer ContestSponsoring the AGMARDT Agribusiness Challenge for 2010 and 2011
201020714Agribusiness Innovation Grant$750Wahine Whanau WhenuaGrowing Puha for commercial purposesExtension granted
20111157Leadership Development Grants$19,500AGMARDT Associate TrusteeNathan Flowerday
2011990Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$88,000AgResearch LimitedMarissa Roland3rd Year Extension
2011991Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$88,000AgResearch LimitedKara Swanson3rd Year Extension
2011993Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$88,000AgResearch LimitedDr Jessica Dohmen-Vereijssen3rd Year Extension
2011P1160Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$190,000AgResearch LimitedDr Maria TournaTopic: Overcoming soil biological constraints to elemental S-fertiliser use in New Zealand
20111170Visiting Fellowship Grant$10,000AgResearch LimitedDr Anthony Capuco - USATopic: Enhancing the Future Lactation Productivity of the NZ Dairy Cow
20111153Leadership Development Grants$30,992Agri-Women's Development Trust (AWDT)AWDT Escalator Programme
20111127Agribusiness Innovation Grant$92,000Alfredton-Whangaehu Progressive Farming GroupWairarapa Sheep Internal Parasite Anthelmintic Trial
20111108Conference Grant$7,940Bio-Protection Research Centre1st Bio-Protection SymposiumSpeaker: Professor Ray St Leger
20111117Conference Grant$1,200FAME AlumniFAME Alumni 2011 ConferenceSpeaker: Peter Noble
20111114Conference Grant$2,300Farmers Markets NZNZ Farmers' Market Manager ForumSpeaker: Bernidine Prince
20111121Agribusiness Innovation Grant$9,060Farming for our FutureFunding industry meeting to consider the 'Farming for our future' concept
20111123Agribusiness Innovation Grant$5,000Federated Farmers of New ZealandTravel support for Don Nicolson to travel France to met with French Agriculture representatives
20111155Leadership Development Grants$27,300Federated Farmers of New ZealandSponsorship of Leadership Development Programme 'Getting your feet wet' and 'Shining under the spotlight'
20111107Conference Grant$1,725Fertiliser & Lime Research Centre24th Annual WorkshopSpeaker: Dr Keith Bristow
20111103Conference Grant$2,107Integrity SoilsNZ Soil Carbon ConferenceSpeaker: Dr Christine Jones
20111100Conference Grant$5,136Irrigation New Zealand IncMaking Irrigation Pay Workshops 2010
20111116Conference Grant$8,030Irrigation New Zealand IncMaking Irrigation Pay Workshops 2011 'Scheduling & benchmarking for irrigation performance'
20111101Conference Grant$5,000Landcare Research New ZealandBiodiversity & Prodcution lands symposiumSpeaker: Professor Dave Raffaelli
20111172Visiting Fellowship Grant$14,250Landcare Research New ZealandDr Freda Anderson - ArgentinaTopic: To facilitate the importation and release f the rust pathogen (Uromyces pencanus) for the biocontrol of Chilean needle grass (Nassella neesiana)
20111112Conference Grant$6,000LandWISE IncLandWISE ConferenceSpeakers: Professor David Lamb, Tim Neale, Steven Raine & Andrew Whitlock
20111151Leadership Development Grants$10,000Lincoln Uni FoundationSouth Island Farmer of the Year Competition
2011894Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$88,000Lincoln UniversityCraig Anderson3rd Year Extension
20111150Leadership Development Grants$2,000Lucy ColeFunding support for attendance at AYUSA World Leadesr Sumemr Programme
20111173Visiting Fellowship Grant$8,542Massey UniversityDr Julian Theobald - United KingdomTopic: Testing the effect of Alethea as a regulator of grapevine tolerance to NZ levels of sunlight as a model abiotic crop stress
20111125Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Massey University & AgResearch LimitedDifferentiation of organic from conventionally produced milk
201120783Doctoral Scholarship$3,000Massey University & AgResearch LimitedNatalie ParlaneExtension granted
20111115Conference Grant$6,880National Beekeepers AssociationAnnual Conference 2011Speakers: Randall Oliver & Blake Shook
20111109Conference Grant$2,695Nuffield NZNuffield International Contemporary Scholars ConferenceSpeaker: Mr Su Hao
20111113Conference Grant$5,000NZ Agricultural & Resource Economics Society16th Annual ConferenceSpeakers: Professor Phil Pardy & Dr Kevin Parris
20111111Conference Grant$9,609NZ Centre of Life-Cycle MgmtNZ Life-Cycle Mangement Centre "Fod for Thought" ProgrammeSpeaker: Dr Alan Knight
2011992Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$88,000NZ Forest Research Institute LtdDr Christina Weinberg3rd Year Extension
20111102Conference Grant$1,895NZ Grasslands Association IncorporatedGrassland Association Annual ConferenceSpeaker: Professor Peter Cornish
2011995Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$88,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdDr Jekakumar Paramsothy (Transfer from Dr John Carter)3rd Year Extension
2011P1162Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$190,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdDr Kieren ArthurTopic: Identifying plants with heightened antiviral defences within New Zealand perennial crop germplasm collections
2011P1161Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$190,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdDr Melissa JordanTopic: The development of pest control technologies for New Zealand by targeted cell-based screening
20111171Visiting Fellowship Grant$27,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdDr Francesco Spinelli - ItalyTopic: To assist the NZ kiwifruit industry in researching control measures for Pseudonmonas syringae pv/Actinidiae (Psa)
20111105Conference Grant$4,000NZ Institute of Primary Industry Inc2011 International Farm Management CongressSpeaker: Kevin Swoffer
20111106Conference Grant$4,930NZ Microbiological Society56th Annual ConferenceSpeaker: Professor Roland Siezen
20111156Leadership Development Grants$2,869NZ Young Farmers FederationFunding assistance to review NZ Young Farmers Federation Rules
20111158Leadership Development Grants$300,000NZ Young Farmers FederationSponsorship of the Young Farmers Contest (3 Years)
20111110Conference Grant$8,500Pastoral Genomics Research ConsortiumNZBIO ConferenceSpeaker: Professor Pamela Ronald
20111154Leadership Development Grants$23,690Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture Education TrustThe Young Horticulturist of the Year 2011
20111104Conference Grant$2,000Royal Society of NZ Primary Resources CommitteeCollision of Land Use Forum
20111124Agribusiness Innovation Grant$34,500Sustainable WairarapaLand based treatment for farm irrigation of municpal wastewater
20111120Agribusiness Innovation Grant$11,414Tail End Ewe Investigation GroupThe life and times of 'tail end' ewes - defining the demographic and fate of ill-thrifty ewes in commercial breeding flocks
20111122Agribusiness Innovation Grant$5,000The Merino NZ Company LtdScoping study on novel fodder systems
2011996Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$88,000University of AucklandDr Tet Verne Lee3rd Year Extension
20121231Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000AgResearch LimitedAnti-fungal milk proteins for plant disease control
20121201Conference Grant$3,870AgResearch Limited64th Annual Conference for the NZ Plant Protection Society IncSpeaker: Dr Dale Walters
2012P1260Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$285,000AgResearch LimitedPrabu BalanTopic: Novel approaches to enhance the value of NZ beef - optimising proteolytic enzyme activities to maximise ageing potential of imtermediate pH bull beef
20121273Visiting Fellowship Grant$10,580AgResearch LimitedProfessor Dr Markus Egert - GermanyTopic: Utilisation of dairy complex lipids by the intestinal microbiota using SIP technology
20121253Leadership Development Grants$17,250Agri-Women's Development Trust (AWDT)AWDT Escalator Programme
20121224Agribusiness Innovation Grant$5,000Bee ForumsAGMARDT initiated meeting of bee industry representatives at two forums
20121221Agribusiness Innovation Grant$47,000Betta Bees Interest GroupBetter Betta Bees
20121270Visiting Fellowship Grant$4,700Etec Crop SolutionsDr Willem Jan de Kogel - NetherlandsTopic: Innovative & sustainable tools for pest management horticultural pests established in NZ
20121252Leadership Development Grants$21,850FAME ScholarshipsJessie Chan & Hilton Collier
20121223Agribusiness Innovation Grant$60,000Farmer Lepto Action GroupEconomic effect of Lepto in sheep and cattle
20121226Agribusiness Innovation Grant$17,500FarmourStockmans Armour Technology
20121222Agribusiness Innovation Grant$6,000Federated Farmers of New ZealandBruce Wills & Conor English attendence at forums
20121255Leadership Development Grants$34,500Federated Farmers of New ZealandSponsorship of Federated Farmers Leadership programme - 'Shinning under the spotlight & Advocacy' and 'Influence in Action'
20121203Conference Grant$2,300Fertiliser & Lime Research Centre25th Annual WorkshopSpeaker: Dr Raphael Viscarra Rossel
20121227Agribusiness Innovation Grant$61,252FMR Group Ltd & NZ WinegrowersRecycling vineyard sparayer benefit verification program
20121204Conference Grant$8,000Foundation for Arable Research (FAR)FAR 2012 ConferenceSpeaker: Dr Robert Nielsen
20121202Conference Grant$5,000Hawkes Bay Regional CouncilTwyford Irrigators Workshops
20121234Agribusiness Innovation Grant$89,136Honey Adulteration Testing TeamWhy is NZ Honey failing sugar adulteration tests?
20121206Conference Grant$9,580Irrigation New Zealand Inc2012 Irrigation NZ ConferenceSpeakers: Torkil Clausen, Eduardo Araral & Isobel van der Stoep
20121209Conference Grant$1,996LandWISE Inc2012 Annual LandWISE ConferenceSpeaker: Rob Bramley
20121235Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Methven Heritage CentreDevelopment of educational materials
20121233Agribusiness Innovation Grant$5,000National Beekeepers AssociationSurvey of varroa resistance to synthetic controls
20121232Agribusiness Innovation Grant$60,000Neal WallaceSocial History Book on the impact of Rogeernomics on NZ Agriculture
20121230Agribusiness Innovation Grant$10,000New Zealand Citrus GrowersFunding assistance for travel to International Citrus Congress
20121250Leadership Development Grants$97,750Nuffield Scholarship TrustSponsorship of the Nuffield Scholarship 2012
20121229Agribusiness Innovation Grant$25,000NZ Avocado Industry CouncilReaching out to Europe
20121225Agribusiness Innovation Grant$12,000NZ Farm Forestry AssociationTesting of structural properties for specialty timber species
20121205Conference Grant$7,091NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdAssessing and managing risk of biosecurity threats associated with entry pathway workshopsSpeaker: Dr Richard Baker
20121200Conference Grant$6,600NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdLecture tourSpeaker: Professor Richard Glennon
2012P1261Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$285,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdDr Jovyn NgTopic: Lowering glycaemic impact and improving bowel health through dietary bibre -the role of cell wall structures in potato
20121272Visiting Fellowship Grant$6,300NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdDr Bart Heijne - NetherlandsTopic: Innovation & sustainable tools for management of European canker in NZ apple orchards
20121271Visiting Fellowship Grant$5,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdDr Daniel Burckhardt - SwitzerlandTopic: Week long workshop in psyllid taxonomy & biology to assist in diagnostic capability of native & introduced psyllids species in NZ
20121220Agribusiness Innovation Grant$35,000Pipfruit New Zealand IncAssessing the impact of R&D - The case for Apple Futures
20121208Conference Grant$7,800Potatoes NZ IncorporatedPsyllid 2012 - Tomato Potato Psyllid in NZ ConferenceSpeakers: Dr Charlie Rush & Dr Jim Crosslin
20121254Leadership Development Grants$33,000Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture Education Trust2012 Young Horticulturist of the Year CompetitionSponsorship
20121280In-Market Grant$127,650The Merino NZ Company LtdNZ Primary Sector Boot Camp
20121207Conference Grant$3,700Victoria University Management SchoolNZ Association for the stury of co-operatives and mutals 2012 conferenceSpeaker: Jack Wlkinson
20131351Leadership Development Grants$28,750AbacusBio LimitedThe Queestown Agribusiness Executive Symposium
20131358Leadership Development Grants$28,000AGMARDT Associate TrusteeJames Allen
20131350Leadership Development Grants$4,498AGMARDT AwardsCoordinated through the New Zealand Guild of Agricultural Journalists and Communicators
20131322Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000AgResearch LimitedImproving Clover by Tilling
20131324Agribusiness Innovation Grant$7,500AgResearch LimitedScreening test for immunosuppression in periparturient cows
20131329Agribusiness Innovation Grant$28,072AgResearch LimitedEko360 Smartfert - Efficient Nitrogen Use With Polymer Coated Fertilisers
20131356Leadership Development Grants$50,000Agri-Women's Development Trust (AWDT)Escalator Programme
20131381In-Market Grant$40,000Aongatete Coolstores LimitedDeveloping a “platform to increase the value of green kiwifruit and returns to NZ growers
20131388In-Market Grant$13,000Canterbury Seed Co LtdBuscuit Wheat for SE Asia Market
20131332Agribusiness Innovation Grant$59,500Carbon in Orchard TeamOptimising Nitrogen Use Efficiency using Zonal Fertiliser Application in Kiwifruit Orhards
20131320Agribusiness Innovation Grant$92,000Deer Farmer Reproductive Efficiency Group NZDeer farm profit enhancement by improved reporduction efficiency
20131353Leadership Development Grants$2,800Erica Van ReenenKelloggs Rural Leadesr Programme
20131311Conference Grant$5,000Federated Farmers of New ZealandWFO membership and travel to WFO Annual meeting in Japan
20131384Conference Grant$2,300Fertiliser & Lime Research CentreFertiser & Lime Research Centre SeminarsSpeaker: Dr David Rassam
20131308Conference Grant$1,186Food and Agribusiness Market Experience Alumni Trust2013 FAME ConferenceSpeaker: Owen Stickells
20131385In-Market Grant$11,632Gallagher Group LtdIndonesia & Malaysia market research
20131390In-Market Grant$70,000Gibb Holdings LtdSujion Blackcurrent products
20131334Agribusiness Innovation Grant$4,000GrassCo LimitedSheep Pasture Measure Calibration
20131327Agribusiness Innovation Grant$60,000Grasslanz Technology Ltd & AgresearchGreen Superfoods for Improved Health
20131303Conference Grant$7,000HEAConference on Indonesian Horticultral OpportunitiesSpeaker: Mr Kafi Kurnia
20131315Conference Grant$5,000Indigenous NZ CuisineIndigenous NZ Cuisine 2013 ConferenceSpeaker: Bradley White
20131316Conference Grant$2,300Innovatek LtdMobile Tech Summit 2013 - The future of Primary IndustriesSponsorship
20131370Visiting Fellowship Grant$20,000Landcare Research New ZealandDr Hernan Norambuena - ChileTopic: To facilitate the importation and release of two Chilean weevil species selected as biocontrol agents for the Patagonian endemic Darwin's barberry
20131312Conference Grant$3,000LandWISE IncLandWise 2013 Conference - New ideas and focus on irrigationSpeakers: Michael Cahn, Susanne Klose & Hans Henrick Pedersen
2013P1360Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$190,000Lincoln UniversityHossein AlizadehTopic: Suppressing urease production to improve plant nitrogen use efficiency by exploiting Trichoderma inhibition of urease producing soil microorganisms
20131390Leadership Development Grants$23,000Lincoln University & Massey UniversityIFAMA Case Study Competition
20131352Leadership Development Grants$10,300Mark BrotherstonINSEAD Course - Asian International Executive Programme
20131355Leadership Development Grants$2,000Mark StevensonKelloggs Rural Leadesr Programme
20131306Conference Grant$1,700National Beekeepers AssociationNational Beekeeper Association ConferenceSpeaker: Randy Oliver
20131330Agribusiness Innovation Grant$143,944Nelson Honey & Marketing NZ LtdVarroa Tolerent bees for Pollination Security and Honey
20131354Leadership Development Grants$10,000Nick AubreyExecutive Leadership Development Programme - Stanford University
20131359Leadership Development Grants$57,500Nuffield Scholarship TrustNuffield Scholarship 2012/13
20131383In-Market Grant$12,600NZ Feijoa Growers Association IncDevelopment of a Feijoa Functional Food
20131386In-Market Grant$83,570NZ HothouseExport of Premium Tomatoes
20131325Agribusiness Innovation Grant$23,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdNZ native chelifers as predators of varroa in beehives
20131363Conference Grant$5,100NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdBeekeeping seminar seriesSpeaker: Jerry Bromenschenck
2013P1161Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$95,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdDr Melissa Jordan3rd Year Extension
2013P1361Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$190,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdDr Nicholas Tabi AmponsahTopic: Etiology of Neonectria ditissima infections of apple trees and associated control options.
20131392Leadership Development Grants$15,985NZ Institute of Primary Industry Management IncNZIPIM Leadership Development Forum
20131305Conference Grant$4,000NZ Plant Protection SocietyPlant Protection Society ConferenceSpeaker: Dr Angelo Mazzaglia
20131301Conference Grant$6,200NZBIOSpeaker: Dr Roger Beachy
20131326Agribusiness Innovation Grant$4,000NZX AgriPaddocks to chopsticks project - Terry Brosnahan visit to China
20131304Conference Grant$1,209Olives New Zealand IncOlives NZ ConferenceSpeaker: Pablo Canamasas
20131380In-Market Grant$49,750PGG Wrightson Seeds LimitedInternational marketing of avian deterrent grasses
20131336In-Market Grant$201,900PineNZ ProjectPromote Radiata Pine building products in the Australian Market
20131323Agribusiness Innovation Grant$60,000Plant & Food Research LtdA novel approach to control plant architecture
20131309Conference Grant$10,000Potatoes NZ Incorporated2013 Potatoes NZ ConferenceSpeaker: Maureen Storey
20131313Conference Grant$5,000Primary Industry Capability Alliance (PICA)Food & You Experience Day
20131310Conference Grant$5,000Rainbow Honey LimitedInternational Apimondia Symposium, QuebecSpeaker: Rae Butler's
20131307Conference Grant$6,500RJ Hill Laboratories Ltd13th International Symposium on Soil and Plant AnalysisSpeaker: Dr Jennifer Dungait
20131389In-Market Grant$220,600RML Engineering LtdMilk Collection & Sample Extraction
20131321Agribusiness Innovation Grant$15,000Rose Weevil Control GroupImprove control of Fuller's rose weevil
20131391Leadership Development Grants$20,000Royal Agricultural Society Youth CouncilYouth Leadership Development
20131314Conference Grant$5,485Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture Education TrustHorticulture NZ Annual ConferenceSpeaker: David Hughes
20131357Leadership Development Grants$27,312Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture Education Trust2013 Young Horticulturist of the Year CompetitionSponsorship
20131387In-Market Grant$11,500Sherwood WinesAustralian Market Plan
20131333Agribusiness Innovation Grant$60,000Technion GroupRemote location Disease Diagnostics
20131393In-Market Grant$25,000The Merino NZ Company LtdCEO BootCamp
20131384In-Market Grant$55,600Tru-Test LimitedWorldwide agritech voice of the customer research
20131328Agribusiness Innovation Grant$8,000WDP Proof of Concept GroupWool Derived Protein
20131331Agribusiness Innovation Grant$50,820Zespri ConsortiumEvaluating the potential for undercover growing systems for the production of kiwifruit in a Psa-V environment
20131302Conference Grant$9,720Zespri International LtdMomentum Kiwifruit Industry ConferenceSpeaker: Guglielmo Costa
2014A14016Agribusiness Innovation Grant$46,000AgKnowledge & Massey UniversityEconometric Fertiliser Advisory Model for Pastural Agriculture
2014L14001Leadership & Governance Programmes$1,575AGMARDT AwardsCoordinated through the New Zealand Guild of Agricultural Journalists and Communicators
2014A14007Agribusiness Innovation Grant$58,600AgResearch LimitedBody Condition Score in Sheep
2014A14008Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000AgResearch LimitedIdentifying Sheep with Mutation that increases meat yield
2014P1160Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$95,000AgResearch LimitedDr Maria Tourna3rd Year Extension
2014P14003Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$190,000AgResearch LimitedSaleh UmairTopic: Control of Nematode Parasitism in Sheep through Vaccination
2014L14003Leadership & Governance Programmes$138,000Agri-Women's Development Trust (AWDT)Strategic Partnership
2014C14013Conference Grant$2,540Association of Biological Farmers NZ IncGreen Agriculture Innovation AwardsSpeaker: Dr Christine Jones
2014L14006Leadership & Governance Programmes$2,800Cameron MassieChinese language and Internship
2014L14002Leadership & Governance Programmes$4,610Dan ShandRoyal Agricultural University
2014A14021Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000DFE TechnologySubmerged Fixed Bed Aeration Technology as a potential solution for Diary/farm effluent
2014A14019Agribusiness Innovation Grant$100,000EcoChill LtdMilk Refrigeration & Water Heating to Reduce Energy Use
2014A14017Agribusiness Innovation Grant$57,500Eko360 LimitedSmartFert - Enhancing Nutrient use efficiency using SmartFelt Technology
2014M14007In-Market Grant$80,500Farmers Mill LtdProduct & Market Development of Specialty Flours
2014C14009Conference Grant$2,300Fertiliser & Lime Research CentreFLRC WorkshopSpeaker: Dr Cameron Gourley
2014M14001In-Market Grant$12,000Gallagher Group LtdThailand & Vietnam Survey
2014M14003In-Market Grant$246,000Hawkesbay Winegrowers Inc.China Marketing Programme
2014M14006In-Market Grant$98,900Indigenous NZ CuisineMarket Research in Hong Kong
2014C14014Conference Grant$3,105Innovatek LtdMobiltech Primary Industries 2014
2014A14020Agribusiness Innovation Grant$95,000Institute of Environmental Schience and Research Ltd (ESR)Advancing a novel technology for controlling E.coli on meat
2014C14007Conference Grant$5,067Irrigation New Zealand IncIrrigation NZ ConferenceSpeakers: Gavin McMahon, John Culleton & Tom Chesson
2014L14008Leadership & Governance Programmes$4,312Jason Te BrakeKellogg Rural Leadership Programme
2014M14004In-Market Grant$17,170K9 Natural Food LtdMarket Entry in China
2014C14017Conference Grant$4,336LandWISE IncEVER Better: Farmers, land and waterSpeakers: John McPhee, Brendan Torpy & Rod Collins
2014A14014Agribusiness Innovation Grant$45,000Lincoln UniversityMechanism for Deep Placement of Lime to Reduce Aluminium Toxicity in SI High Country Soils
2014P14001Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$190,000Lincoln UniversityDr Long (Paul) ChengTopic: Use of Chicory and Plantain Forages for Dairy Heifers
2014A14009Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Massey UniversitySea Freight for high value tomatoes
2014C14016Conference Grant$7,401National Beekeepers AssociationNZ Apicultural Industry ConferenceSpeakers: Dr Rob Currie & Greg Mills
20141335Agribusiness Innovation Grant$48,300Neugenz LtdBattenz Plastic fence battons
2014A14003Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Noble Bonds LtdMarket Validation of Nga Pure
2014C14008Conference Grant$1,076NZ Association of Ruminant NutritionistSpeaker: Dr Steve Little
2014C14002Conference Grant$1,850NZ Avocados Growers Association IncNutritional Values - Fifth Quadrennial NZ and Australian Avocado Growers Conference 2013Speaker: Dr Andrew Geering
2014C14001Conference Grant$4,100NZ Avocados Growers Association IncNutritional Values - Fifth Quadrennial NZ and Australian Avocado Growers Conference 2013Speaker: Dr Mark Dreher
2014L14009Leadership & Governance Programmes$7,500NZ Citrus Growers IncStudy tour to the USA to study citrus greening
2014A14005Agribusiness Innovation Grant$50,830NZ Deer Milk Products LtdIdentifying Export opportunities for deer milk
2014A14001Agribusiness Innovation Grant$88,497NZ Extracts Ltd (NZEL)Taking a New Zealand Digestive Health Extract to the World
2014C14004Conference Grant$5,750NZ Grasslands Association IncorporatedConference Sponsorship
2014C14005Conference Grant$12,000NZ Guild of Agricultural Journalists & Communicators2015 Congress
2014C14006Conference Grant$7,250NZ Horticulture Export Authority (NZ HEA)Horticulture Industry Development Seminar: Market Access - China Beyond the BarriersSpeakers: Mr Jack Luo & Lewis Dagger
2014A14004Agribusiness Innovation Grant$69,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdHarnessing Chelifers for Biocontrol of Varroa Mite
2014C14011Conference Grant$5,850NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdBetter Boarder Biosecurity ConferenceSpeakers: Dr Tracy Leskey & Dr Suzy Perry
2014C14003Conference Grant$2,500NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdPeach and Nectarine Prodcution WorkshopsSpeaker: Prof Luca Grappadelli
2014P14002Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$190,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdKar Mun ChooiTopic: The Impact of Grapevine Leafroll-associated Virus 3 Genetic variants on Grapevines
2014V14001Visiting Fellowship Grant$8,948NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdDr Jose Roman Urbez TorresTopic: To deliver methods and techniques for identification of pathogenic Botryosphaeriaceae species at the Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference 25 – 29 November in Auckland followed by a NZ tour to disseminate information.
2014L14005Leadership & Governance Programmes$21,320NZ Institute of Primary Industry Management IncNZIPIM Leadership Development Forum
2014A14013Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,127NZ Kiwiberry Growers IncDevelopment of Agrichemical user guide
2014M14002In-Market Grant$47,200NZ Light Leathers LtdNZ Farmed Deer Shoe Leather Market Development
20141394In-Market Grant$24,400The New Zealand Merino CompanyWool derived Protein
2014C14018Conference Grant$4,500NZ Plant Protection Society IncNZ Plant Protection SymposiumSpeaker: Dr Gustavo Batista
2014C14012Conference Grant$5,700NZ Society of Soil ScienceAnnual Conference 2014: Soil Science for Future GenerationsSpeaker: Professor Oene Onema
2014C14000Conference Grant$3,000Olives New Zealand IncOlives NZ Extra Virgin Olive Oil AwardsSpeaker: Susan Langstaff
2014A14006Agribusiness Innovation Grant$93,000Rainbow Honey LimitedSelective Breeding Towards Varroa Tolerrance
2014A14011Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Riddet InstituteDeveloping Food Ingredients from Grape Pomace
2014L14010Leadership & Governance Programmes$3,250Rosie TodhunterKellogg Rural Leadership Programme
2014L14004Leadership & Governance Programmes$27,312Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture Education Trust2014 Young Horticulturist of the Year Competition
2014L14007Leadership & Governance Programmes$4,780Solis NortonStudy options for using energy return on investment methodology to improve the resilience of NZ agriculture
2014A14010Agribusiness Innovation Grant$93,725Summerfruit NZ LtdHarvest Assurance Tools
2014A14015Agribusiness Innovation Grant$12,500Summerfruit NZLtdSensational Fruit for Asia
2014A14002Agribusiness Innovation Grant$12,500The Mangement AgencyAmerican Foulbrood National Pest Management Plan
2014M14005In-Market Grant$402,385The Merino Co LtdNuyarn New Wool Products Development
2014C14010Conference Grant$8,220Tomatoes NZConference - "Fresh Connections"2014Speaker: Dr Rob Jacobson
2014A14012Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Unitec Institute of TechnologyRapid Pest and Disease Profiling
2014A14018Agribusiness Innovation Grant$6,500upin Development GroupLow Alkaloid Perennial Lupin Search in NZ
2014C14015Conference Grant$3,310Vegetables NZPMA/HortNZ Fresh Connections 2014Speaker: Dotan Peleg
2015L15001Leadership & Governance Programmes$57,500AbacusBio LimitedThe Queenstown Agribusiness Symposium
2015A15016Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000AERU, Lincoln UniversityAERU "The Land And The Brand" Project
2015L15021Leadership & Governance Programmes$5,000Agcarm - Resistance ManagementSponsorship
2015L15007Leadership & Governance Programmes$27,900AGMARDT Associate TrusteePattie Boyle
2015L15011Leadership & Governance Programmes$1,575AGMARDT AwardsCoordinated through the New Zealand Guild of Agricultural Journalists and Communicators
2015A15029Agribusiness Innovation Grant$40,000AgResearch LimitedImproving Feed Digestion using Rumen Microbe-derived Anzymes
2015P1260Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$95,000AgResearch LimitedPrabhu Balan3rd Year Extension
2015P15002Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$190,000AgResearch LimitedSandeep Kumar GuptaTopic: Biobeads displaying Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) antigens for producing protective immunityagainst MAP infection without inducing positive tuberculin skin test results
2015P15001Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$190,000AgResearch LimitedFrederico TomassettoTopic: The potential for failure of pest biocontrol in NZ pasture; mechanisms and how to protect the biological control resource
2015A15005Agribusiness Innovation Grant$40,000Agrilink ContractingOne Pass Machine for Row Crops
2015L14003Leadership & Governance Programmes$34,500Agri-Women's Development Trust (AWDT)Strategic Partnership
2015C15004Conference Grant$4,500Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics SocietyAARES 59th Annual ConferenceSpeaker: Professor Thomas Hertel
2015C15011Conference Grant$4,500Better Border BiosecurityScience Partnership ForumSpeakers: Professor Anthony Clarke and Dr Dean Paini
2015L15016Leadership & Governance Programmes$50,000Bootcamp - AGMARDT & Te Hono PartnershipSponsorship
2015L15010Leadership & Governance Programmes$4,920Cameron MassieIntensive Semester of Chinese Study
2015A15034Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Canterbury Precision ForageForagescan: Increasing Forage Grazing Profitability from Sky
2015A15003Agribusiness Innovation Grant$112,700Canterbury University School of ForestryMatching Elite High Value Eucalypts to Productive Drylands
2015A15031Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Chemipreneur LtdInduction of Immune Cell Transformation by Manuka Molecules
2015A15032Agribusiness Innovation Grant$15,216Chemipreneur LtdEfficacy of Trans-calamenene on Cytokine Chemokine Release from Epithelial Cells
2015A15010Agribusiness Innovation Grant$139,825COKAAchieving Market Access for Organic Gold3 Kiwifruit
2015A15028Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,100COKA TrichodermaEstablished Endophytic Tricoderma Isolates for PSA V Control
2015A15004Agribusiness Innovation Grant$47,000Dr F ScrimgeourSustainable Food Production Book
2015A15038Agribusiness Innovation Grant$49,485Dynaflow Process Services LtdDairy Elastomer Safety & Lifecycle Management
2015A15026Agribusiness Innovation Grant$46,000ENZAFRUIT NZ International Ltd (ENZA)Storage Protocols for Managing Disorder Risk In 'Scilate' (Envy Brand) Apples
2015A15019Agribusiness Innovation Grant$80,000Farmer Leptospirosis Action Group (FLAG)Protecting Dairy Farmers and their Stock against Leptospirosis
2015A15025Agribusiness Innovation Grant$57,500Farmshed LabsWinter/Spring 2015 R&D for Low Cost Disposable Electronic Reproduction Management Tool for The NZ Dairy Industry
2015C15015Conference Grant$7,000Foundation for Arable Research (FAR)Future visions for the Arable IndustrySpeaker: Dr Carver
2015M15001In-Market Grant$9,000Gallagher Group LtdPhilippines Market Survey
2015A15009Agribusiness Innovation Grant$15,000Hivemind Ltd with Lincoln UniversityField Trial For Remote Monitoring System for Beekeepers
2015A15018Agribusiness Innovation Grant$10,000Ibala Trustee Ltd & The NZ Institute for Plant and Food Research LtdExtension and Transfer of U.S. Process Raspberry Production Technology and Practices to NZ
2015C15009Conference Grant$2,300Innovatek LtdMobileTECH 2015: UAVs - Robotics - Automation
2015A15013Agribusiness Innovation Grant$57,960K9 Natural Food LtdDeveloping an Instinctive Diet for a Dog
2015A15001Agribusiness Innovation Grant$90,000KākāHyperspectral Sensing of Pastures and Forages using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
2015L15019Leadership & Governance Programmes$1,000Kellogg's Rural Leadership ProgrammeClint Gulliver
2015L15020Leadership & Governance Programmes$1,680Kellogg's Rural Leadership ProgrammeChelsea Millar
2015A15024Agribusiness Innovation Grant$23,000Kiwiberry Postharvest Research to Extend Storage and Expand ExportsKiwiberry, Can Store, Will Travel!
2015M15003In-Market Grant$49,000Kiwigarden LtdKiwigarden entry into China and South East Asia
2015C15013Conference Grant$6,000LandWISE IncThe Farm of 2030Speakers: Robert Fitch, Tristan Perez & Cheryl MacCarthy
2015A15015Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Lincoln Agritech LtdKale Yield Scanner
2015C15003Conference Grant$5,000Lincoln Agritech Ltd5th Australian and NZ Spatially Enabled Livestock Management SymposiumSpeaker: Jeffrey Bewely
2015P1360Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$95,000Lincoln UniversityDr Hossein Alizadeh3rd Year Extension
2015A15002Agribusiness Innovation Grant$16,500Lincoln University & Pure Oil NZ LtdOptimising By-Pass Protein from Rape Oil Press
2015M15006In-Market Grant$98,348Marlborough Research Centre of Excellence TrustHigh Value Marlborough Food and Beverage Tailored to East Asian Preferences
2015A15011Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Massey UniversityChemical Resistance in the Honeybee Mite Varroa - Celia Maria van Velsen
2015C15006Conference Grant$3,450Massey UniversityMoving Farm Systems to Improved Nutrient Attenuation ConferenceSpeaker: Jim Wilson
2015C15005Conference Grant$4,751Massey UniversityNZ Ewe Milk Products and Sheep Dairy ConferenceSpeaker: John Ryrie
2015L15014Leadership & Governance Programmes$23,235Massey UniversityIFAMA Student Case Study Competition in USA for 5 students
2015A15014Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Massey University & Hemp Tech LtdIndustrial Hemp: Cash Cropping for a Better Environment
2015L15006Leadership & Governance Programmes$300,000National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs Incorporated3 year Sponsorship
2015A15021Agribusiness Innovation Grant$25,000NaturesclipTransformational New Uses for NZ Wool in 3D Products
2015L15008Leadership & Governance Programmes$345,000Nuffield & Kellogg Joint Venture3 year Sponsorship
2015M15012In-Market Grant$24,646NZ Buttercup Squash Council IncMarket Research Delegation Hong Kong & China
2015M15002In-Market Grant$47,847NZ Functional FoodsOat Milk Asia Market Assessment and Development
2015C15001Conference Grant$4,025NZ Grasslands Association IncorporatedConference Sponsorship
2015C15018Conference Grant$4,025NZ Grasslands Association Incorporated77th NZGA ConferenceSponsorship
2015A15008Agribusiness Innovation Grant$77,165NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdBiological Control For TPP, Whitefly and Thrips in Covered Crops
2015A15020Agribusiness Innovation Grant$10,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdDeveloping Kamokamo as a NZ Export Opportunity
2015C15014Conference Grant$2,200NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdScience and Practice Workshop on Grapevine Powdery MildewSpeaker: Barbara Hall
2015C15010Conference Grant$5,432NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdSterile Insect Technique for Codling MothSpeaker: Dr Jim Carpenter
2015P1261Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$95,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdJovyn Kye Tyng Ng3rd Year Extension
2015P1361Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$95,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdDr Nicholas Tabi Amponsah3rd Year Extension
2015C15017Conference Grant$1,710NZ Institute of Primary Industry Management IncNational ConferenceSpearker: Assoc. Professor Bill Malcolm
2015M15004In-Market Grant$31,500NZ Light Leathers LtdLuxury New Zealand Leather: China
2015A15027Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000NZ Tamarillo Growers AssociationInvestigating Silicon Mediated Insect Resistance in Tamarillos
2015L15004Leadership & Governance Programmes$138,000NZ Trade & EnterpriseNZ Bootcamp 2014
2015L15002Leadership & Governance Programmes$7,000NZX AgriYoung Country Apprentice
2015C15002Conference Grant$3,000Olives New Zealand IncOlives NZ Extra Virgin Olive Oil AwardsSpeaker: Franca Camurati
2015C15007Conference Grant$3,000Olives New Zealand IncOlives NZ 2015 ConferenceSpeaker: Rafael Muela
2015A15023Agribusiness Innovation Grant$15,000Organic Food Authentication Research GroupMarkers for Organic Authentication and Verification
2015A15006Agribusiness Innovation Grant$79,350Otago University DRLHigh Throughput Diagnostic Testing for Johne's Disease
2015L15015Leadership & Governance Programmes$7,500Pipfruit New Zealand IncINSEAD Asian International Executive Programme, Singapore
2015C15012Conference Grant$9,500Potatoes NZ IncorporatedAnnual Conference 2015Speaker: Professor Gary Secor
2015A15017Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Proliant and AgResearch LtdBovine Immunoglobulin Isolate for Improved Intestinal Health
2015A15012Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Radford Holmes LtdFence Fast, Innovative Wire Tensioning System
2015L15003Leadership & Governance Programmes$3,750Rhys MillarUK Forestry Trip
20151070Leadership & Governance Programmes$33,062Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture Education TrustYoung Horticulturist of the Year 2015
2015A15033Agribusiness Innovation Grant$80,500Scion ResearchForestry Export Supply Chain Integrity
2015V15001Visiting Fellowship Grant$10,366Scion ResearchDr Bruce Marcot - USATopic: Promote the use of new and innovative approaches to pest risk modelling based on Bayesian networks (BNs).
2015A15035Agribusiness Innovation Grant$75,000Soil Nutrient Management GroupSoil Nutrient Management In Dairy Farming Systems 2014
2015A15022Agribusiness Innovation Grant$57,500Southern Paprika Export PeppersNext Generation Supply Chain Systems to Overcome Perishability Impediments for Capsicum Exports
2015M15009In-Market Grant$211,000Spring Sheep Dairy NZ LPDevelop Premium Niche Opportunities for Sheep Milk Products
2015L15009Leadership & Governance Programmes$115,000St Paul's Collegiate School3 year Sponsorship
2015A15037Agribusiness Innovation Grant$80,000Stock X LtdOnline Livestock Trading: Understanding our Farmers
2015C15016Conference Grant$1,600Summerfruit NZ LtdSummerfruit NZ Conference 2015Speaker: Allan Ryan
2015A15007Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Susan WheelerHop Revolution - Small Scale Hop Growing in Non Taditional Hop Growing Regions of NZ
2015A15030Agribusiness Innovation Grant$2,013Telegraph Hill OlivesIndustrial Olive Usage in NZ
2015L15017Leadership & Governance Programmes$20,000Texus Fibre LimitedLeaders attending Strategies for Market Shaping for Primary Industries
2015M15010In-Market Grant$250,000The Fresh Fruit Company of NZ Apples and SquashDeveloping Asian Markets for New Varieties of NZ Apples and Squash
2015M15007In-Market Grant$169,914The Merino Co LtdSuper White Super Bright Spectra Wool Market Development
2015L15005Leadership & Governance Programmes$1,150The NZ Institute of Agricultural & Horticulural Science IncorporatedTechnology Transfer Award
2015L15013Leadership & Governance Programmes$1,150The NZ Institute of Agricultural & Horticulural Science IncorporatedAGMARDT Technology Transfer Award 2015
2015M15011In-Market Grant$100,000The New Zealand Merino CompanyNZM Acceleration in Strong Wool Markets
2015A15036Agribusiness Innovation Grant$23,000University of OtagoDeveloping Novel uses for Wool Derived Proteins (WDP)
2015M15008In-Market Grant$40,000Vegetables NZ lncorporated (affiliated to Horticulture NZ Inc.)RMA Waste Water Discharge parameter template for Glasshouse operations
2015M15005In-Market Grant$49,175Virtuo Design LtdWool Innovation Summit Programme
2015C15008Conference Grant$8,500Waikato Branch of the National Beekeepers Association of NZNZ Apiculture ConferenceSpeaker: Dr Ben Oldroyd, Dr Fanny Mondet, Madeleine Beekman and Maryann Frazier
2015L15018Leadership & Governance Programmes$32,775Young Farmer National CommitteeSponsorship
2016A16008Agribusiness Innovation Grant$15,000AgKnowledge LimitedEconometric Fertiliser Model
2016L16004Leadership & Governance Programmes$1,575AGMARDT AwardsCoordinated through the New Zealand Guild of Agricultural Journalists and Communicators
2016L16013Leadership & Governance Programmes$1,500AGMARDT AwardsCoordinated through the New Zealand Guild of Agricultural Journalists and Communicators
2016A16019Agribusiness Innovation Grant$35,000AgResearch LimitedA New Body Condition Score Device for Dairy Cows
2016A16036Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000AgResearch LimitedA Novel Gene for Faster Growth and Increased Meat Yield
2016P14003Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$95,000AgResearch LimitedSaleh Umair3rd Year Extension
2016P16002Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$190,000AgResearch LimitedDr Sandra PayenTopic: Product Environmental Footprinting: How do New Zealand agricultural products stack up?
2016L16002Leadership & Governance Programmes$6,650Agri-Women's Development Trust (AWDT)Emerging Women Conference in San Francisco
2016C16013Conference Grant$20,000Apiculture NZ IncorporatedApiculture NZ National Conference 2016Speakers: Dr Gordon Wardell, Dr Medhat Nasr, Dr Peter Brooks & Alison Saunders
2016A16033Agribusiness Innovation Grant$95,500Atihau Whanganui Limited IncWhenua Marama
2016A16006Agribusiness Innovation Grant$52,200Auckland Bioengineering Institute & DairyNZModelling the Effect of Rumen Biomechanics on Digestion
2016A16044Agribusiness Innovation Grant$100,000BCC LimitedSprout Agritech Accelerator
2016C16012Conference Grant$7,425Better Border BiosecuritySecond Better Border Biosecurity ConferenceSpeakers: Dr Lisa Keith & Dr Koichi Goka
2016A16049Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,990Big Investment Group LimitedFarm Forestry Harvesting Hazard Mapping & Job Costing Tool
2016A16046Agribusiness Innovation Grant$10,000Biophive LimitedFortified Functional Pet Treats & Supplements
2016A16003Agribusiness Innovation Grant$75,000Blackcurrant New Zealand IncSelection of Clearwing Resistant Blackcurrant Cultivars
2016S16002Leadership Scholarship$15,000Carla MullerAGMARDT
Leadership Scholarship Awarded
2016A16018Agribusiness Innovation Grant$46,000CIP Tech LimitedMicro nano Bubble Removal of Fat and Protein on Dairy Farms
2016A16039Agribusiness Innovation Grant$46,000CIP Tech LimitedMicrobubble Chemical Reduction in Dairy Farms Cleaning
2016A16035Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Clean Water Technologies LimitedOzone used in a Sustainable, Profitable Dairy Model
2016L16003Leadership & Governance Programmes$2,850Cole GrovesFonterra Governance Development Programme
2016A16047Agribusiness Innovation Grant$66,647Dominion Chemicals (1988) LimitedNo Scour Calf Formulation
2016L16006Leadership & Governance Programmes$11,000Dr Amanda BellMt Eliza Business School Advanced Management Programme
2016S16007Leadership Scholarship$6,835Dylan BarrettAGMARDT
Leadership Scholarship Awarded
2016A16022Agribusiness Innovation Grant$50,000Eko360 LimitedReduced Leaching With Control Release Nitrogen
2016L16008Leadership & Governance Programmes$10,000Federated Farmers of New ZealandInnovation Tour to Israel
2016L16009Leadership & Governance Programmes$4,000Federated Farmers of New ZealandSilver Fern Farms China Immersion Study Trip
2016A16001Agribusiness Innovation Grant$50,000Fodder Beet GroupImproving Lamb Growth using Fodder Beet
2016A16014Agribusiness Innovation Grant$15,161Food Locomotive LimitedMATS Boot Camp
2016M16005In-Market Grant$98,600FoodHQ & Food & Beverage Exporter MembersAccelerating Innovation in a Food & Beverage Cohort
2016A16028Agribusiness Innovation Grant$32,913Foundation for Arable Research (FAR)Whole Crop Cereal Silage Quality Evaluation
2016A16026Agribusiness Innovation Grant$34,500Freshmax & NZ Plant & Food Research LimitedKiwiberries That Keep!
2016L16012Leadership & Governance Programmes$1,300Gerald PiddockInternational Federation of Agricultural Journalists Congress
2016A16021Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Glebe Group LimitedEffective Health & Safety for Primary Industry
2016A16029Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Global Air & Water LimitedOrganic Solution For GLRaV - 3 Virus in the Wine Industry
2016C16017Conference Grant$5,680Hawkes Bay Regional CouncilNew Zealand Association Resource Management
2016A16002Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,200Irrigation New Zealand IncSupporting Irrigators with Soil Moisture Monitoring
2016A16052Agribusiness Innovation Grant$17,250Irrigation New Zealand IncAnnual Irrigation Performance App
2016C16003Conference Grant$12,900Irrigation New Zealand IncIrrigationNZ Conference & ExpoSpeakers: Julian Cribb, Christopher Neale, Stuart Styles & Dennis O'Grady
2016S16005Leadership Scholarship$15,000Joanne KerslakeAGMARDT
Leadership Scholarship Awarded
2016S16003Leadership Scholarship$7,015Jolene GermannAGMARDT
Leadership Scholarship Awarded
2016M16004In-Market Grant$49,875Kitahie-Commerce Solution for Farmers Market
2016A16051Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000LandWISE IncRobotics Group - Proof of Concept - Validating Field Robotics
2016C16008Conference Grant$9,000Lincoln University9th Australasian Soilborne Diseases SymposiumSpeakers: Professor Gabriele Berg, Professor Jos Raaijmakers, Dr Treena Burgess & Dr Steve Johnson
2016P14001Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$95,000Lincoln UniversityDr Long (Paul) Cheng3rd Year Extension
2016A16011Agribusiness Innovation Grant$5,000Lincoln UniversityMarket Focus & Supply Chain Configuration in NZ Exports
2016S16001Leadership Scholarship$9,500Marcus PeacockAGMARDT
Leadership Scholarship Awarded
2016M15006In-Market Grant$16,652Marlborough Research Centre of Excellence TrustHigh-Value Marlborough Food and Beverage Tailored to East Asian Preferences
2016C16007Conference Grant$2,300Massey Uni Fertiliser & Lime Research Centre29th Annual FLRC WorkshopSpeaker: Dr Cameron Gourley
2016C16009Conference Grant$5,929Massey UniversitySheepMilkNZ ConferenceSpeaker: Dr Haim Lebovich
2016L16015Leadership & Governance Programmes$20,000Massey UniversityFood HQ Gold Club World Market Immersion Programme
2016A16037Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Merino Trading LimitedInnovations Wool Fibre
2016L16016Leadership & Governance Programmes$16,750Ministry for Primary IndustriesEmerging Leaders Scholarship
2016A16032Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000MyApiary LimitedRemote Hive Management Field Pilot
2016S16006Leadership Scholarship$7,565Natalie BowieAGMARDT
Leadership Scholarship Awarded
2016C16011Conference Grant$1,019National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs IncorporatedTasman Young Farmers Regional Conference 2016
2016M16001In-Market Grant$100,000Natural Exports New Zealand LimitedNatural Exports NZ Asia in Market Sales Distribution Centres Development
2016A16045Agribusiness Innovation Grant$57,500Ngai Tahu Farming LimitedChristchurch City Farm
2016L16018Leadership & Governance Programmes$3,911Nicole OliverKellogg Rural Leadership Programme
2016A16005Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Nursery & Garden Industry New ZealandPlant Producers Summit ‐ Improving Nursery Production
2016L16011Leadership & Governance Programmes$4,500NZ Citrus Growers IncInternational Citrus Congress 2016
2016A16030Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000NZ Food Innovation NetworkNon Dairy Product Drying Case Study
2016A16010Agribusiness Innovation Grant$15,000NZ Forest Certification Association IncIntroducing PEFC Forest Certification to NZ
2016C16018Conference Grant$4,025NZ Grasslands Association IncorporatedConference Sponsorship
2016A16017Agribusiness Innovation Grant$50,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdFirst Metabolic Model of a Wine Yeast and a Predictive Tool
2016A16040Agribusiness Innovation Grant$60,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdDevelopment of a Copper - Tolerant Biological Control Agent
2016A16042Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdFast Screening of Antinutritional Compounds in Brassicas
2016P14002Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$95,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdKar Mun Chooi3rd Year Extension
2016P16001Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$190,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdDr Jibran TahirTopic: Towards new kiwifruit cultivars with durable Psa resistance
2016L16014Leadership & Governance Programmes$21,950NZ Institute of Primary Industry Management IncNZIPIM Leadership Development Forum
2016A16031Agribusiness Innovation Grant$13,415NZ Kiwiberry Growers IncKiwiberry Spray Residue Trial 2016
2016C16005Conference Grant$6,000NZ Microbiological Society60th Annual Conference of the NZMS (2015)Speakers: Professor Peter Young & Professor Peter Greenberg
2016A16023Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,438NZ Passionfruit Growers AssociationCharacterisation of Bioactive Properties in NZ Passionfruit
2016C16004Conference Grant$4,200NZ Plant Protection Society IncManaging Wilding Conifers in New Zealand: 12 Years On!Speaker: Martin Nuñez
2016C16002Conference Grant$2,500Olives New Zealand IncOlives New Zealand 2015 Extra Virgin Olive Oil Awards
2016A16007Agribusiness Innovation Grant$40,000On‐farm Dairy Sheep TechnologiesUltrasonography for Selecting High‐performance Dairy Sheep
2016A16015Agribusiness Innovation Grant$50,000OnSide LimitedMobile Health & Safety Management for Rural People
2016A16027Agribusiness Innovation Grant$92,000Otago Innovation LimitedNew Approaches to Control Parasites in Domestic Livestock
2016A16034Agribusiness Innovation Grant$51,750PGG Wrightson ConsultingDrenching Lambing Ewes with ML's - Unintended Consequences
2016A16024Agribusiness Innovation Grant$124,900Pipfruit New Zealand IncSensing Disease in Propagation Material
2016M16002In-Market Grant$40,000Primary Collaboration New Zealand LimitedPCNZ Board Immersion Programme
2016A16054Agribusiness Innovation Grant$59,460Primary Industry Capability Alliance (PICA)Student's Decision Making into the Primary Industries
20161071Leadership & Governance Programmes$33,333Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture Education TrustYoung Horticulturist of The Year 2016
2016L16001Leadership & Governance Programmes$2,500Samuel LangKellogg Rural Leadership Programme
2016S16004Leadership Scholarship$15,000Sarah BellAGMARDT
Leadership Scholarship Awarded
2016A16043Agribusiness Innovation Grant$100,000Science Haven LimitedAn Easy Animal Fertility Test
2016A16053Agribusiness Innovation Grant$45,000Scion ResearchImproving Small Woodlot Value Using Remotely Sensed Data
2016C16010Conference Grant$13,645Scion ResearchForest Genetics for Productivity Conference
2016A16050Agribusiness Innovation Grant$70,000StockChecker LimitedSensitivity Improvement of a Bovine Mastitis Diagnostic
2016A16025Agribusiness Innovation Grant$54,000Summerfruit NZ LtdApricots for Asia - Supply Chain & Consumer Study
2016A16038Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Taupo Lake CareNitrogen Leaching Under Grazed Lucerne
2016C16014Conference Grant$24,467Te Hono MovementTe Hono National SummitSpeakers: Justin Ferrell & Simon Anholt
2016L16005Leadership & Governance Programmes$50,000Te Hono Movement2016 Stanford Bootcamp
2016A16048Agribusiness Innovation Grant$68,625Te Pari Products LimitedBody Condition Reader for Sheep
2016M16003In-Market Grant$361,100Team USAUSA Market Shaping
2016A16016Agribusiness Innovation Grant$49,428Techion Group LimitedSporpak G2 Development
2016A16041Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,600Texus Fibre LimitedDesign and Customisation of Wool - Based Air Filters
2016A16009Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000The Free Range Egg & Poultry Company LimitedMaximise Edible Healthy Life of White and Yolk of Egg
2016L16017Leadership & Governance Programmes$1,150The New Zealand Institute of Agricultural & Horticultural Science IncAGMARDT Technology Transfer Award 2016
2016C16015Conference Grant$4,500The New Zealand Institute of Food Science & Technology IncNZIFST Conference 2016 "Setting Direction"Speaker: Dr Frank Yiannas
2016C16001Conference Grant$5,500Tomatoes NZTomatoes NZ & Horticulture NZ ConferenceSpeaker: Ines van Marrewijk
2016C16019Conference Grant$3,000Tomatoes NZThe Horticulture ConferenceSpeaker: Michael Bledsoe
2016C16006Conference Grant$23,000Tru‐Test GroupBeyond the Line of Sight : Farming and the Future of FoodSpeakers: Thomas Frey, Professor Mark Post, Sean Gourley, Ian Proudfoot, Bradley Kreit & Dr. Gregory Dudek
2016A16012Agribusiness Innovation Grant$72,565University of OtagoMastitis Metabiotics
2016A16004Agribusiness Innovation Grant$23,000University of OtagoNano-Webs for Plant Protection
2016A16020Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,905University of OtagoIn Vitro Toxicity of Glucosinolates
2016A16055Agribusiness Innovation Grant$22,500Vegetable Research & Innovation BoardProject Scoping and Research for Sustainable Pest Management
20161072Leadership & Governance Programmes$12,000Young Viticulturist of The YearYoung Viticulturist Of The Year Competition 2016
2016A16013Agribusiness Innovation Grant$5,000Zespri International LimitedSupply Chain Strategy for NZ Kiwiberry Exports
2016C16016Conference Grant$8,000Zespri International LimitedPsa SymposiumSpeaker: Dr Francesco Spinelli
2017A17010Agribusiness Innovation Grant$93,500AbacusBio LimitedDrones for Animal Well-being
2017A17002Agribusiness Innovation Grant$23,000AGMARDT InitiativeCarbon Research
2017C17003Conference Grant$4,300AgResearch LimitedJoint NZ and Australian Society of Soil Science ConferenceSpeaker: Professor Julian Cribb
2017P15001Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$95,000AgResearch LimitedFederico Tomassetto3rd Year Extension
2017P15002Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$95,000AgResearch LimitedSandeep Kumar Gupta3rd Year Extension
2017P17001Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$190,000AgResearch LimitedDr Nikola PalevichTopic: Identifying the genetic mechanisms that evoke parasitic exsheathment
2017L17018Capability Development Grant$172,500Agri-Women's Development Trust (AWDT)AWDT Leadership And Governance - 3 Year Agreement
2017L17017Capability Development Grant$1,743Allen GregoryInternational Farm Management Association Congress
2017M17005Market Insight Grant$82,906Animal Health Direct LimitedTo Establish an Asian Export Market for Natural Animal Bedding
2017C17018Conference Grant$20,000Apiculture NZ IncorporatedApiculture NZ National Conference 2017Speakers: Randy Oliver (USA), Dr Yves Le Conte (France) & Simon Williams (Australia)
2017A17029Agribusiness Innovation Grant$18,000Aquafortus Technologies LimitedFood safe osmotic water extraction for the Dairy industry
2017C17022Conference Grant$6,000Auckland University Of TechnologyNZ Microbiological ConferenceSpeakers: Professor Martin Wiedmann & Professor Joan Bennett
2017C17013Conference Grant$9,545Beef + Lamb NZ LimitedDesigning the New Zealand Red Meat StorySpeaker: Mike Lee
2017M17007Market Insight Grant$54,000Beef + Lamb NZ LimitedUnderstanding the Consumers of NZ Red Meat Today
2017A17033Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000BioBrew LimitedEfficacy Trials of Equine Pro-biotic Dietary Supplement
2017M17001Market Insight Grant$111,680Biophive LimitedBranding and Packaging Development for New Full Diet AFFCO Approved NZ Meat Based Dog Food
2017S17004Leadership Scholarship$4,250Caleb Dennis2017 AGMARDT Leadership Scholarship Awarded
2017A17027Agribusiness Innovation Grant$62,863Chronoptics Limited3D Cameras for Automated Lameness Detection of Dairy Cows
2017A17036Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Clean Water Technologies LimitedOzonide Development for Veterinary Antibiotic Substitution
2017A17026Agribusiness Innovation Grant$18,500CNS BiotechnologyUtilisation of Unusual Horticultural Waste & By-products
2017C17009Conference Grant$4,000Conferenz & Bright*star TrainingNZ Food Summit
2017L17001Capability Development Grant$6,000Craige MacKenzieInternational Conference for Precision Agriculture
2017S17002Leadership Scholarship$12,767Dale Cook2017 AGMARDT Leadership Scholarship Awarded
2017L17007Capability Development Grant$5,635David O'SullivanKellogg Rural Leadership Programme
2017S17007Leadership Scholarship$3,250Eva Harris2017 AGMARDT Leadership Scholarship Awarded
2017A17008Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,916Farmote SystemsOptical Pasture Measuring Proof of Concept
2017A17009Agribusiness Innovation Grant$15,000Federated Farmers of New ZealandNZ Goats - An Assessment of the Economic Potential of the industry by 2025
2017A17003Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,999Five Five Seven LimitedPyrethrum Trial
2017A17015Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Foundation for Arable Research (FAR)Crops for Irrigated Areas - A Summit
2017A17019Agribusiness Innovation Grant$59,279Functional Fertiliser LimitedFunctional Fertiliser Carbon Farming System Research
2017A17025Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,869GenTec Plant Research NZ LimitedCBD - Fractionation Research
2017A17017Agribusiness Innovation Grant$23,998Global Air & Water LimitedPath-Away Trials to Enable Commercialisation for Agriculture
2017A17032Agribusiness Innovation Grant$16,000GroundedLow-cost Nutrient Loss Measurement Tool
2017A17024Agribusiness Innovation Grant$8,800Hectre LimitedHectre
2017A17011Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Horehound Biocontrol GroupFeasibility of Biological Control of Horehound
2017L17002Capability Development Grant$27,900Joanne KerslakeAGMARDT Associate Trustee
2017C17008Conference Grant$5,000Kono NZTe Hono MaoriSpeaker: Jason Mayden
2017S17005Leadership Scholarship$15,000Kristy McGregor2017 AGMARDT Leadership Scholarship Awarded
2017M17002Market Insight Grant$158,248Landcorp Farming LimitedDeer Milk Market Entry Plan
2017C17019Conference Grant$4,045LandWISE IncLandWISE 2017: Are we ready for automation?Speaker: Thibaut Delcroix
2017L17009Capability Development Grant$20,000Lincoln UniversityIFAMA International Student Competition
2017P17002Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$190,000Lincoln UniversityDr Gong HuaTopic: Improving wool quality and production using gene-marker technology
2017A17022Agribusiness Innovation Grant$86,500Lincoln University - Bio-Protection Research CentreNovel Biological Approach to Combat a New Glasshouse Pest
2017L17011Capability Development Grant$15,000Lincoln University - Kellogg Rural Leadership ProgrammeKellogg Alumni Summit
2017S17001Leadership Scholarship$20,000Mark Brotherston2017 AGMARDT Leadership Scholarship Awarded
2017L17014Capability Development Grant$80,000Massey UniversityYoung Producer Innovation Program
2017C17011Conference Grant$5,644Massey University2017 Sheep Milk NZ ConferenceSpeaker: Gilles Fregeat
2017C17021Conference Grant$8,000Massey University10th International Leptospirosis Society MeetingSpeakers: Kathryn Allan (Glasgow University, Scotland) & Renee Galloway (USA)
2017C17007Conference Grant$3,450Massey University - Fertilizer & Lime Research Centre30th Annual FLRC WorkshopSpeakers: Professor Brian Kronvang (Aarhus University, Demark)
2017S17006Leadership Scholarship$10,594Megan Hands2017 AGMARDT Leadership Scholarship Awarded
2017A17001Agribusiness Innovation Grant$43,700Mende Biotech LimitedOptimising the Production Supply Processes for Totarol™
2017A17004Agribusiness Innovation Grant$155,000Merino Trading LimitedInnovation Wool Fibre
2017A17014Agribusiness Innovation Grant$15,000Merit Meats LimitedShelf-stable Export Ready Meal
2017L17012Capability Development Grant$20,462Ministry for Primary IndustriesEmerging Leaders Scholarship
2017A17016Agribusiness Innovation Grant$100,000MyApiary LimitedHive Management Research Through Field Data Acquisition
2017L17005Capability Development Grant$13,936National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs IncorporatedNew Zealand Young Farmers Governance Development Programme
2017A17006Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,550Novataro LimitedRefine & Test a Device to Reduce Dairy Nitrogen Leaching
2017A17031Agribusiness Innovation Grant$16,825Novataro LimitedImprove & Trial Real - World Application of Prototype
2017L17008Capability Development Grant$2,000NZ Farm Life MediaIFAJ 2017 Congress South Africa
2017L17004Capability Development Grant$1,575NZ Guild of Agricultural Journalists & Communicators2017 AGMARDT Agribusiness Award
2017C17016Conference Grant$1,600NZ Institute For Agricultural and Horticultural SciencePlant Science CentralSpeaker: Professor Tristan Perez
2017A17023Agribusiness Innovation Grant$72,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdValidation of a Prototype Avocado Rot Prediction Tool
2017C17002Conference Grant$2,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdGuava Moth WorkshopSpeakers: Jenny Dymock, Max Suckling, Lisa Jamieson, Peter Jack
2017C17023Conference Grant$6,000NZ Institute of ForestryNZ Institute of Forestry Annual ConferenceSpeaker: Dr Mike May
2017C17015Conference Grant$5,000NZ Institute of ForestryNZIF Annual Conference 2017Speaker: Harri Savonen
2017C17006Conference Grant$4,000NZ Microbiological SocietyNZMS & NZSBMB Joint Annual ConferenceSpeakers: Professor Sarah Gurr, Professor Gero Steinberg & Professor Nik Money
2017L17015Capability Development Grant$25,000NZ National Fieldays Society IncorporatedFieldays Careers & Education Hub
2017A17028Agribusiness Innovation Grant$5,000NZ Plant Producers IncorporatedPlant Producer Science & Innovation Summit
2017M17003Market Insight Grant$248,342NZ Sock Co LimitedNZ Sock Marketing Project
2017C17020Conference Grant$2,015NZ Truffle AssociationNZ Truffle Association Conference 2017Speaker: Anne Mitchell
2017C17001Conference Grant$4,000Olives New Zealand IncOlives New Zealand 2016 - Olive Oil AwardsSpeaker: Reni Hildenbrand (South Africa)
2017C17005Conference Grant$600Onions New ZealandResearch SeminarSpeaker: Mike Titley
2017A17034Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Pastoral Robotics LimitedReducing Cow Urine Nitrate Leaching with Spikey - Applied ORUN
2017A17012Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Pheromite LimitedAddressing Varroa - A Bioinformatics Analysis of Targets
2017C17012Conference Grant$2,240Potatoes NZ IncorporatedPotatoes New Zealand Inc 2017Speaker: John Sarup
2017C17017Conference Grant$17,250Precision Agriculture Association of New ZealandPA17 - International tri-Conference for Precision AgricultureSpeakers: Hans Jöhr, Manjeet Singh, Raj Koshla, Mao Hua Wang, Naoshi Kondo, Simon Blackmore, Nicolas Trembley, Mark Trotter
2017L17019Capability Development Grant$11,500Primary Collaboration New Zealand LimitedKevin Parish attending Te Hono Bootcamp
2017M17006Market Insight Grant$45,000Primary Collaboration New Zealand LimitedPCNZ Operations Immersion Programme
2017A17035Agribusiness Innovation Grant$18,990RNJ NZ Operations LimitedAssess the Commercial Feasibility of Novel NZ Plant Extract
2017L17010Capability Development Grant$114,999Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture Education TrustAGMARDT Market Innovation Project - 3 Year Agreement
2017S17003Leadership Scholarship$14,260Sarah Tait2017 AGMARDT Leadership Scholarship Awarded
2017A17020Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Stakeholders In Methyl Bromide Reduction Inc. STIMBRLiterature Review - Forest Insect Lures & Traps
2017A17021Agribusiness Innovation Grant$66,000Stakeholders In Methyl Bromide Reduction Inc. STIMBRJoule Heating: A New Phytosanotary Treatment - FEL Pt.1
2017L17003Capability Development Grant$815Steve KnightInstitute of Directors - Finance Essentials Course
2017A17030Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Taragate LimitedInternational Invitational Fencing Challenge
2017L17020Capability Development Grant$201,250Te Hono MovementTe Hono Stanford Bootcamp 2017
2017C17024Conference Grant$17,097Te Hono MovementTe Hono National Summit 2017Speakers: Dan M Klein & Dr Genevieve Bell
2017M17004Market Insight Grant$100,000Texus Fibre LimitedDevelopment of N.E. Asia In-Market Collaboration & Executive Immersion
2017A17007Agribusiness Innovation Grant$17,000The BHU Future Farming CentreMesh Crop Covers for Potato Pest & Disease Control
2017A17018Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,838The BHU Future Farming CentreSoil Thermal Weeding
2017A17013Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000The Narrows RetreatGrowing Edible Taro in Waikato Streams - A Scoping Study
2017L17013Capability Development Grant$345,000The New Zealand Rural Leadership TrustNZ Rural Leadership Trust - 3 Year Agreement
2017L17016Capability Development Grant$1,150The NZ Institute of Agricultural & Horticulural Science IncorporatedAGMARDT Technology Transfer Award
2017A17005Agribusiness Innovation Grant$36,000Tomatoes NZImplementing an On-farm Insecticide Susceptibility bioassay
2017C17014Conference Grant$7,000University of CanterburyDurable Eucalypts on Drylands - Protecting & Enhancing ValueSpeakers: Laurie Cookson & Tim Wardlaw
2017C17004Conference Grant$5,000University of Otago - The New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology11th NZ and Australia Sensory & Consumer SymposiumSpeaker: Professor David Thomson
2017C17010Conference Grant$50,000Whenua KuraUnleash the Maui - Maori Land Based Summit
2017L17006Capability Development Grant$13,800Young Viticulturist of The YearYoung Viticulturist of the Year Competition 2017
2018L18018Capability Development Grant$50,600AbacusBio LimitedExtending Boundaries International Internship Program
2018A18015Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,900Advanced Biotech NZ (ABNZ)Bovine Hide Collagen for the US Wound-care Market
2018A18013Agribusiness Innovation Grant$18,700Agfirst Consultants LimitedSoil Types and the Effect on Fruit Quality and Storage
2018C18006Conference Grant$1,000Agfirst WaikatoNew Zealand Agricultural and Resource Economics SocietySpeaker: Professor Alan Swinbank
2018T18001Thought Leadership$100,000AGMARDT & Assignment GroupConnecting Urban & Rural NZ in a Positive Way
2018L18009Capability Development Grant$27,900AGMARDT Associate TrusteeJustine Gilliland
2018P16002Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$95,000AgResearch LimitedDr Sandra Payen3rd Year Extension
2018P18002Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$210,000AgResearch Limited & Lincoln UniversityMariona Roige ValienteTopic: Improving biosecurity risk analysis methods for NZ agriculture
2018A18004Agribusiness Innovation Grant$52,500Agri-Women's Development Trust (AWDT)Sustainable Farming Fund Research Grant and Support Funding
2018C18021Conference Grant$10,000Apiculture NZ IncorporatedApiculture NZ National Conference 2018Speakers: Dr Susan Cobey & David Mendes
2018L18005Capability Development Grant$250,000ASB MAGS Farm - Mount Albert Grammar School FoundationASB MAGS Farm Experience Centre
2018A18030Agribusiness Innovation Grant$10,000Barnes Family Farms LimitedTrials for Organic Peppermint Oil Production in Canterbury
2018A18008Agribusiness Innovation Grant$100,000BCC LimitedSprout Agritech Accelerator
2018A18041Agribusiness Innovation Grant$150,000BCC LimitedSprout Agritech Accelerator
2018C18013Conference Grant$40,000Beef + Lamb NZ LimitedActivating the New Zealand Red Meat StorySpeakers: Anne Lacey & Damien McLoughlin
2018S18001Leadership Scholarship$10,609Belinda PriceAGMARDT Leadership Scholarship
2018C18015Conference Grant$7,050Better Border BiosecurityThird Better Border Biosecurity (B3) ConferenceSpeaker: Professor Alexander (Sandy) Purcell
2018A18040Agribusiness Innovation Grant$100,000Blue Pacific Minerals NZ LimitedFeeding Zeolite to Dairy Cows as a Tool to Mitigate Nitrogen Losses
2018M18006Market Insight Grant$106,000Carrfields Primary Wool LimitedChange the Game
2018A18003Agribusiness Innovation Grant$70,520Catalyst LimitedNon Evasive Evaluation of Early Diet on Mammary Development
2018C18010Conference Grant$2,500Central Economic Development Agency (CEDA)New Zealand AgriFood WeekSpeaker: Rob Ward
2018A18012Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Ceratech LimitedRevolutionary Process for Manufacturing Drawn-wax Bee Frames
2018L18016Capability Development Grant$4,000Chlorofield LimitedGrassfed Exchange
2018A18026Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Co-Kaha Studios LimitedPlugged
2018A18027Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,550Eko360 LimitedFast Growth
2018A18036Agribusiness Innovation Grant$15,000Envisi LimitedTrials of Envisi Unit on Cherries in Canada
2018L18012Capability Development Grant$7,500Erica Van ReenenAgriTech Delegation to Israel
2018A18031Agribusiness Innovation Grant$80,000Fart Free LimitedLucerne to Protein - Proof of Concept Phase
2018L18003Capability Development Grant$5,000Federated Farmers of New ZealandTukitahi-Murray Darling Basin Study Tour
2018A18038Agribusiness Innovation Grant$7,650Fernglen LimitedFlavoured Sheep Milk Shelf Life/Taste Testing Investigations
2018C18008Conference Grant$3,450Fertiliser & Lime Research Centre31st Annual FLRC WorkshopSpeaker: Dr Anker Lajer Højberg
2018M18001Market Insight Grant$50,000Fifth BreathEuropean Market Launch
2018A18039Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000FLAG-Dairy 2018Genotyping Leptospira Borgpetersenii Serovar Tarassovi in NZ Cattle
2018L18004Capability Development Grant$5,000Florists New Zealand IncorporatedApprentice Florist of the Year
2018A18028Agribusiness Innovation Grant$170,000Foundation for Arable Research (FAR)Crops and Products for the Future
2018E18001Executive Mangement Development Scholarship$25,000Guy BlundellAGMARDT Executive Leadership Scholarship
2018A18007Agribusiness Innovation Grant$16,935HempFarmNZHarvest Technology for Hemp Production
2018A18024Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,550Irrigation New Zealand IncBest Practice Fertigation
2018C18012Conference Grant$7,794Irrigation New Zealand IncIrrigation New Zealand Conference and ExpoSpeakers: Ros Harvey & Stuart Styles
2018S18004Leadership Scholarship$15,000Julian GaffaneyAGMARDT Leadership Scholarship
2018A18033Agribusiness Innovation Grant$25,000Kanapu Hemp Foods LimitedNew Product Development Project
2018A18025Agribusiness Innovation Grant$150,000Kiwitech International LimitedUniversal Mobile Animal Handling and Monitoring Unit
2018C18007Conference Grant$8,000Lanaco LimitedCommercialization & Science Forum - Exporting Highvalue NZ WoolSpeakers: Dr Chang, Mr Zheng & Miss Chen
2018M18004Market Insight Grant$55,000Landcorp Farming LimitedDeer Milk Market and Customer Insights - Phase 2
2018L18006Capability Development Grant$3,750Lee StackhouseRabobank Farm Managers Programme
2018A18014Agribusiness Innovation Grant$11,500Lincoln Hub LimitedPower on Plant Protein Hackathon
2018A18016Agribusiness Innovation Grant$6,325Lincoln Hub LimitedFund Framework to Support Innovation Ecosystem for Future Foods
2018A18001Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,985Mamaku Blue NZAntoxidant Blueberry Cream
2018A18020Agribusiness Innovation Grant$17,500Massey UniversityAnalysis of NZ-Grown Quinoa Saponins
2018A18022Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,950Massey UniversityBacteriophage Discovery for AFB Eradication
2018C18009Conference Grant$4,452Massey University2018 SheepMilkNZ ConferenceSpeaker: Professor David L Thomas
2018A18009Agribusiness Innovation Grant$95,000Massey University - BVD Free New ZealandBuilding Capacity to Eradicate Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus
2018A18034Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Massey University (on behalf of the Juniper Research Group)Juniper Genetics Study
2018M18003Market Insight Grant$50,000Meat Industry Association of NZ (MIA)Assessment of Downstream Supply Chain for Chilled Meat in China
2018M18010Market Insight Grant$200,000Meat Industry Association of NZ (MIA)Supporting New Zealand Meat Market Access into the UK and EU
2018A18019Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Mende Biotech LimitedTotarol Natural Animal Health Liposomes Products Development
2018C18005Conference Grant$3,450Ministry for Primary IndustriesFood and Fibre Innovation ConferenceSponsorship
2018L18019Capability Development Grant$40,250Ministry for Primary IndustriesPrimary Industries Good Employer Awards
2018A18023Agribusiness Innovation Grant$50,000Myfarm InvestmentsGreening Tukituki
2018L15006Capability Development Grant$99,500National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs Incorporated1 year sponsorship 2018
2018L15018Capability Development Grant$10,925National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs IncorporatedStrategic Partner of National Committee 2018
2018C18011Conference Grant$11,500National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs Incorporated50th Year Celebration Dinner - FMG Young Farmer of the YearSponsorship
2018L18001Capability Development Grant$5,635Neriah BroughtonKellogg Rural Leadership Program
2018M18002Market Insight Grant$244,000NZ Blackcurrant Co-operative LimitedMeeting Asian Demand for an Active Lifestyle
2018L18002Capability Development Grant$7,500NZ CashmereInternational Cashmere Studies
2018A18032Agribusiness Innovation Grant$46,000NZ Functional Foods (as Agent For Venture Southland)Technical Product Research and Development
2018C18001Conference Grant$4,025NZ Grasslands Association IncorporatedConference SponsorshipSpeakers: Dr Jacqueline Rowarth & Dr Steven Goldson
2018L18010Capability Development Grant$1,500NZ Guild of Agricultural Journalists & Communicators2018 AGMARDT Agribusiness Award
2018C18019Conference Grant$5,000NZ Hemp Industries Associations IncorporatedNZ iHemp SummitSpeaker: Jeff Kostick
2018A18017Agribusiness Innovation Grant$8,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdDetection of CaLso Infections Using Off-The-Shelf Technology
2018P16001Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$95,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdDr Jibran Tahir3rd Year Extension
2018C18004Conference Grant$9,500NZ Institute of Primary Industry Management IncNZIPIM WorkshopsSpeaker: John Noonan
2018L18008Capability Development Grant$150,000NZ National Fieldays Society IncorporatedFieldays Sector Stakeholder 2018-2020
2018A18006Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000NZ Plant Producers IncorporatedPlant Producer Science and Innovation Strategy
2018C18002Conference Grant$7,000NZ Plant Protection Society IncNZ Plant Protection Biosecurity Symposium & ConferenceSpeakers: Dr Shahin Ansari & Dr Andrew Robinson
2018C18017Conference Grant$4,240NZ Rural Leadership TrustNuffield Biennial ConferenceSpeaker: Hautahi Kingi
2018C18003Conference Grant$4,000Olives New Zealand IncOlives New Zealand 2017 Olive Oil AwardsSpeaker: Dr Giuseppe Di Lecce
2018C18014Conference Grant$5,584Onions New ZealandOnions New Zealand Workshop & LandWISE ConferenceSpeaker: Professor Daniel Drost
2018M18011Market Insight Grant$32,000Onions New ZealandChina Supply Chain and Marketing Assessment
2018C18018Conference Grant$5,750Page Bloomer Associates LimitedLandWISE 2018 - Technologies for Timely ActionsSpeakers: Sarah Pethybridge, Michael Nichols & Will Bignell
2018L18011Capability Development Grant$23,000Pasture Summit ConferencesSponsorship
2018S18002Leadership Scholarship$12,250Paul MartinAGMARDT Leadership Scholarship
2018A18018Agribusiness Innovation Grant$89,880Potatoes NZ IncorporatedMarket access for processing potatoes to Japan
2018M18009Market Insight Grant$16,500Primary Collaboration New Zealand LimitedDigital and E-commerce Insights - China
2018M18005Market Insight Grant$12,876RNJ NZ Operations LimitedIn-Market Consumer Research on Novel NZ Plant Extract
2018L18015Capability Development Grant$4,000Samuel LangThe Grassfed Exchange Conference
2018L18013Capability Development Grant$900Sheryl Brown/NZ Farm Life MediaIFAJ2018 World Congress the Netherlands
2018T18002Thought Leadership$69,000Showdown ProductionsRural Delivery Partnership
2018L18014Capability Development Grant$8,000South Island Dairying Development CentreGlobal Dairy Farmers Congress 2018
2018A18021Agribusiness Innovation Grant$50,000Syndex LimitedAccessing Agri Capital
2018C18016Conference Grant$15,000Te Hono MovementTe Hono National Summit 2018Sponsorship
2018A18037Agribusiness Innovation Grant$24,000The BHU Future Farming CentreElectrothermal Field Weeder Project
2018M18007Market Insight Grant$29,900The Natural Protein Company LimitedImprivo Market Insight Strategy Research
2018L18017Capability Development Grant$34,500The New Zealand Merino CompanyNZM Production Science Grower Group. Future of Farming
2018S18005Leadership Scholarship$15,000Tim SaundersAGMARDT Leadership Scholarship
2018A18002Agribusiness Innovation Grant$7,855Torere Macadamias LimitedInternational Macadamia Research Symposium
2018C18020Conference Grant$2,477University of CanterburyNZDFI - Commercial Forestry of Improved Durable EucalyptsSpeaker: Dr Tomo Kakitani
2018A18029Agribusiness Innovation Grant$51,981University of OtagoSheep Milk and Bone Health
2018P18001Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$210,000University of OtagoDr Rowan Paul HerridgeTopic: Developing F1 hybrid technologies for enhanced ryegrass performance
2018A18005Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,952Vetlife LimitedLocal Anaesthetic at Calf Disbudding: What Works
2018A18010Agribusiness Innovation Grant$45,000Walk On LimitedGlade
2018A18011Agribusiness Innovation Grant$300,000Whenua KuraWhenau ORA - National Maori Engagement Programme
2018A18035Agribusiness Innovation Grant$54,000Woolchemy NZ LimitedWool Composite Pad for Incontinence
2018M18008Market Insight Grant$97,856Wools of NZ Responsible Wool Standard GroupMarket Insight for WNZ Responsible Wool Standard
2018L18007Capability Development Grant$13,800Young Viticulturist of the YearYoung Viticulturist of the Year Competition 2018
2018S18003Leadership Scholarship$15,000Zachary MounseyAGMARDT Leadership Scholarship
2019L19016Capability Development Grant$3,0003Sixty2 - Alice Jean RuleKellog Rural Leadership Programme
2019L19020Capability Development Grant$50,600AbacusBio LimitedExtending Boundaries - International Internship Program 2019
2019L19013Capability Development Grant$27,900AGMARDT Associate TrusteeLiam O'Sullivan
2019P17001Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$95,000AgResearch LimitedDr Nikola Palevich3rd Year Extension
2019P19001Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$210,000AgResearch LimitedDr Bryony DignamTopic: Soil organic matter quality and immune response
2019P19002Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$210,000AgResearch LimitedDr Patrice RosengraveTopic: Trojan female pest control: the development of a novel technique for clover root weevil pest control
2019A19002Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Agri Concepts LimitedESL Sheep Milk drinking yogurt
2019M19004Market Insight Grant$43,500Agritech New ZealandSupporting the development of Agritech New Zealand
2019C19011Conference Grant$19,260Apiculture NZ IncorporatedApiculture NZ National Conference 2019Speakers: Dr Juliana Rangel & Samuel Ramsey Ph.D
2019A19018Agribusiness Innovation Grant$49,250Avocado Harvest & Postharvest Management GroupFeasibility of early harvest and on-shore fruit storage
2019A19017Agribusiness Innovation Grant$10,000BCC LimitedAgTech Hackathon
2019M19002Market Insight Grant$90,000Beef + Lamb NZ LimitedNew Zealand public reputation & consumer research brief for the red meat sector
2019M19003Market Insight Grant$42,000Beef + Lamb NZ LimitedDetermining environmental footprint associated with New Zealand
2019M19005Market Insight Grant$100,000Beef + Lamb NZ LimitedUnderstanding the Californian Conscious Foodie
2019A19001Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Biobrew LimitedEffects of Biobrew Ltd technology in a murine model
2019A19033Agribusiness Innovation Grant$60,000Blinc Innovation LimitedFarm Systems Innovation: Heavy soil winter dairying
2019C19018Conference Grant$10,000Boma New ZealandGrow 2019: Boma NZ Agri SummitSpeakers: Raymond McCauley, Zenia Tata, Cherrie Atilano, Amy Keller, Tim Cannon, David Davies & Abi Ramanan
2019A19012Agribusiness Innovation Grant$22,664Bonnie GoodsBonnie Oat Milk Project
2019A19023Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Brome Grass Biocontrol GroupFeasibility for biological control of bromus grass species
2019C19012Conference Grant$7,000Central Economic Development Agency (CEDA)NZ AgriFood Week 2019Speaker: Rob Ward
2019L19007Capability Development Grant$3,660Chantelle WallbridgeStudent Veterinary Business Society - Attendance at American Vet Business Training Conference
2019C19023Conference Grant$11,286ConferenzPrimary Industries New Zealand Summit and AwardsSpeaker: Mr Hans Jöhr
2019L19002Capability Development Grant$15,000Couper & Couper LimitedMarketing a grass fed premium for NZ dairy exports
2019C19013Conference Grant$6,325Dairy Women's NetworkDWN19 Invest in YouSpeaker: Sue Stockdale
2019L19018Capability Development Grant$15,000Deer Industry New ZealandFuture Leaders Innovation Workshop
2019L19014Capability Development Grant$2,150Emma BoaseInternational Food Marketing Research Symposium
2019C19006Conference Grant$7,500Event-ItAustralasian Dairy Science Symposium 2018Speakers: Brendan Horan, Catherine Stanton, Dr David Barber, Dr Harry Clark, Dr John Roache, Dr Keith Pembleton, Dr Nigel Bell & Graeme Att
2019M19001Market Insight Grant$35,000Farmshed LabsProcess driven entry into northern hemisphere confinement dairy
2019C19016Conference Grant$7,000Foundation for Arable Research (FAR)Research leading changeSpeaker: Professor Fiona Burnett
2019A19013Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,550GrassCo LimitedUsing deep learning to predict pasture quality
2019A19024Agribusiness Innovation Grant$15,100GroundedValidation of lysimeter system
2019A19027Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Harvester Technologies LimitedMachine learning for tree level irrigation in horticulture
2019L19005Capability Development Grant$15,000HATA - Horticulture Agriculture Teachers AssociationHorticulture Agriculture Teachers Association Conference
2019A19026Agribusiness Innovation Grant$100,000Hawke’s Bay Meat Company (HBMC)New Pet Brand Co
2019S19002Leadership Scholarship$14,140Helen AndrewsAGMARDT Leadership Scholarship
2019C19017Conference Grant$10,000Inta-Ag LimitedGrowing in a Climate of ChangeSpeakers: Christy Hoepting, Dr John Keer & Howard Hinds
2019S19001Leadership Scholarship$11,000Jan EarlyAGMARDT Leadership Scholarship
2019A19005Agribusiness Innovation Grant$15,000Lanaco LimitedInvestigations & demo of wool-filters in medical & surgical
2019C19022Conference Grant$5,000LandWISE IncRethinking Best PracticeSpeakers: Brad Bernhard & Frank Forcella
2019S19005Leadership Scholarship$15,000Laura Keenan931 - Rapid diagnosis of insecticide resistance in aphids
2019A19015Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Lavoro Farms LimitedAlternative marketing channels for NZ grown & farmed pork
2019A19025Agribusiness Innovation Grant$16,000Lincoln UniversityLucerne physiology and modelling workshop
2019P17002Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant$95,000Lincoln UniversityDr Gong Hua3rd Year Extension
2019A19028Agribusiness Innovation Grant$50,000Mainland Kiwifruit EntityEnhancing the storageability of Nelson Gold Kiwifruit
2019L19001Capability Development Grant$5,000Marcus BousfieldIoD Company Directors Course
2019C19008Conference Grant$3,450Massey University - Fertilizer & Lime Research Centre32nd Annual FLRC WorkshopSpeaker: Dr Jenny Deakin
2019A19009Agribusiness Innovation Grant$99,000Massey University & Riddet InstituteHybrid Meats
2019S19004Leadership Scholarship$15,000Matt KibbleAGMARDT Leadership Scholarship
2019A19032Agribusiness Innovation Grant$57,500Ministry for Primary IndustriesTe Hono KPMG Value Programme
2019L19019Capability Development Grant$22,897Ministry for Primary IndustriesEmerging Leaders Scholarship 2019
2019L19011Capability Development Grant$51,750National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs IncorporatedNZ Young Farmers Board Development & Training
2019L19012Capability Development Grant$69,000National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs IncorporatedNational Committee 2019
2019C19014Conference Grant$10,000National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs IncorporatedAGMARDT Breakfast
2019C19010Conference Grant$20,000National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs IncorporatedGrow your Mind - Food trends and InnovationSpeakers: Julia Jones, Craig Piggot, Jesse Logan, Peter Randup, Tracey Sheehy, Blair Smith, Sarah Hindle, Gerard Vaughan
2019A19011Agribusiness Innovation Grant$12,710Nelson Orchards Remote Nitrogen Sensing GroupHyperspectral nutrient imaging of orchards
2019L19015Capability Development Grant$100,000NZ Apples and Pears IncorporatedHorticulture Innovation Program
2019C19002Conference Grant$6,000NZ AvocadoNZ Avocado International Industry Conference 2018Speaker: Mr Loren Zhao
2019C19001Conference Grant$4,025NZ Grasslands Association IncorporatedConference SponsorshipSpeakers: Simon Upton, Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
2019C19003Conference Grant$6,000NZ Guild of Agricultural Journalists & CommunicatorsCelebrating 60 Years - NZ Guild of Agricultural Journalists and CommunicatorsSpeaker: Anna Jones
2019A19020Agribusiness Innovation Grant$17,500NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdNetherlands NZ Agrifood leaders tour
2019C19009Conference Grant$5,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LtdEU Progress from IntegrateSpeaker: Professor Claudio Ioriatti
2019V19001Visiting Fellowship Grant$18,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research Ltd909 - NZ Merino - Mark BrydonTopic: Assist with the vision for a revitalised kumara export industry. Professor Villordon will provide a strong international perspective on sweet potato production along with expertise in sweet potato root size and shape.
2019L19004Capability Development Grant$19,500NZ Institute of Primary Industry Management IncNZIPIM Leadership Development Forum
2019C19015Conference Grant$5,000NZ Microbiological SocietyNZ Microbiological Society Conference 2019Speaker: Frank Takken
2019C19024Conference Grant$11,780NZ Plant Protection Society IncNZ Plant Protection SymposiumSpeakers: Dr Niklaus Grundwald & Dr Richard Cobb
2019C19005Conference Grant$4,800NZ Society of Soil ScienceNZ Society of Soil Science ConferenceSpeaker: Professor Andrew L. Waterhouse
2019A19007Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000NZ Truffle AssociationEffectiveness of truffle spore traps to improve production
2019C19004Conference Grant$4,000Olives New Zealand IncOlives New Zealand 2018 ConferenceSpeaker: Esteban Santipolio
2019A19006Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000OnSide LimitedOnSide Intelligence
2019C19020Conference Grant$5,000Organic Winegrowers NZOrganic & Biodynamic Grapegrowing ConferenceSpeakers: Dr Georg Meissner - Alois Lageder Wines, Geisenheim Institute & Sebastian Tramon Sustainability Manager Emiliana Vineyard
2019A19034Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,800Primary ITOFuture Thinking Agribusiness Programme
2019A19003Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,950Quin Environmentals (NZ) LimitedRobotic ammonia detection on pastures
2019C19007Conference Grant$3,000Rezare Systems LimitedAg Innovations BootcampSponsorship
2019L19006Capability Development Grant$10,000Robert Waddell & Betta Bees Research LimitedInstrumental Insemination/Breeding Programme W/ Susan Cobey (USA)
2019L19017Capability Development Grant$1,750Samantha TennentThe IFAJ Alltech Young Leaders Program
2019E19001Executive Mangement Development Scholarship$25,000Sarah von DadelszenExecutive Leadership Scholarship Awarded
2019C19021Conference Grant$12,718Scion ResearchOceania Ecosystem Services ForumSpeakers: Dr Anne D Guerry, Dr Ken Bagstad & Dr Robert Deal
2019L19003Capability Development Grant$69,000St Paul’s Collegiate SchoolContinuation of strategic partnership
2019A19021Agribusiness Innovation Grant$200,000Stakeholders In Methyl Bromide Reduction Inc. STIMBRJoule heating project to derisk pilot plant development
2019L19008Capability Development Grant$4,250Stuart FraserInstitute of Directors - Director Development
2019C19019Conference Grant$25,000Te Hono MovementTe Hono Volume to Value ForumSpeakers: Larry Keeley, Zenia Tata & Andrew Morlet
2019A19004Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,500Telegraph HillNZ olive oil Japan export feasibility study
2019L19010Capability Development Grant$1,150The NZ Institute of Agricultural & Horticulural Science IncorporatedAGMARDT Technology Transfer Award
2019A19014Agribusiness Innovation Grant$18,200The NZ Merino Trading LimitedDevelop an organic wool fibre medium for mussel spat
2019A19010Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,977Torere Macadamias LimitedInternational Macadamia Research Symposium - China
2019S19003Leadership Scholarship$15,000Tracy BengeAGMARDT Leadership Scholarship
2019A19029Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,600University of AucklandBioinformatics for facial eczema mitigation
2019A19008Agribusiness Innovation Grant$95,000Veterinary Enterprises Group LimitedImproving cow and calf welfare in the first week of life
2019A19022Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,900Vetlife LimitedDeveloping effective on-farm analgesia for calf dis-budding
2019A19031Agribusiness Innovation Grant$63,434Vetlife LimitedValidation of a new diagnostic test for Johne's disease
2019A19019Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,500Vine Life LimitedProof of concept for non-destructive disease detection
2019A19030Agribusiness Innovation Grant$18,000Waimea Nurseries LimitedMicropropagation of difficult to grow apple rootstocks
2019M19006Market Insight Grant$32,268Wakatu IncorporationTe Tauihu Indigenous Organisms Project - Delegation to Peru
2019A19016Agribusiness Innovation Grant$110,000Wood Processors and Manufacturers AssociationThe NZ Wood Design Guides
2019L19009Capability Development Grant$13,800Young Viticulturist of the YearYoung Viticulturist of the Year Competition 2019
2020A19021Agribusiness Innovation Grant$5,000Stakeholders In Methyl Bromide Reduction Inc. STIMBRJoule Heating Project to Derisk Pilot Plant DevelopmentAdditional funding request
2020A20001Agribusiness Innovation Grant$55,503Pheromite LimitedOptimisation of Ectoparasiticide Lead Compounds
2020A20002Agribusiness Innovation Grant$55,000The Smart Machine Company LimitedAutonomous Viticulture Vehicle Interface and Data Collection
2020A20003Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000BeautBeesProtein Verification Test for Royal Jelly
2020A20004Agribusiness Innovation Grant$115,000NZ Agrichemical Education TrustUpdate of NZS8409 Management of Agrichemicals
2020A20005Agribusiness Innovation Grant$150,000The Factory NZ LimitedSprout Accelerator
2020A20006Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,524Hemprino LimitedProof of Concept Prototyping - The Future of Apparel Fibre
2020A20007Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,320Growlab LimitedFramework for Avocado Risk Index
2020A20008Agribusiness Innovation Grant$18,845Hot Lime LabsUsing Waste Wood to Enhance Greenhouse Yield by up to 30%
2020A20009Agribusiness Innovation Grant$5,000Lincoln UniversityThe Irish Origin Green Brand - Relevance for New Zealand
2020A20010Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,999AgResearch LimitedFood and Bio-based Products Group - Bridging the Protein Gap in Systems Biology
2020A20011Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Hieracium Biocontrol GroupEuropean Origin of New Zealand Pilosella Officinarum
2020A20012Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,700National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs IncorporatedDesign a NZ Young Farmers Digital Platform
2020A20013Agribusiness Innovation Grant$14,998Lincoln University - Bio-Protection Research CentreFuture Farming, Future Fuels
2020A20014Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Pine Pollen New Zealand LimitedPine Pollen - Preliminary Investigation
2020A20015Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000BumperCropAutomated Plant Growth Tracking
2020A20016Agribusiness Innovation Grant$195,500Value Added Wheat GroupValue Added Wheat through Applied Genomic Prediction
2020A20017Agribusiness Innovation Grant$33,704National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs IncorporatedReview & Co-design of a Sustainable Business Model for NZ Young Farmers
2020A20018Agribusiness Innovation Grant$18,113Synlait Milk LimitedIntegrated Farm System Modelling for Sustainability
2020A20019Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000NZ Hemp Industries Association IncorporatedPreliminary Economic Assessment of Industrial Hemp in NZ
2020A20020Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,215Cropsy Technologies LimitedAutomated Detection of Pests and Diseases in Vineyards
2020A20021Agribusiness Innovation Grant$150,000Pastoral Robotics LimitedCanterbury Spikey
2020A20022Agribusiness Innovation Grant$13,800ZoffeeCommercialisation Opportunities for a Native Plant Genus
2020A20023Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Abacusbio LimitedMite Monitor - Measure and Manage
2020A20024Agribusiness Innovation Grant$45,000Rural Innovation LabSupporting the Functioning of the Rural Innovation Lab
2020A20025Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LimitedDetecting Miticide Resistance in Varroa
2020A20026Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Massey UniversityAssessing FTIR to Measure Protein Quality in Meat Byproducts
2020A20027Agribusiness Innovation Grant$18,000Deartech LimitedAutomated Squash Harvesting Technology
2020A20028Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Kiwi QuinoaBeverage Proof of Concept
2020A20029Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Lincoln Agritech Ltd - Ultrasonic Bird Scarer Research GroupUltrasonic Beat Bird Scarer
2020A20030Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000White Goat LimitedUHT Goat Milk Processing
2020A20031Agribusiness Innovation Grant$60,000Parininihi ki Waitotara (PkW)Farming New Zealand Native Water Lentils in the Taranaki
2020A20032Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,582Harley Ridge Enterprises Limited (trading as Genius Pet Food)Development of 3 New Recipes for Premium, NZ Made Pet Food
2020A20033Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000AWOL (2020) LimitedFreeze Dried Vegetable Product
2020A20034Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Lamb Production Sustainability Interest GroupMaternal Relationship Identification in Sheep
2020A20035Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Dermanova LimitedMeat Processing Device and Method for Bung Closure
2020A20036Agribusiness Innovation Grant$517,500Sprout Agritech LimitedStrategic Partnership - 3 Year Agreement
2020A20037Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,500Rural Leadership TrustPahautea: Centre for Flourishing Regions
2020A20038Agribusiness Innovation Grant$6,578GlobalHQOn Farm Story Sponsorship - Mount Albert Grammar School
2020A20039Agribusiness Innovation Grant$104,310University of OtagoValorisation of Low Grade Honey
2020C20001Conference Grant$2,300NZ Institute of Primary Industry Management IncorporatedNational ConferenceJesse Reader
2020C20002Conference Grant$4,025NZ Grassland Association IncorporatedNZ Grassland Conference
2020C20003Conference Grant$13,270Potatoes NZ IncorporatedConference SponsorshipAndy Robinson
2020C20004Conference Grant$12,000NZ Apples and Pears IncorporatedAnnual ConferenceBill MacKintosh
2020C20005Conference Grant$2,713Āta LandThe Great Regen Road Trip NZTre' Cates
2020C20006Conference Grant$4,000Olives New Zealand IncOlives NZ 2019 Olive Oil AwardsDr August J. Romero
2020C20007Conference Grant$10,569Zespri (on behalf of Kiwifruit Vine Health)Kiwifruit Industry Biosecurity DayProfessor Acelino Couto Alfenas
2020C20008Conference Grant$5,000Primary Industry Capability Alliance (PICA)PICA Research Forum 2019: Connecting Talent to Careers
2020C20009Conference Grant$1,504Eat New ZealandFood HuiNatalie O'Brien
2020C20010Conference Grant$3,450Massey University33rd Annual FLRC WorkshopProfessor Robert Rees
2020C20011Conference Grant$20,000Apiculture NZ IncorporatedApiculture NZ Conference 2020Dr Jamie Ellis & Dr Shelley Hoover
2020C20012Conference Grant$11,000NZ Hemp Industries Association IncorporatediHemp Summit and Expo 2020Albert Dun, Klara Marosszeky & Tim Schmid
2020C20013Conference Grant$12,874ConferenzPrimary Industries New Zealand SummitJenny Zegler
2020C20014Conference Grant$3,000Central Economic Development Agency LimitedNZ AgriFood WeekIan McConnell, Phil Freeman & Linda Farmer
2020C20015Conference Grant$11,050Better Border BiosecurityFourth Better Border Biosecurity (B3) ConferenceProfessor Julie Urban
2020C20016Conference Grant$6,368Irrigation New Zealand IncorporatedIrrigation NZWater for Life Conference 2020Monty Teeter
2020C20017Conference Grant$10,000National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs IncAGMARDT Breakfast at FMG Young Farmer of the Year
2020L20001Capability Development Grant$395Cheyenne WilsonNZIPIM National Conference
2020L20002Capability Development Grant$1,500NZ Guild of Agricultural Journalists and CommunicatorsAGMARDT Agribusiness Journalism Award
2020L20003Capability Development Grant$6,200Patricia RankinHarvard Business School Agribusiness Seminar
2020L20004Capability Development Grant$100,000NZ Apples and Pears IncorporatedExecutive International Horticultural Immersion Programme
2020L20005Capability Development Grant$18,251Sam Lockwood-GeckInternational Horticultural Innovation Initiative
2020L20006Capability Development Grant$12,150Gary JonesINSEAD Competitive Strategy Programme
2020L20007Capability Development Grant$4,000Tomatoes New Zealand IncorporatedHelen Barnes - Global Tomato Congress
2020L20008Capability Development Grant$8,000Summer WynyardUN North America Leadership Tour
2020L20009Capability Development Grant$10,000Lanaco LimitedSpecial Scholarship Grant for Young Leaders
2020L20010Capability Development Grant$9,850Jo GriggOn-Farm Environmental Projects - Good for the Land & Business
2020L20011Capability Development Grant$8,500Cameron MassieFonterra Governance Development Programme
2020L20012Capability Development Grant$5,500Gemma JenkinsKiwi SaaStr Workshop and the SaaStr 2020 Conference
2020L20013Capability Development Grant$10,000Katie VickersWorshipful Company of Farmers (WCF) - Advanced Course in Agriculture
2020L20014Capability Development Grant$10,000The Factory NZAgTech Hackathon 2020
2020L20015Capability Development Grant$35,000Ministry for Primary IndustriesPrimary Industries Good Employer Awards
2020L20016Capability Development Grant$28,000Farmlands CooperativeTo The Core
2020L20017Capability Development Grant$46,000New Zealand Rural Leadership TrustNuffield2020 Triennial
2020L20018Capability Development Grant$1,825Steff CresswellAWDT Escalator Programme
2020L20019Capability Development Grant$100,000KPMGFood and Fibre Foresight Essentials Programme
2020L20020Capability Development Grant$1,150NZ Institute of Agricultural & Horticultural ScienceAGMARDT Technology Transfer Award
2020L20021Capability Development Grant$17,250NZ Winegrowers Incorporated - Young Viticulturist of the YearYoung Viticulturist of the Year Competion 2020
2020L20022Capability Development Grant$6,000Deer Industry New ZealandFuture Leaders Innovation Workshop (continued)
2020L20023Capability Development Grant$345,000New Zealand Rural Leadership TrustKellogg & Nuffield ProgramStrategic Partnership - 3 Year Agreement
2020L20024Capability Development Grant$15,000Hamish FraserThe Ice House Owner Manager Programme
2020L20025Capability Development Grant$207,000Agri-Women's Development Trust (AWDT)AWDT Accelerating Primary Sector ChangeStrategic Partnership - 3 Year Agreement
2020M20001Market Insight Grant$35,386Primary Collaboration New Zealand LimitedChengdu Market Visit
2020M20002Market Insight Grant$30,900Kiwigarden LimitedFreeze Dried Baby Food Powders
2020M20003Market Insight Grant$60,000NZ Dairy Dessert Company Limited (trading as Appleby Farms)Australian Market Investigation and Launch
2020M20004Market Insight Grant$155,550Next Generation Apples LimitedNew Variety Market and Customer Insights Programme
2020P18001Post Doctoral Scholarship$105,000University of OtagoDr Rowan Paul Herridge3rd year extension
2020S20001Leadership Schoalrship$15,000Jessica SmithAGMARDT Leadership Scholarship
2020S20002Leadership Schoalrship$15,000Tennielle EllinghamAGMARDT Leadership Scholarship
2020S20003Leadership Schoalrship$15,000Paul OlsenAGMARDT Leadership Scholarship
2020S20004Leadership Schoalrship$10,830Renee HoggAGMARDT Leadership Scholarship
2020S20005Leadership Schoalrship$13,500Andrew BeijemanAGMARDT Leadership Scholarship
2020V20001Visiting Fellowship$13,710Scion ResearchDr Bruce Marcot - USA
2020V20002Visiting Fellowship$13,735The NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LimitedDr Paul Horne - Australia
19979701$68,889New Zealand Agrichemical Education TrustNew Zealand Agrichemical Education Trust
19979702$40,50043rd ICOMST Organising CommitteeSponsorship of 43rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology
19979703$3,000HortResearchSponsorship of International Society for Horticultural Science Council Meeting
19979704$5,000Possum and Bovine Tuberculosis Control National Science Strategy CommitteeWorkshop on vaccination of a means for control of bovine tuberculosis
19979705$225,000Hieracium Control TrustBiological control of hieracium
19979706$2,000Sarah Clark19th Fungal Genetics Conference - Travel sponsorship
19979707$25,000Kotuku ProductionsAgri-Tech 2000 - television programme
19979708$4,800The Royal Society of New ZealandProduction of a resource for senior secondary science and agriculture teachers and their students
19979709$4,000Rachel Elliot11th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation - travel sponsorship
19979710$1,222S&S PublicationsStarters & Strategies article on apples
19979711$2,626NZ Flower Exporters AssociationPress releases to key Japanese floriculture publications
19979712$5,544NZ Flower Exporters AssociationAttendance at Japan Florist Telegraph Delivery Association of Annual Conference
19979713$2,156NZ Flower Exporters AssociationFloral design demonstration at Otah Flower Market
19979714$2,626NZ Flower Exporters AssociationNew Zealand flower arrangements in Otah Market
19979715$3,369NZ Flower Exporters AssociationSponsorship of visit by Chairman, Japan Florist Telegraph Delivery Association
19979716$4,000Guy WarmanInternational Congress on Chronobiology - travel sponsorship
19979717$20,000NZ Flower Exporters AssociationNew version of New Zealand Cut Flower Catalogue
19979718$15,000NZ Federation of Young Farmers Clubs (Inc)Sponsorship of YFC Conference
19979719$10,000Massey UniversitySponsorship of visit to New Zealand by Sir Colin Spedding
19979720$4,136NZ Tree Crop AssociationA possible dwarfing rootstock for feijoas
19979721$46,000East Coast Beef CouncilDevelopment of low cost calf rearing systems
19979722$8,000Possum and Bovine Tuberculosis Control National Science Strategy CommitteeReview of Bovine Tuberculosis Management
19979723$50,000South Canterbury, North Otago Research GroupDrying influences on wheat quality
19979724$30,000Boronia Growers GroupProject for improving the sensory quality of New Zealand's bornia crop
19979725$25,000NZ Tree Crop AssociationOlive cultivar evaluation for various districts
19979726$50,000Waimate West Demonstration Farm CommitteeImpacts of integrating maize silage into the diarying system
19979727$70,000South Canterbury North Otago Branch of NZ Deer Farmers AssociationDeer Master
19979728$67,759Pukekohe Vegetable Growers Association IncFranklin Sustainability Project
19979729$49,500New Zealand Kumara Distributors LtdImproving yields, tuber shape and storability of kumaras
19979730$50,000Hawke's Bay Tasmanian Grass Grub GroupTasmanian grass grub control for Hawke's Bay
19979731$12,190Rangitikei Branch Federated FarmersA landowner assessment method for river bank management
19979732$94,570Flower Industry Task ForceFloriculture Industry Body Establishment
19979733$16,875Northland Sheep-producers Pneumonia Study GroupRyegrass pastures, heat stress and pneumonia in Northland
19979734$20,000Calla Mini-tubers Grower groupCalla Mini-tubers
19979735$25,000Mid Canterbury Federated FarmersMinimising DDE residues in lambs by farm management
19979736$20,000Dannevirke Land Resource GroupFarmer training for land resource assessment
19979737$22,961Awhitu Peninsula Land GroupSystems for early detection and control of Tasmanian grass grubs.
19979738$67,493Canterbury Arable Research GroupsForecasting BYDV virus in cereal crops with aphid flights
19979739$70,000Silvopasroral Research ProgrammeSilvopastoral Research Programme
19979740$80,000Southern South Island Hill and High Country Farm Study Group.Investigative development for low- and mid-altitude tussock grassland improvement
19979741$60,000Ashburton Lyndhurst IrrigationManaging irrigation for profit and sustainability
19979742$40,000Precision Maize Grain Gcowers: Towards 2000Precision farming of maize grain
19979743$50,000NZ Deer Farmers – Hawke’s Bay BranchHawke’s Bay Deer Performance Project
19979744$8,500The Henry Chestnut Development GroupIntroduction of the Henry Chestnut to New Zealand - Stage 1
19979745$26,750Hikurangi Farmer GroupFocus farm project for Hikurangi Farming Group
19979746$50,000Group One - Integrated Fruit Production Discussion GroupGroup One - IFP Implementation and Technology Transfer Group
19979747$68,400North Otago Sustainable Land Management Group IncOn-farm Environment and Quality Production System Accreditation
19979748$30,000Waiotira Maungaturoto Farm Monitoring ProgrammeFarm monitoring programme
19979749$25,000LambMAX Farmer GroupPrevention of bearings in twinning ewes
19979750$32,456Oxford Farm Discussion GroupInvestigating improved multiple birch lamb survival using lamb covers
19979780$54,000Christopher AndersonPhytoremediation of New Zealand soils
19979781$54,000Matthew BarnettMaterno-fetal nutrition and metabolic disease
19979782$54,000Nicola IrvinOrchard understorey management for the enhancement of the effects of leafroller biocontrol agents
19979783$54,000Jan Newton-HowesA model system for biological control of possums using DNA expressed by parasites
19979784$54,000Corinne RooneyFate and management of lead in agricultural soils contaminated with lead shot
19979785$54,000David StephensLong term effects of elevated ambient CO2 concentration or regulation of carbon accumulation by nitrogen uptake on red beech
19979786$54,000Dejan TesicEnvironmental characterisation of viticultural sub-regions within Hawke's Bay
19979787$54,000Kirk TorrSynthetic analogues of terpenoid extractives from naturally durable woods for enhancing the biological resistance of Pinus radiata
2021A21001Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,000Merino Trading LimitedOrganic Hemp Rope
2021A21002Agribusiness Innovation Grant$18,400Persimmon Industry Council IncorporatedX Ray Treatment - an alternative to Methyl Bromide Fumigation
2021A21003Agribusiness Innovation Grant$15,000New Zealand Food Waste Champions 12.3Food Waste Reduction Map
2021A21004Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Nextgen Agri LimitedReal-time Tracking and Identification of Sheep Using Video
2021A21005Agribusiness Innovation Grant$14,250Produce Defect Identification Working GroupDetection of Internal Defects in Produce
2021A21006Agribusiness Innovation Grant$82,763Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology LimitedA Precise Data - Rich Method to Target Agricultural pests
2021A21007Agribusiness Innovation Grant$200,000Smart Farm Data LimitedTransForMet
2021A21008Agribusiness Innovation Grant$54,000Woolchemy NZ LimitedValidation of Absorbent Wool Technology Process
2021A21009Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000FoodHQ (on Behalf Of Emerging Proteins NZ)Understanding NZ's Emerging Proteins Sector
2021A21010Agribusiness Innovation Grant$17,000Otiwhiti Westoe Trust / Otiwhiti Station Land Based TrainingSeed Funding for Primary Industry Training in Rangitikei
2021A21011Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Feijoa (antifungal)Feijoa (antifungal)
2021A21012Agribusiness Innovation Grant$14,835Storx (New Zealand) LimitedComposite Preparation, Characterisation and Reporting
2021A21013Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Waimea Nurseries LimitedNon-destructive Technique for Apple Bud Discrimination
2021A21014Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,900Agrifood Systems LimitedComposting Mootels as a Transformational Dairy Technology
2021A21015Agribusiness Innovation Grant$150,000AgriSea NZ Seaweed LimitedBioremediation of Nutrients from Diffuse Sources
2021A21016Agribusiness Innovation Grant$12,000Agfirst Nelson LimitedStem Water Potential Assessment for Irrigation Monitoring
2021A21017Agribusiness Innovation Grant$70,150Summerfruit New ZealandApricots for Asia - Harvesting, Handling and Logistics
2021A21018Agribusiness Innovation Grant$12,000Juan Mac LimitedConcept Development for Wilding Conifer Control
2021A21019Agribusiness Innovation Grant$85,000The Aotearoa CircleNational Food Strategy
2021A21020Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Walnut BiocontrolBiocontrol of Walnut Blight with Trichoderma
2021A21021Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,900New Zealand Apples and Pears IncorporatedAotearoa Horticultural Immersion Program
2021A21022Agribusiness Innovation Grant$18,000Thoughtful Viticulture LimitedStomatal Conductance Versus Water Potential
2021A21023Agribusiness Innovation Grant$10,500Petfood Venture GroupPilot Scale Pet Food Treat Manufacturing
2021A21024Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,800University Of CanterburyCaptured Nitrogen from Farm Runoff and Waterways as Fertilis
2021A21025Agribusiness Innovation Grant$15,000Merit Meats LimitedDeer Skins Alternative Pathways
2021A21026Agribusiness Innovation Grant$63,439Nanobubble Agritech LimitedDetermining the Impact of Nanobubbles in Agriculture and Horticulture
2021A21027Agribusiness Innovation Grant$80,000NZ Rural Leadership TrustNational Leadership Centre for the Food & Fibre Sector
2021A21028Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Blueberry CoalitionOptimisation of Blueberries for Covered Cropping
2021A21029Agribusiness Innovation Grant$100,000T & G Global LimitedNovel Practices for Optimising Covered Apple Pollination
2021A21030Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Massey University, School of Food and Advanced TechnologyApplication of Supercritical UV to the Dairy Industry
2021A21031Agribusiness Innovation Grant$189,750National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs IncorporatedImplementing a Transformative Business Model for New Zealand
2021A21032Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Bostock New Zealand LimitedHot Water Treatment to Reduce Buttercup Squash Rot Incidence
2021A21033Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,850The NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LimitedBlack Field Cricket Acoustic Trapping
2021A21034Agribusiness Innovation Grant$15,000Oils and Powders NZ LimitedManuka Oil Conversion to Manuka Oil Powder
2021A21035Agribusiness Innovation Grant$17,985ANOPROUsing Grape Marc for Livestock Benefits
2021A21036Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,900Rivershot LimitedRivershot Ltd Satellite Science
2021A21037Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000The NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LimitedMite Control via a Slow-release Matrix
2021A21038Agribusiness Innovation Grant$50,000Bio-Protection Research Centre, Lincoln UniversityEnhancing Hybrid Vegetable Seed Quality
2021A21039Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Kelpn LimitedKelpn BioPlastic Film
2021A21040Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000The NZ Institute for Plant & Food Research LimitedMonitoring Insect Biodiversity with Smart Sensors
2021A21041Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,900The University of AucklandFinding Value in Cow Dung
2021A21042Agribusiness Innovation Grant$99,000AgResearch LimitedMolecular Biosensor for On-field Measurement of N Fixation
2021A21043Agribusiness Innovation Grant$60,000School of Food and Advanced Technology, Massey UniversityApplication of Supercritical UV Device to the Dairy Industry, Stage 2
2021A21044Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,940Manuka HealthRedefining the Honey Extraction Process
2021A21045Agribusiness Innovation Grant$24,351Olive & Ash LimitedVince Osmotic Vacuum Drying (OVDMA)
2021A21046Agribusiness Innovation Grant$100,000DairyNZ LimitedDynamic N Modelling from Farm to Catchment
2021A21047Agribusiness Innovation Grant$151,800Alliance Group LimitedTransform Ovine Skins into Value Added Collagen
2021A21048Agribusiness Innovation Grant$170,000Big Wool LimitedNZ Strong Wool
2021A21049Agribusiness Innovation Grant$150,000Agricademy LimitedA Life in Dairy
2021A21050Agribusiness Innovation Grant$317,975Te Taiao Steering Group Company LimitedNine Month Programme of Work to Ready Taiao Ora, Tangata Ora for Aotearoa NZ's Food and Fibres Sector
2021A21051Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Massey University - EcologyPollinators as Vectors to Enhance Fruit and Honey Production
2021A21052Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Lincoln Agritech LimitedIn-field Hemp Fibre Analysis Using Raman Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging
2021A21053Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000T&R Interior Systems LimitedFire Surface Finish for Wool Interiors
2021A21054Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Bayuble LimitedBayuble
2021A21055Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Lincoln Agritech LimitedManuka Land Use Classification
2021A21056Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000SoleTech LimitedR&D/Prototyping
2021A21057Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Fergus FauvelWoolen Building Material
2021A21058Agribusiness Innovation Grant$70,000University of AucklandBiostimulating Nitrogen Uptake to Boost Crop Productivity and Reduce Environmental Impact
2021A21059Agribusiness Innovation Grant$38,251Sabbath Rest Advent Church (NZ) trading as Wholegrain OrganicsProof of Concept: Mulch-direct Planting for Commercial Vegetable Production and its Technical Implementation in NZ Conditions
2021A21060Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Trevelyan's Pack and Cool LimitedAvocado Harvest Conditions
2021A21061Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Waiora Research Limited/ Trading as eClean envirotechEClean " Whakahokia te mauri o nga awa, o nga rôto Maori"
2021C21001Conference Grant$4,025NZ Grassland Association IncorporatedResilient Pastures Symposium
2021C21002Conference Grant$25,000Ministry for Primary IndustriesRegenerative Agriculture Hui
2021C21003Conference Grant$34,500Te Hono (Maori)Maori Te Hono Summit
2021C21004Conference Grant$10,000National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs IncorporatedAGMARDT Agri-Business Breakfast
2021C21005Conference Grant$20,000The New Zealand Merino Company LimitedThe Heroes' Journey
2021FF21001Food & Fibre Aotearoa New Zealand$325,000Pearl Pastures LimitedBuilding the Value Chain for Pearl Veal
2021FF21002Food & Fibre Aotearoa New Zealand$348,291Methane Mitigation Ventures LimitedDiagnostics for Reduced Methane in Ruminants
2021L21001Capability Development Grant$15,000New Zealand Pork Industry BoardManaging Ground Cover, Health and Nutrition on Outdoor Pig Farms
2021L21002Capability Development Grant$3,278Lana KennettThe Mind Lab Leading Change for Good
2021L21003Capability Development Grant$5,000New Zealand Apples and Pears IncorporatedFood Marketing Challenge
2021L21004Capability Development Grant$6,854Kaipara Kai HubInnovation Taster Tour
2021L21005Capability Development Grant$60,000St Paul's Collegiate SchoolAssisting Secondary Schools in NZ to Teach Agribusiness
2021L21006Capability Development Grant$7,500Miss Jo BurtonFonterra/Massey University Governance Development Programme
2021L21007Capability Development Grant$7,500Carlos Delos Santos Jr.Fonterra Governance Development Programme
2021L21008Capability Development Grant$28,000Farmlands CooperativeTo The Core
2021L21009Capability Development Grant$12,520Lodestone (NZ) LimitedAnna Crosbie - Institute for the Future Foresight Essentials/Scenario Building
2021L21010Capability Development Grant$27,900AGMARDT Associate TrusteePatricia Rankin
2021L21011Capability Development Grant$15,000Andy Elliot
2021M21001Market Insight Grant$50,000Harvex Group LimitedIn-Market Support for Digital Marketplace
2021M21002Market Insight Grant$200,000Greenlea Premier Meats LimitedRestore Wholefoods Bone Broth
2022A21037Agribusiness Innovation Grant$10,000The NZ Institute for Plant and Food ResearchMite control via a slow-release matrix
2022A22001Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000New Zealand Food Waste Champions 12.3Kai commitment
2022A22002Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000AXIS7 LimitedCost-effective robotic brassica harvesting
2022A22003Agribusiness Innovation Grant$29,999Datic LimitedProTag
2022A22004Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000FoodHQ (on behalf of Emerging Proteins NZ)Learning from international best-practice in emerging proteins ecosystems: setting NZ up for success
2022A22005Agribusiness Innovation Grant$99,171University of CanterburyBetter Bacteriophages for Healthy Honeybees
2022A22006Agribusiness Innovation Grant$29,999BioLignaProtein production via fermentable sugars derived from wood residue
2022A22007Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Lanaco LimitedDeveloping a fully biodegradable, high performance, wool based disposable mask
2022A22008Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Quick Cover LtdSprayable/edible silage cover
2022A22009Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000NZ Hemp Industries Association IncIHemp networking and industry building initiative
2022A22010Agribusiness Innovation Grant$293,595The Aotearoa CircleNational Food Strategy Phase IIStrategic Partnership
2022A22011Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000Ata Land LtdWhy I shifted to regenerative farming
2022A22012Agribusiness Innovation Grant$200,000Pine Pollen New Zealand LimitedPine pollen - harvest technology
2022A22013Agribusiness Innovation Grant$72,250Valic NZ LtdEnhancing avocado pollination in Northland: harnessing new innovations to improve yields
2022A22014Agribusiness Innovation Grant$137,172Nanobubble Agritech LimitedDetermining the impact of nanobubbles in agriculture and horticulture - Phase 2
2022A22015Agribusiness Innovation Grant$60,260Precision Horticulture GroupImproving orchard uniformity by deploying prescription maps
2022A22016Agribusiness Innovation Grant$57,643Ligar Limited PartnershipBeverage flavour modification
2022A22017Agribusiness Innovation Grant$57,000Novataro LimitedQuantifying the effectiveness of a cow urine spreading device at reduce leaching from dairy pastures
2022A22018Agribusiness Innovation Grant$100,000Ruminant BioTech Corp Ltd.TransForMet (TFM) - Knockout methane to boost productivity for cattle
2022A22019Agribusiness Innovation Grant$28,500Katikati Innovative Horticulture TrustKatikati innovative horticulture project
2022A22020Agribusiness Innovation Grant$28,600Future Farm Systems IncorporatedEvaluation of two lamb production systems and the effect of worm challenge on farm profitability and environmental sustainability
2022A22021Agribusiness Innovation Grant$22,640Agfirst Nelson LtdNovel organic approach for improving apple colouration and preventing postharvest disorders from orchard
2022A22022Agribusiness Innovation Grant$137,510NZ Zero (NZ0)Emission free farming
2022A22023Agribusiness Innovation Grant$200,000Wool Industry Research LimitedWool cell components as the basis for high performance structured materials
2022A22024Agribusiness Innovation Grant$34,500Marlborough Research Centre TrustUpscaling organic waste streams
2022A22025Agribusiness Innovation Grant$18,000Thoughtful Viticulture Ltd.Performance of grapevine rootstocks under water limited conditions
2022A22026Agribusiness Innovation Grant$460,288Te Taiao Steering Group Co LtdTaiao Ora Tangata Ora Strategic Partnering and Investment ProgrammeStrategic Partnership
2022A22027Agribusiness Innovation Grant$69,000Deartech LtdSquash harvester automation
2022A22028Agribusiness Innovation Grant$50,000Croptide LimitedDeveloping a tool for establishing plant water potential to improve irrigation efficiency
2022A22029Agribusiness Innovation Grant$40,000Veterinary Enterprises Group LtdImproving facial eczema management on NZ dairy farms
2022A22030Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Kinda LtdProof of concept and validation of cauliflower based ice cream product
2022A22031Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Venture TaranakiTaranaki Rural Energy Project Pilot
2022A22032Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000The Astino Sheep Company LimitedInvestigating the potential for health-led claims for Astino Lamb
2022A22033Agribusiness Innovation Grant$29,500Apollo Foods LimitedIncrease diversification of land in Aotearoa
2022A22034Agribusiness Innovation Grant$60,000Wakatū IncorporationTe Tauihu Climatorium
2022A22035Agribusiness Innovation Grant$29,950Bambax LTD3D Lamination
2022A22036Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,000BiolignaMarket Analysis of the Probiotic and Postbiotic Markets
2022A22037Agribusiness Innovation Grant$99,250EpiVetsWorld leading mastitis management on NZ sheep milking farms
2022A22038Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000FLOCAS ENTERPRISES PARTNERSHIPAnimal waste conversion project
2022A22039Agribusiness Innovation Grant$28,450Kabocha Milk CoKabocha (Pumpkin) project for Asia
2022A22040Agribusiness Innovation Grant$15,502Bambax LtdHorizon 1 - prototype 1
2022A22041Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000NZ Kiwiberry Growers Inc.IPM development and implementation
2022A22042Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000DNAiTECH LtdRapid in-field bee pathogen detection
2022A22043Agribusiness Innovation Grant$28,290Massey UniversityAgriVoltaics feasibility study
2022A22044Agribusiness Innovation Grant$148,350On-Farn ResearchEvaluating regenerative farming principles and improving farmer resilience (Part 2)
2022A22045Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Venture TaranakiBranching Out: Phase 2
2022A22046Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000NZ Product AcceleratorBio-forest products
2022A22047Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Anthony A HineAMECAPS [Autonomous Mobile Excreta Collection And Processing System]
2022A22048Agribusiness Innovation Grant$29,991Further Foods Limited (Seaworthy brand)Seaworthy plant-based seafood
2022C22001Conference Grant$2,500Agronomy Society of NZEnvironmental impact and solutions for arable and horticultural farm systems
2022C22002Conference Grant$5,000AustralasianPacific Extension Network (APEN)
2022C22003Conference Grant$50,000Boma New ZealandE Tipu 2022: The Boma Agri Summit
2022C22004Conference Grant$45,000Muster Vibrant Rural Communities LimitedThe Shepherdess Muster
2022C22005Conference Grant$10,000NZ Federation of Young Farmers IncorporatedAGMARDT Agri-business Breakfast
2022C22006Conference Grant$4,870Network for Women in Dairying Trust t/a Dairy Women's NetworkDWN2023 Brighter. Braver. Bolder. Conference
2022E22001Advanced Leadership Scholarship$40,000KANAPU Hemp Foods LimitedFor approved application
2022FF2201Food & Fibre Aotearoa New Zealand$498,020Thriving Southland Association IncorporatedBeyond regulation, tackling carbon and water quality challenges through implementation of smart environmental decisions at scales relevant to New Zealand’s primary industries
2022L22001Capability Development Grant$20,000Farmlands CooperativeFarmland's tautoko te ao Māori.
2022L22002Capability Development Grant$3,000Brittany McCloyHorticulture New Zealand Leadership Programme
2022L22003Capability Development Grant$300,000Growing Future FarmersGrowing Future FarmersStrategic Partnership
2022L22004Capability Development Grant$35,000Ministry for Primary IndustriesWorkforce team - Primary Industries Good Employer Awards
2022L22005Capability Development Grant$28,000Farmlands CooperativeTo the Core 2022
2022L22006Capability Development Grant$40,000NZ Institute of Primary Industry ManagementNZIPIM's Leadership Development Forum
2022L22007Capability Development Grant$20,000Dairy Women's NetworkDWN Associate Trustee - Leadership DevelopmentStrategic Partnership
2022L22008Capability Development Grant$5,000He Waka Eke NoaKelly Forster
2022L22009Capability Development Grant$1,150The New Zealand Institute of Agricultural & Horticultural Science IncAGMARDT Technology Transfer Award
2022L22010Capability Development Grant$20,000Entrepreneurial Women with Purpose and Trish Rankin ProjectHackathon Insights
2022L22011Capability Development Grant$50,000Agri - Women's Development TrustSustainable Business Models for Not-For-Profit EntitiesStrategic Partnership
2022L22012Capability Development Grant$2,500Alton Anthony GondiponInternational Food and Agribusiness Management Conference 2022
2022L22013Capability Development Grant$92,000NZAPI / Go Hort / Hort NZEmerging Leaders
2022L22014Capability Development Grant$15,000Apiculture New ZealandSecuring a resilient and sustainable future: Strategic Planning for the sustainable growth of the honey sector
2022L22015Capability Development Grant$3,000Brittany McCloyHorticulture New Zealand Leadership Programme
2022L22016Capability Development Grant$225,000FoodHQStrategic Thinking Emerging Agrifood Leaders (STEAL) Programme3 Year Agreement
2022L22017Capability Development Grant$10,000Palliser Ridge LimitedMarket Research & Marketing Opportunities
2022M22001Market Insight Grant$60,000Fernglen Farm LimitedPositioning NZ Sheep Milk Cheese to Capture the Growing USA Demand
2022M22002Market Insight Grant$150,000ANZCO Foods LtdNorth America Market Opportunities
2022S22001Leadership Scholarship$15,000Darryl Stretton
2022S22002Leadership Scholarship$14,681Sarah Perriam
2022S22003Leadership Scholarship$15,000April Oakley
2022S22004Leadership Scholarship$15,000James Kuperus
2022S22005Leadership Scholarship$13,834Sandra Matthews
2022S22006Leadership Scholarship$15,000Braydon Schroder
2022S22007Leadership Scholarship$15,000Caroline Miriama Batley
2022S22008Leadership Scholarship$15,000Deborah Rhodes
2022S22009Leadership Scholarship$12,000Alex Worker
2022S22010Leadership Scholarship$9,144Cole Groves
2022S22011Leadership Scholarship$8,369Posy Moody
2023A20036Agribusiness Innovation Grant$172,500Sprout Agritech LimitedStrategic Partnership1 Year Extension
2023A22014Agribusiness Innovation Grant$83,070Nanobubble Agritech LimitedDetermining the impact of nanobubbles in agriculture and horticulture - Phase 2
2023A22040Agribusiness Innovation Grant$1,840Bambax LimitedHorizon 1 Prototype 1
2023A23001Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000BCB (in formation)Productivity gains from pre-formed honey comb
2023A23002Agribusiness Innovation Grant$14,088Alps2Ocean Foods Tapui LimitedYearling dairy beef into high value beef and honey snack product
2023A23003Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Onions New Zealand IncNovel Screening of Bioherbicide
2023A23004Agribusiness Innovation Grant$18,000Thoughtful Viticulture LimitedPerformance of common grapevine rootstocks under water limited conditions
2023A23005Agribusiness Innovation Grant$19,076The Biological Husbandry Unit Organics TrustFeasibility of Poultry Integration in Apple Orchards
2023A23006Agribusiness Innovation Grant$200,000Cropsy Technologies Limited‘You know I can't harvest your ghost vines': vineyard-scale monitoring of unproductive vines to optimise vineyard land use
2023A23007Agribusiness Innovation Grant$18,885Good Grub AgritechTailoring nutrition of Black Soldier Fly for larval biomass and fitness
2023A23008Agribusiness Innovation Grant$165,048Aerolab Holdings LimitedApplications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for Carbon Sequestration Calculation
2023A23009Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Lincoln UniversityContribution of pollinator's microbiome to fruit production in blueberry
2023A23010Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000CellCo LimitedNew Fifth Quarter Products – CellCo Aotearoa
2023A23011Agribusiness Innovation Grant$150,000AXIS7 LimitedAutomating the harvest and yield estimation of NZ broccoli
2023A23012Agribusiness Innovation Grant$200,000Wool Research of New Zealand (WRONZ)Thermosetting Wool and Wool Composites
2023A23013Agribusiness Innovation Grant$37,011Studio Alida LimitedMedium and Strong Wool Knitted Acoustic lighting
2023A23014Agribusiness Innovation Grant$200,000New Zealand Forest Research Institute Limited, trading as ScionNovel pesticide blends for control of the hard-to-kill Eucalyptus tortoise beetle
2023A23015Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Donald CornwallAutomated moving fence
2023A23016Agribusiness Innovation Grant$10,000Meat the NeedV2 Meat the Need
2023A23017Agribusiness Innovation Grant$29,990Cider Apples New Zealand LimitedAccelerated Cider Apple Breeding Programme
2023A23018Agribusiness Innovation Grant$29,500Jeenks Group LimitedGrain Crawler prototype
2023A23019Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Nunatak LimitedNunatak Science Engine Prototype
2023A23020Agribusiness Innovation Grant$199,875CropX LimitedSoil Health Direct Measurement PoC
2023A23021Agribusiness Innovation Grant$190,875The Development Kitchen Limited PartnershipVariation in meat quality
2023A23022Agribusiness Innovation Grant$259,345Kabocha Milk Co.Kabocha Innovation Project #2
2023A23023Agribusiness Innovation Grant$34,500Greenlea Premier Meats LimitedLow Carbon Beef Assurance Programme
2023A23024Agribusiness Innovation Grant$200,000ProTag LimitedLarge Scale Deployment and Analysis of the ProTag Ear Tag
2023A23025Agribusiness Innovation Grant$57,958Tokaora Diagnostics LimitedFacial Eczema RAT Prototype Development and Field Testing
2023A23026Agribusiness Innovation Grant$50,000Massey UniversityHyperspectral remote sensing for maintenance of seed varietal purity
2023A23027Agribusiness Innovation Grant$29,500Liz Mitchell Home LimitedFelted Wool Research Project
2023A23028Agribusiness Innovation Grant$25,000Delta Waterways LimitedTechnical Validation of Satellite Models for Water Quality
2023A23029Agribusiness Innovation Grant$30,000Bambax LimitedVTR Project
2023A23030Agribusiness Innovation Grant$20,636Ubiquetherm LimitedEnabling next generation heating and cooling
2023A23031Agribusiness Innovation Grant$115,000NZ Functional Foods Limited (NZFF)Oat Based Dairy Analogues
2023A23032Agribusiness Innovation Grant$380,000Te HonoAccelerator ProgrammeStrategic Partnership - 2 Year Agreement
2023C23001Conference Grant$30,000Wharf42 Limited2035 Oceania Summit
2023C23002Conference Grant$2,700New Zealand Plant Protection SocietyNZPPS Symposium 2022
2023C23003Conference Grant$10,245New Zealand Winegrowers Research CentreBeyond Vineyard Ecosystems: Growing for the Future
2023C23004Conference Grant$84,995Te HonoTe Hono Aotearoa Bootcamp 2022Strategic Partnership
2023C23005Conference Grant$16,000Wairoa Community Development TrustEast Coast Farming Expo
2023C23006Conference Grant$260,000BomaE Tipu IFAMA 2023 World Conference & 2024 Summit2 Year Agreement
2023C23007Conference Grant$16,500Creative HQTalk Innovation Leadership
2023C23008Conference Grant$30,000World Avocado Congress NZ LimitedWorld Avocado Congress
2023C23009Conference Grant$7,250BioTechNZLife Sciences Summit
2023E23001Leadership Scholarship$23,726Ernslaw One LimitedBuck Trafford
2023L20023Capability Development Grant$20,000New Zealand Rural Leadership TrustKellogg & Nuffield Program - AGMARDT ScholarshipStrategic Partnership
2023L20025Capability Development Grant$20,000Agri-Women's Development Trust (AWDT)Accelerating Primary Sector Change - AGMARDT ScholarshipStrategic Partnership
2023L22006Capability Development Grant$6,000NZ Institute of Primary Industry ManagementNZIPIM Leadership Development ForumStrategic Partnership
2023L22018Capability Development Grant$69,000New Zealand Institute of Primary Industry ManagementProfessionalising the primary industry advisory system
2023L23001Capability Development Grant$55,400Arable Study TourAgronomy Study Tour - Future Proofing New Zealand's Arable and Pastoral Sector
2023L23002Capability Development Grant$7,500Cleo GilmourGlobal Women in Entrepreneurship
2023L23003Capability Development Grant$3,750Beef + Lamb New Zealand LimitedPushing the Paradigm - A Focus on The Future Awards Breakfast Forum
2023L23004Capability Development Grant$9,200Pasture Conferences LimitedPasture Summit Spring Field Days 2022
2023L23005Capability Development Grant$20,000Caroline HopeMPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development - University of Cambridge
2023L23006Capability Development Grant$35,000Farmlands CooperativeTo the Core 2023
2023L23007Capability Development Grant$28,750The NZ Federation of Young Farmers Clubs IncorporatedNZ Young Farmers National Committee - Leadership and Governance Development
2023L23008Capability Development Grant$120,000Smedley FoundationSmedley Foundation: Growing People & Linking Success
2023L23009Capability Development Grant$20,000Ministry of Primary IndustriesPrimary Industries Good Employer Awards 2023
2023L23010Capability Development Grant$414,000New Zealand Rural Leadership TrustNZ Rural Leaders - Industry Leadership ProgrammesStrategic Partnership - 3 Year Agreement
2023L23011Capability Development Grant$270,000NZ Institute of Primary Industry ManagementLeadership Development Framework for Primary Industry Professionals
2023L23012Capability Development Grant$3,450NZ Institute of Agricultural & Horticultural ScienceAGMARDT Knowledge & Technology Transfer Award
2023L23013Capability Development Grant$28,750Sector Governance InsightsEmerging Directors
2023M23001Market Insight Grant$49,911New Zealand Asparagus CouncilRevitalising exports of premium fresh New Zealand asparagus
2023M23002Market Insight Grant$57,500Māori Kiwifruit Growers IncorporatedMKGI Collaborative Marketing Programme
2023M23003Market Insight Grant$19,500Cider Apples New Zealand LimitedCider Market Insight Study Tour USA
2023M23004Market Insight Grant$200,000Leaft FoodsEnviromental Food Systems & Leaf Protein
2023M23005Market Insight Grant$30,000Te Wanawhenua LimitedTaranaki Miscanthus growers' international famil
2023S23001Leadership Scholarship$14,600Kayla MartinTe Puni Kokiri
2023S23002Leadership Scholarship$15,000Charlotte Glass
2023S23003Leadership Scholarship$9,700Simon Love
2023S23004Leadership Scholarship$10,000Zellara Holden
2023S23005Leadership Scholarship$14,771Cameron Massie
2023S23006Leadership Scholarship$15,000Gemma Hogan
2023S23007Leadership Scholarship$15,000Chris Ford
2023S23008Leadership Scholarship$8,210Shanna Cairns
2023S23009Leadership Scholarship$6,900Beck Smith